
សម្បទានដីសេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងចំការ

Land disputes in Siem Reap

More than 1,000 families from four districts in Siem Reap province involved in ongoing land disputes released a joint statement on Friday asking for intervention from government officials. Villagers involved in six separate land disputes with various private companies in four districts claim a total ...


Land Rights Still Unclear in Pheapimex Dispute

Following a decision in March to give land back to residents of 13 communes in Pursat province from a vast economic land concession belong to the conglomerate Pheapimex, boundaries have yet to be drawn, and ownership of the land still remains unclear, residents and a ...

PM issues warning over ELCs

Prime Minister Hun Sen has warned again that economic land concessions granted to private companies will be withdrawn if the companies fail to resolve land disputes with villagers who have lived in their concession area for “a long time”. The premier ordered relevant ministries to ...


Villagers Block Road to Stop Threat of Evictions

A simmering land dispute in Kratie province’s Snuol Wildlife Sanctuary flared up Friday as hundreds of desperate villagers blocked National Road 76A for four hours in an effort to prevent the clearing of their homes and farms by a rubber company, villagers and human rights ...


HLH to Expand With Corn, Rice Plantations

Singapore-listed firm HLH Group is planning to expand its presence in Cambodia with 90,000 hectares of corn, rice and soybean plantations planned over the next decade in Kompong Speu and Koh Kong provinces, an official at the company said yesterday. HLH Group came under scrutiny ...

(Simon Marks and Kuch Naren, p 29)

Protected forest ‘is finished’

In the latest government backed appropriation of protected land, nearly 20,000 hectares of the Boeung Per wildlife sanctuary have been reclassified as state private land for agro-industrial development. Two sub-decrees, obtained by The Post this week and initialed by Prime Minister Hun Sen on July ...


Mass Evictions Loom for Wildlife Sanctuary

Ms Sam On, 37, has already lost her house. It was one of three homes razed in April by Kratie provincial military police, environment officials and workers of the Sovannvuthy rubber company, after a tense stand-off with about 100 villagers that villagers said ended with ...

Tax-Free Trade Access Will Stay, Says EU

The European Union has said that it has no plans to suspend Cambodia’s duty-free trade access even though there have been concerns over land evictions as a result of economic land concessions. The EU is seeking that human rights are not the cost of trade ...

Environment Minister Defends Concessions

Environment Minister Mok Mareth yesterday defended the recent surge of economic land concessions granted by his ministry inside the country’s enviornmental conservation areas, saying that they would do more to help the areas than hurt them. Mr Mareth’s comments came while responding to questions at ...

Concessions Affect 3,000 Families, Adhoc Says

According to human rights group Adhoc, five agro-farming concessions granted to Chinese firms are adversely affecting 3,000 families in Preah Vihear province. The concessions have come with warnings of possible land disputes and potential protests. Prime Minister Hun Sen granted the economic land concessions to ...

P Vihear Concessions Raise Fears of Disputes

Earlier this month Prime Minister Hun Sen approved five more economic land concessions totally 44,780 hectares in the Preah Vihear province. Largely distributed to agri-business companies there is fear that the concessions will lead to deforestation. Heng Roy International, Heng You International, Lan Feng International, ...

Concern grows over forest concession

Sixty community representatives from Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces expressed concern yesterday over a string of recent economic land concessions granted within the bounds of the Boeung Per Wildlife Sanctuary. At a press conference held in Preah Vihear’s Rovieng district yesterday, they claimed the ...


More Concessions Granted in Protected Areas

Six additional economic land concessions have been granted, totaling 46,000 hectares in protected areas. As a means to spur agribusiness companies the concessions include two in Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary in Kompong Speu province. Prime Minister Hun Sen signed in the grants on June 3 ...



បើលោកអ្នកមានសំនួរទាក់ទងនឹងខ្លឹមសារផ្សាយនៅលើគេហទំព័រ Open Development Cambodia (ODC)? យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ឆ្លើយ​តប​​ដោយ​ក្តី​រីក​រាយ។

តើអ្នកបានឃើញបញ្ហាបច្ចេកទេសណាមួយនៅលើគេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរឬទេ?


តើលោកអ្នកមានឯកសារដែលអាចជួយពង្រីក​គេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរ​ឬទេ​?​ យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ទិន្នន័យ​អំពី​ផែនទី​ ច្បាប់​ អត្ថបទ​ និង​ ឯកសារ​ដែល​ពុំ​មាននៅ​លើ​គេហទំព័រ​នេះ​ ហើយ​ពិចារណា​បោះផ្សាយ​ទិន្នន័យ​ទាំងនោះ​។​ សូម​មេត្តា​ផ្ញើ​តែ​ឯកសារ​ណា​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative Commons


កំណត់សម្គាល់៖ Open Development Cambodia (ODC) នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បញ្ជូន​មក​យ៉ាង​ហ្មត់ចត់​ ដើម្បី​កំណត់​ភាព​ត្រឹមត្រូវ​ និង​ពាក់ព័ន្ធ​ មុន​ពេលធ្វើការ​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​។​ រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​នឹង​ជា​ឯកសារ​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative​ Commons​។​ យើងខ្ញុំ​សូម​អគុណ​សំរាប់​ការ​គាំទ្រ​របស់​លោក​អ្នក​។​

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