សិស្សអនុវិទ្យាល័យ និងវិទ្យាល័យក្រូចឆ្មារ ៤១នាក់ដួលសន្លប់កាលពីចុងសប្ដាហ៍
សិស្សអនុវិទ្យាល័យ និងវិទ្យាល័យក្រូចឆ្មារ ខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ សរុបចំនួន៤១នាក់ បានដួលសន្លប់ កាលពីចុងសប្តាហ៍កន្លងទៅនេះ មានអាការៈធូរស្រាលខ្លះៗហើយ ដែលតាមការសន្និដ្ឋានរបស់់មន្ត្រីពាក់ព័ន្ធ អាចបណ្តាលមកពីបញ្ហាអាកាសធាតុក្តៅហប់ខ្លាំង ...
ប៉ិច សុធារី
របាយការណ៍ NSSF បង្ហាញថាករណីដួលសន្លប់ថយចុះ
មានករណីដួលសន្លប់ចំនួន ១៣ ករណីក្នុងចំណោមកម្មកររោងចក្រកាត់ដេរបានកើតឡើងកាលពីឆ្នាំមុន ពោលគឺមានការថយចុះជាង ៦០ ភាគរយបើប្រៀបធៀបទៅនឹងនៅឆ្នាំ ២០១៨ ដែលមានចំនួនដល់ទៅ ១៧ ករណី នេះបើយោងតាមរបាយការណ៍របស់បេឡាជាតិសន្តិសុខ ...
មុំ គន្ធា
ការកើនឡើងករណីដួលសន្លប់នៅឆ្នាំ ២០១៧ សម្រាប់កម្មករកាត់ដេរ
បេឡាជាតិរបបសន្តិសុខសង្គមនៃក្រសួងការងារបាននិយាយថា កម្មករជាង ១.៦០០ នាក់បានដួលសន្លប់នៅក្នុងរោងចក្រចំនួន ២២ នៅក្នុងឆ្នាំ ២០១៧ ដែលកើនឡើងជាង ៤០០ នាក់ពីឆ្នាំមុន។ យោងតាមការចុះផ្សាយរបស់ Facebook ...
ប៉ិច សុធារី
ប.ស.ស បង្ហាញរបាយការណ៍កម្មករដួលសន្លប់ ៦ ខែដើមឆ្នាំ ២០១៧
បេឡាជាតិរបបសន្តិសុខសង្គម (ប.ស.ស) បានបង្ហាញនៅក្នុងទំព័រហ្វេសប៊ុកផ្លូវការកាលពីម្សិលមិញបានឲ្យដឹងថាកម្មកររោងចក្រដែលបានដួលសន្លប់នៅក្នុងរោងចក្រមានរហូត ៣៩ ភាគរយដែលមានកម្មករដួលសន្លប់ចំនួន ១១៧ នាក់ក្នុងរយៈពេល ៦ ខែដំបូង ...
នៀម ឆេង
ក្រសួងការងារឲ្យម្ចាស់រោងចក្រ យកចិត្តទុកដាក់កម្មករខ្លួនក្នុងរដូវក្ដៅ
ដោយបារម្ភពីការប៉ះពាល់ដល់សុខភាពរបស់កម្មករ-កម្មការិនីក្នុងរដូវក្តៅជាពិសេសការបង្កឲ្យមានការដួលសន្លប់នៅកន្លែងធ្វើការ ក្រសួងការងារ បានធ្វើការណែនាំដល់បណ្តាម្ចាស់រោងចក្រ សហគ្រាស គ្រឹះស្ថាន ត្រូវយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ឲ្យបានម៉ត់ចត់ចំពោះកម្មកររបស់ខ្លួន។ ...
មុំ គន្ធា
Faintings continue apace
More than 50 workers from four garment factories in the capital’s Vattanac Industrial Park 2 had fainted yesterday, police said, but a union representative put the figure at more than 200 – which is the number who collapsed at the same site just a day ...
A factory’s fainting crisis
In a single factory that supplies some of the biggest international brands, faintings occurred every day for five years, a new investigation by the Cambodian Legal Education Centre has found. Until just weeks ago, when the management installed new fans, three to four garments workers were ...
Productivity Could Increase if Manufacturers Feed Workers
More than 60 percent of garment factory owners believe that the productivity of their workers could increase if nutrition levels improved and over half would be willing to provide meals for their workers as long as it came at the right price, according to a ...
Boycott Nike, says Mu Sochua
Opposition MP Mu Sochua yesterday called for a boycott of global sports brand Nike, following two fainting incidents at a factory that supplies it last week. She also warned that global brands and the Cambodian government were taking a huge gamble by failing to address the ...
Hundreds More Faint Again at Nike Factory
Just two days after dozens of workers fainted at a factory in Kompong Speu province that manufactures clothing for US sports brand Nike, another 300 workers at the same factory fainted on Friday. Chy Sakla, a secretary for the Free Trade Union (FTU) at the Sabrina ...
Mass factory fainting
107 workers at the Sabrina Garment factory in Kampong Speu’s Sambo commune were sent to hospital after becoming dizzy and fainting late yesterday morning. Choek Borin, the Labour Department’s Kampong Speu bureau chief, said that 107 factory workers fainted ...
Brands Urge Gov't to Act on SEZ Shooting
Some of the world’s largest international clothing brands, along with foreign labor protection groups, have called on the Cambodian government to intensify its investigation of last month’s triple shooting of spectators at a Svay Rieng special economic zone. Signed by several of the biggest customers ...
Working conditions report highlights faintings
Ninety-five percent of factories in the country are issuing too much overtime, while more than 60 percent of factories are too hot, according to a report released yesterday by the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Better Factories program. Both the excessive overtime and the hot working conditions ...
Factory for named brands slammed for faintings
Low wages and a lack of occupational health and safety measures led to a mass fainting on Tuesday at a Phnom Penh garment factory that produces clothes for well-known brands Wal-Mart, Target and Reebok, according to a statement released by the Community Legal Education Center ...
Fumes lead to factory fainting
About 60 female workers at a garment factory in Phnom Penh’s Russei Keo district were rushed to a nearby hospital yesterday after fainting from inhaling paint fumes. Tuol Sangke commune police chief said that workers at King First Industrial Co Ltd began vomiting and complaining of ...
Push to uncover fainting cause
The International Labour Organisation’s Better Factories program is seeking funding for a campaign to prevent “future fainting incidents” at the garment factories it monitors, following the release on Friday of the results of its investigation into them, according to a document obtained by the Post. The ...
False alarms trigger fainting
Three false alarms at a garment factory triggered another mass fainting incident yesterday morning, sending 59 female staff, including one security guard, to hospitals and clinics, according to a statement from the Ministry of Labour. The first alarm went off about 7:40am in a sewing section, ...
Labour Ministry releases mass fainting figures
Figures released by the Ministry of Labor on Friday showed that 1,578 garment factory workers have fainted in workplace incidents since the beginning of this year. Pok Vanthat, deputy director of the Labor Ministry’s Medical Unit and chief of its research committee, said that his committee ...
Global brands join fainting 'phenomenon' inquiry
At least 24 international apparel brands have pledged to immediately investigate the mass fainting “phenomenon” that has hit the Cambodian garment factories that supply them, the International Labour Organisation says. Executives of global brands had pledged to work together “to determine the precise causes of incidences ...
Country’s Buyers Discuss Faintings, Union Law
Multiple government ministries and the International Labor organization will form a group to investigate the mass fainting that have plagued Cambodia’s garment industry over the past several months, Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh said yesterday. There have been at least 15 mass fainting since the beginning ...
Big brands talk labour rights
The biggest names in the apparel industry, including Nike, Puma and Gap, would meet today with officials from the Ministry of Labour to discuss issues plaguing the Cambodian garment manufacturing industry, such as mass fainting and contractual disputes, labour activists said yesterday. Dave Welsh, country ...
Fainting factory told to act
Another garment factory within the International Labour Organisation’s Better Factories program was hit by a mass fainting incident yesterday. More than 50 employees of Heart Enterprise (Cambodia) Co Ltd began collapsing soon after starting their shift at the facility, in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district. An ...
At Least 50 Garment Workers Faint Over Two Days
At least 50 garment factory workers fainted over the past two days in Phnom Penh’s Dangkao district, bringing the number of workers who have fainted in the district in August to 60, workers and union members said yesterday. N Tuesday, workers from Heart Enterprise Cambodia ...
Another Worker Faints at M&V Garment Factory
Another worker fainted at the M&V International Manufacturing Ltd garment factory in Kompong Chhnang yesterday morning, sparking “hysteria” and resulting in 10 workers having to return home to rest, a union official said. Two mass-fainting incidents occurred at the factory, which produces clothes for outfitter ...
Phok Dorn and Alice Burke, P. 35