ក្រុមហ៊ុន ខេឌីស៊ី បន្តសង់របងលើដីមានជម្លោះ
កាលពីម្សិលមិញ ក្រុមហ៊ុនរបស់ភរិយាលោក ស៊ុយ សែម រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងរ៉ែ និងថាមពល បានបន្តការសាងសង់របង ...
គុច ណារ៉េន
អ្នកភូមិក្នុងខេត្តកំពង់ឆ្នាំង ដែលបានជាប់ពាក់ព័ន្ធក្នុងវិវាទដីធ្លីដ៏អូសបន្លាយជាមួយ ...
កាលពីម្សិលមិញ អ្នកភូមិប្រហែល៦០នាក់ក្នុងស្រុកកំពង់ត្រឡាច ខេត្តកំពង់ឆ្នាំង បានរារាំងត្រាក់ទ័រធុន ...
គុច ណារ៉េន
Villagers Burn Down Soldiers’ Shelter on Disputed Land
Three members of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) on Monday filed a complaint with police in Kompong Chhnang province, accusing irate villagers of torching a wooden shelter built for them by the well-connected KDC agro-industry firm. The soldiers have accused local residents, who have been ...
Court Upholds Verdict for Minister's Wife's Firm
The Court of Appeal yesterday upheld a verdict by Kompong Chhang Provincial Court over a land dispute in Konmpong Tralach district between a 70-year old woman and a company owned by the wife of the Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy over a 3,000-square-meter parcel ...
Land Case Involving Minister’s Wife Is Heard
The Court of Appeal yesterday heard the case of a land dispute between a 70-year old woman from Kompong Chhang province and a company owned by the wife of the Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy over a 3,000 square meter parcel of land. In May ...
UN Envoy Meets Land Dispute Villagers on First Day Mission
U.N. human rights envoy Surya Subedi, who arrived in Cambodia Sunday on a five-day mission, spent yesterday, International Human Rights Day, in Kompong Chhnang province with about 300 villagers from a community embroiled in a long-running land dispute with the wife of a government minister. James ...
Supernatural Forces Enlisted in Land Dispute
Villagers in Kompong Chnang province have resorted to black magic as a means to even the odds with a long-running land dispute with a powerful company, KDC Development, holding a spell-casing ceremony on Saturday to curse the firm and the provincial court for allegedly colluding ...
Villagers Face Hefty Court Fees in Land Dispute
Kompong Chhnang Provincial Court has ordered 40 families embroiled in a long-running land dispute with the wife of Minister of Industry Suy Sem to pay court fees of up to $155 each, or have their complaints dropped. The villagers, however, say they are too poor ...