Census Data
Provides comprehensive Cambodian census data from 2011, 2008 and 1998, which can be sorted by province, district, and commune. ...
Article Entry Searches
Cambodia + finance + 2012,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=70de81fc0e583b3d&biw=1280&bih=863 Cambodia + financial services + 2012,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=70de81fc0e583b3d&biw=1280&bih=863 Cambodia + Stock Market + 2012–H5GrrAfohITJCA&ved=0CEQQ_AUoAw&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=70de81fc0e583b3d&biw=1280&bih=863 Cambodia + Stock Exchange + 2012,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=70de81fc0e583b3d&biw=1280&bih=863 Cambodia + rice + 2012 ...
More confess to Kratie ‘secession’
Ministry of Interior officials announced yesterday that three more villagers accused of involvement in a “secessionist plot” in Kratie province turned themselves in and confessed their guilt on Saturday, taking advantage of the prime minister’s offer of immunity for those who agree to act as ...
REDD Forests Endangered by Loggers, Soldiers
Banteay Ampil district, Oddar Meanchey province – The families of Beng commune have new neighbors: a battalion of Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) soldiers building a military base inside one of 13 pockets across the province aiming to be the first forest-based carbon trading scheme ...
Cassava plantings decrease
Cassava plantings in Battambang province dropped more than 18 per cent in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2011, according to agriculture officials. The decease is a result of that previous year’s yield fetching a low price and farmers ...
Trade Deficit Up 34 Percent On Last Year
Cambodia’s trade deficit in the first half of the year grew 34.31 percent compared with the same period in 2011, reaching $1.36 billion, according to data released by the Ministry of Commerce. Though revenues earned from exports grew 12.13 percent to about $2.50 billion, a growing ...
Garment strikers set sights for capital again
Strikers from Kandal province’s Tai Yang and Camwell factories, which supply Levi’s and Gap, will converge on the capital again today to keep pressing for seniority bonuses, Cambodian Confederation of Unions president Rong Chhun said. The 150 workers who remain on strikewill deliver a petition to ...
Questions over Laos dam
A decision on whether to build the Xayaburi dam on the Mekong River in northern Laos is a life and death one that will affect Cambodians downstream, according to Foreign Minister Hor Namhong. Speaking to reporters on Friday, Namhong said the controversial 1,260-megawatt hydropower dam has ...
Land concession cancelled by PM
The Cambodian government has cancelled a 14,981-hectare concession in the Cardamom mountains granted to an Australian firm for a banana plantation, the conservation group Wildlife Alliance has reported. Wildlife Alliance has long lobbied against the concession in Koh Kong province’s southern cardamom forest on which Indochina ...
Two Arrested in Pursat as Further Evictions Loom
Two more people in Pursat province’s Veal Veng district have been arrested in conjunction with what local authorities are calling a secessionist plot, while provincial authorities threatened to demolish more homes if residents do not leave a disputed area, officials said yesterday. Deputy provincial court prosecutor ...
Cambodia's export growth falls
Increased labour strife in the garment sector and slumping Western economies contributed to a slow-down in Cambodia’s exports during the first six months of the year, with total growth dropping by about 74 per cent year on year. Exports rose, to US$2.5 billion, up 12 per ...
Cambodia's garment export reaches 2.1 bln USD in H1, up 9 pct
Cambodia had exported garment and textile products in equivalent to 2.1 billion U.S. dollars in the first six months of 2012, up 9 percent from 1.93 billion U.S. dollars in the same period last year, a report from the Commerce Ministry showed on Monday. ...
Ford takes 20 per cent of new car market
Before the big dinner with Hillary Clinton, Prime Minister Hun Sen and the leaders of Thailand and Myanmar on July 13 in Siem Reap, Tom Whitcraft of RMA Group, which owns the Ford dealership in Cambodia, sat down for an interview. Whitcraft said Ford has about ...
US looks beyond garments to deepen Cambodia trade
The biggest US trade delegation to Cambodia in decades joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton here as the two countries look to expand their economic relationship beyond exports of cheaply produced garments. “On the economic front, there is much more room for us to grow ...
Thai media targets Kingdom
RSiam, the country-music business unit of RS Public Company Limited, a Thai entertainment company, is seeking partners in Cambodia and Laos, said RS executive vice president Soopachai Nillawan. RS owns a record label, produces programming for television, makes films, publishes magazines and promotes concerts. ...
Cambodian fishermen returned from Africa
Two Cambodian fishermen, trafficked into slave labour in South Africa in mid-2011, returned safely to Phnom Penh on Friday after being rescued by legal resource group the Community Legal Education Center. ...
Land Grab Claims Matched by Slander and Incitement Case
The Kompong Chhnang Provincial Court questioned four villagers among 12 summoned for questioning over a land dispute in Samakki Meanchey district, which has pitted some 80 local families against the owner of a private company they accuse of taking their land. While the dispute stems from alleged land grabbing, ...
Hor Namhong Rejects Blame For Failed Talks
Foreign Minister Hor Namhong on Friday put the blame for last week’s failure among Asean countries to release a joint communiqué on territorial disputes in the South China Sea firmly back on Vietnam and the Philippines. More than a week since discussions related to the territorial dispute between Asean’s members ...
Cambodia mulls over atomic energy power
Cambodia is mulling over a nuclear power option to feed its anemic energy sector, although private sector pundits called the rough plan a dream – a dangerous one at that. The government plans to use atomic energy in the future as oil, coal and biomass power ...
Gas Imports Grow to Nearly 1M Tons This Year
Oil imports to Cambodia in the first half of the year increased 22 percent to nearly 1 million tons compared to the same period last year, according to figures obtained yesterday from the Ministry of Commerce. According to the data, Cambodia imported 922,860 tons of gas ...
Local microfinance institute invests in new ATM network
Hattha Kaksekar Ltd, a local microfinance institution, has invested almost US$2 million in a new ATM network, the company announced yesterday. Hattha Kaksekar now has around $32 million in deposits and will become the first financial institution to use SmartVista, an automated ATM process which also ...
City Starts Building Road Near Boeng Kak Lake
The Phnom Penh Municipality has begun construction work on a road skirting the area formerly taken up by the Boeng Kak lake, according to a statement posted on the city’s website. On Monday, the municipality held an inauguration ceremony for construction of a 615-meter concrete road ...
Police Arrest Six Villagers Accused of Fraud
Police in Battambang arrested six villagers embroiled in a land dispute with a local businessman on Wednesday after 10 other villagers accused them of defrauding families in the area, deputy provincial governor Uy Ry said yesterday. However, villagers and rights workers in Kors Kralor district said ...
For Health Care, Cambodians Choose Vietnam
“I trust the Cambodian doctors with a simple problem. But if it’s a serious illness, and I need an operation or something, I don’t really trust them,” said Ly Molina, 31, a businesswoman from Phnom Penh. Ms. Molina spoke as she waited for a bus to ...