Aid and development
South Korean Aid

South Korea is one of the top seven development partners to Cambodia.1 Korea’s development assistance to Cambodia began as humanitarian aid in the early 1990s, and grew significantly after diplomatic relations between Korea and Cambodia were re-established in the late 1997. Korea’s grant aids to ...
United Nations

Secretary-General António Guterres (right) meets with Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia in New York. Photo taken from the UN website on 22 September 2022.The United Nations (UN), founded in 1945 and guided by the UN ...
Australian aid

Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, and Prime Minister Hun Sen at Gala Dinner for ASEAN Heads of State/Government/Delegation and Spouses, dated 12 November 2022. Photo from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia.Cambodia and Australia established their diplomatic ties ...
Swedish aid

Sweden’s Ambassador to Cambodia, His Excellency Björn Häggmark, shook hands with Prime Minister Hun Sen, dated 04 December 2019. Photo from Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Facebook page.Cambodia and Sweden established their diplomatic ties in 1961. Sweden started to provide the first development cooperation support in ...
European Union aid

The EU Ambassador to Cambodia, Carmen Moreno, shook hands with Prime Minister Hun Sen at Peace Palace on December 2, 2019. Photo from Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Facebook page.European Union (EU) has been one of Cambodia’s biggest trading partners and a major development partner since ...
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established in 1966 which headquarter is in Manila and currently has 68 members under its institution. The ADB aims to assist members and partners by providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and investments to promote socio-economic development.1 The ADB has ...
United States aid

The United States of America (the US) is one of the biggest donors to Cambodia.1 2 The history of cooperation and relations between the two countries can be traced back to the early 1950s after Cambodia received full independence from France. In 1955, the first ...
Private non-profit development assistance

Maina Kiai speaking with journalists outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Phnom Penh. Photo by Maina Kiai, taken on 6 February 2014. Licensed under CC BY 2.0The first humanitarian international non-governmental organizations arrived in 1989. After the 1993 election, more and more internal organizations ...
Multilateral development assistance

Mr Il Oeur, director of Analysing Development Issues Centre (ADIC), a domestic NGO and WorldFish partner in Cambodia, leads a local dialogue session. Photo by WorldFish, taken on 27 June 2013. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0Multilateral aid is funding that is funneled between more than ...
Bilateral development assistance

Phum Doung Bridge over the Tatai River. Photo by Robert Tyabji, taken on 9 December 2010. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0Bilateral aid is assistance given by a government directly to the government of another country or to a local NGO. The Royal Government of Cambodia ...
Japanese aid

Japanese military members observe as Cambodian sailors attach a neck brace to a patient during a Pacific Partnership knowledge exchange in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Photo by U.S. Pacific Fleet, taken on 21 June 2014. Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0Japan, through its official development branch called Japan ...
Chinese aid

Construction of a laboratory funded by Chinese money. Photo by Michael Coghlan, taken on 10 January 2014. Licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0China, while once being at odds with the current government, is now Cambodia’s largest development partner. The two nations have grown increasingly close in recent ...
Development policies and administration

Products from Vietnam arrive at the Phnom Penh Autonomous Port in Kandal province. Photo by World Bank Photo Collection, taken on 23 February 2013. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0The Comprehensive Cambodian Peace Agreement, commonly referred to as the Paris Agreement, is seen as the beginning ...
Aid and development

Following the Paris Peace Accords signed in October 1991, Cambodia has received a significant amount of global support for its development and post-conflict work. In 2014, 30 – 40 percent of the country’s national budget is funded through development assistance, placing Cambodia among the most ...