Social development
Human rights
Cambodia and Singapore agree to build Cybersecurity Capacity
Minister of Post and Telecommunications Chea Vandeth met virtually with Josephine Teo, Minister for Communications and Information of the Republic of Singapore Josephine Teo on Thursday to discuss strengthening the cybersecurity capacity of the two nations. ...
Sen David
Cambodia rebuffs human rights infringement reports
The CHRC’s statement apparently came in response to the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Cambodia, Vitit Muntarbhorn, who on October 6 issued a statement claiming that Cambodia was “backsliding” away from democracy. ...
Voun Dara
Info access draft law all set for final review
Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith said access to knowledge is indispensable in a democratic society and expressed hope that people will soon be able to have more confidence when choosing their leaders once the new draft law on information access is passed. ...
Ry Sochan
CHRC seeks input on draft law to make it more independent
The Cambodia Human Rights Committee (CHRC) is inviting all embassies in Cambodia, local and international NGOs, Parliamentarians, international stakeholders and Supreme Consultative Council members to give input over the draft law on proposal to make it more independent. ...
Son Minea
USAID funds anti-trafficking effort
The US embassy in Cambodia announced the launch of a five-year US Agency for International Development (USAID) programme that seeks to protect vulnerable populations from human trafficking abuses. ...
Ry Sochan
CHRC addresses human rights concerns about new NHRC
The Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) on Wednesday addressed the concerns expressed in a joint statement of 60 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), trade unions, associations and communities that was posted on the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (Licadho)’s website about ...
Son Minea
Gov’t rebuffs rapporteurs’ concerns on Rong Chhun case
Cambodia’s Permanent Mission to the UN Office in Geneva has dismissed concerns voiced by UN human rights experts on the convictions of prominent activist Rong Chhun and two of his supporters last week. ...
Ry Sochan
PM to deliver opening speech at interfaith anti-trafficking forum
On August 20, Prime Minister Hun Sen will deliver the opening speech at the 2021 National Interfaith Forum on Combating Human Trafficking. ...
Mom Kunthear
Government disputes HRW report
Ministry of Environment spokesman Neth Pheaktra has responded to a report issued by Human Rights Watch (HRW) which claimed that the construction of the Lower Sesan II Hydropower Dam had undermined human rights in Cambodia. ...
Voun Dara
Gov’t rebuffs Human Rights Watch’s criticism about impact from Lower Sesan 2 Dam
The government yesterday refuted claims made by Human Rights Watch in a report which said: “The Lower Sesan 2 dam washed away the livelihoods of Indigenous and ethnic minority communities who previously lived communally and mostly self-sufficiently from fishing, forest-gathering, and agriculture.” ...
Chhun Sun Ly
Gov’t rebuts UN rights experts’ claims of targeting ‘defenders’ as baseless
The government has refuted the concern made by five United Nations human rights experts who reported that Cambodian authorities are “targeting, threatening and criminalising” human rights defenders, saying the concern is “baseless”. ...
Ben Sokhean
Indigenous people express concern about land rights
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples was celebrated yesterday as indigenous people living in Cambodia expressed their concern about their land rights and economic, cultural, political and natural resources’ rights. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Asean Foreign Ministers discuss human rights
Foreign Affairs Minister Prak Sokhonn said that the understanding and respect for human rights must be comprehensive, including no double standards and respect the national sovereignty of each country in accordance with the principle of non-interference in internal affairs. ...
Son Minea
Only 377 NagaWorld Workers Still Holding Out Against Layoffs: Union
In a move a labor group said was unprecedented, NagaWorld is calling on governmental labor inspectors to authorize the dismissal of a group of union leaders as part of the casino’s mass layoffs, overriding the legal protections unionists enjoy unless they have committed serious offenses, ...
Tran Techseng
Cambodia Permanent Mission highlights progress in human rights
Cambodian Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office in Geneva has delivered a total of 17 statements, highlighting the Kingdom’s progress in the field of human rights during the four-week interactions at the Human Rights Council (HRC). ...
Khmer Times Staff
Government allays concerns over compulsory vaccinations
The government’s Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) has dispelled the concerns made by United Nations human rights experts who urged the government to consider revoking the new Sub-Decree on Compulsory Covid-19 Vaccination. ...
Ben Sokhean
CHRC to hold 60 meetings on national rights commission
The Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) plan to hold 60 consultation meetings on the draft law on the organisation and functioning of the National Human Rights Commission of Cambodia (NHRC) before moving it ...
Voun Dara
Independent human rights committee to be formed
The National Human Rights Committee of Cambodia (NHRC) draft law is currently being prepared by the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) to be sent to the Council of Ministers for approval before the National Assembly vote on it. ...
Son Minea
Access to information law set to be approved this year, ministry pledges
The Ministry of Information has pledged to conclude consultations with the Ministry of Justice on the draft law on access to information soon. ...
Ry Sochan
525 fake news found in first quarter of this year
A total of 525 fake news were recorded in the first quarter of this year with 215 of them about the King and political leaders. ...
Sar Socheath
Media in Cambodia thriving despite challenges
Press freedom in Cambodia is steadily declining and is ranked 144 in the world, the director of Cambodia Journalist Alliance (CamboJA), Nop Vy said. ...
Chhun Sunly
Group to launch virtual press freedom campaign
The Working Group for Press Freedom has co-organised a two-week campaign with the theme “Information as a Public Good” on social media to promote and highlight the importance of the freedom of the press and urge the public’s participation. ...
Voun Dara
Journalist union urges end to fake news dissemination
The Union of Journalist Federations of Cambodia (UJFC) has called on journalists and social media users to put greater focus on moral and ethical considerations when disseminating information in order to avoid spreading fake news. ...
Voun Dara
Cambodian UN Ambassador refutes human rights allegations
Cambodia’s Representative of the Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office in Geneva on Monday refuted claims made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights that civic space is shrinking in Cambodia. ...
Brian Badzmierowski