Australian grant to assist railway families

The Australian government is committing $1 million to help families being forced out of their homes to make way for a railway rehabilitation project it is co-funding with the government and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Australian Embassy said in a statement Friday. The embassy ...

Man guarding land crushed by bulldozer

A 54-year-old man in Kratie province’s Snuol district was crushed to death under trees felled on Tuesday morning by bulldozers belonging to Vietnamese rubber company Dy Nam, an official said. District governor Iv Saphum said that Khem Kan, a representative of 77 families involved in a ...

Ministry questions oil assessment

Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment told a Japanese oil company yesterday to better define the location of its initial onshore operations given the potential impact on the local population and environment. The Ministry of Environment has required Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation to specify where ...

July sub-decree lists Preah Vihear grants

More than 45,000 hectares of land in Preah Vihear province were granted to five companies for rubber plantations on July 6 after the government reclassified the land from state public to state private land on the same day, according to the five sub-decrees signed by ...

Direct flights to Australia in sight, officials confirms

Cambodia and Australia are one step closer to getting daily direct flights between the two countries, an aviation official confirmed yesterday. State Secretariat of Civil Aviation deputy cabinet director Long Chheng said his department had passed the proposal submitted by a “state-owned” Australian airline and sent ...

Cambodia's top investor sits at bottom of bribery list

For the fifth time in a row, Cambodia’s top investment partner, China, has been ranked among the most likely to pay bribes, according to an international corruption perception report published yesterday. Transparency International’s Bribe Payer’s Index classed China as second-to-last among 28 of the world’s biggest ...

Chinese animal feed mill opens in Cambodia

A Chinese animal feed mill officially opened at the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ) on Aug 28. It is the first animal feed mill from China and the fifth animal feed factory to operate in Cambodia Cambodia has strongly depended on the imports for animal ...

Cambodia's special economic zones waiting for foreign investments

PHNOM PENH — Eight out of Cambodia’s 19 special economic zones (SEZ) are being operational across the country, while the rest are still waiting for both local and foreign investors, the data from Council for Development of Cambodia (CDC) showed on Saturday. The statistics showed that ...

North Koreans talk rice

North Korea aims to import rice from Cambodia, as well as explore for mineral resources, officials said yesterday. High-ranking officials from Pyongyang met with their Cambodian counterparts in Phnom Penh yesterday, signing agreements on economic and trade cooperation.The two countries had signed seven cooperation agreements beginning ...

(By Vong Sohkeng, pg. 7)

Vietnamese Company Breaks Ground on Plant

A Vietnam Electrical Equipment Corporation subsidiary has broken ground on a new factory to be built in the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ). THIBIDI is building a $1.5 million factory in order to manufacture transformers and will employ approximately 150 people. The plant is ...



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