បរិស្ថាន និងធនធានធម្មជាតិ

ព្រៃឈើ និងរុក្ខាប្រមាញ់

Logging mogul blasted

Logging tycoon Try Pheap has come under fire from two separate reports alleging that he is using his vast network of concessions and licences to decimate protected forests across Cambodia. One of the reports, an exhaustive four-month investigation by a local NGO, also looked at the ...

Phak Seangly and May Titthara

Official DisputesWhen Dam Clearing Ceased

A Stung Treng province district official on Sunday contradicted claims that logging in the area designated for the Sesan 2 dam had ceased a month ago, saying that it had only stopped last week after direct orders from the government to do so. On Thursday, Ministry ...

Chhorn Chansy

Government Suspends Logging in Stung Treng Dam Concession

The government has ordered Ang & Associates Lawyer Co. Ltd., a company headed by well-known businessman Kith Meng, to cease logging in an area of Stung Treng province where a hydropower dam will be built. Sesan district governor Yeang Srey Sary said Thursday that a delegation ...

Kuch Naren and Dene-Hern Chen

Another Haul of Illegal Logs Found on Vietnamese Firm’s Land

Forestry Administration officials on Friday confiscated 1,000 pieces of luxury wood on land belonging to a Vietnamese rubber company that has been repeatedly accused of illegal logging in Ratanakkiri province’s O’Yadaw district, local officials and human rights workers said Sunday. Romash Svat, a representative of some ...

Aun Pheap and Ben Woods

Ex-Finance Minister’s Sister Buys Up More Ethnic Jarai Lands

About 50 ethnic Jarai families in Ratanakkiri province’s O’Yadaw district have sold their farmland and part of the forests their culture depends on to the sister of former Finance Minister Keat Chhon, rights group Adhoc said Monday. Last year, the ethnic minority Jarai in the district ...

Aun Pheap

Koh Kong’s Rainbow Lodge Plans on Paying It Forward

KOH KONG – The dullness of a rainy day accentuates the lush shades of green rainforest of the Cardamom Mountains in Koh Kong province. Float down the Tatai River and you see bobbing turquoise, red and yellow canoes tied up along the banks—in their vivid ...

Lindsey Peterson and Khuon Narim

Activists seek UN monitors

Anti-logging activists wrote to the United Nations yesterday to call for the monitoring of a lawsuit in which they accuse hundreds of officials in Kampong Speu province’s Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary of illegal deforestation. The Natural Resource and Wildlife Preservation Organization (NRWPO) listed 241 officials it ...

Phak Seangly

Cambodia: Chut Wutty's legacy creates an opportunity for land justice

In Cambodia, there is talk of change. Not just from Hun Sen, the prime minister, who has promised reforms after his party suffered a significant blow in recent elections, but from environmental activists and campaigners, who say there has never before been such an opportunity ...

Kate Hodal

ទិដ្ឋភាព​​ឥណ​​ទាន​កា​​បូន​នៅ​កម្ពុជា​​​ នៅ​តែ​មិន​ទាន់​មានលទ្ធភាព​ផ្តល់​ប្រាក់ចំណូល​បាន

តំ​ណា​ង​ស​ហ​គមននិង​មន្ត្រី​​​ទទួល​បន្ទុកគម្រោង​​​ឲ្យ​ដឹង​ថា ​គម្រោង​​​ពា​ណិជ្ជកម្ម​​កា​បូ​ន​​​នៅ​តែមិនទាន់​មាន​លទ្ធភាពរក​ប្រាក់​​ចំណូល​សម្រាប់​​សហ​គមន៍នៅឡើយ​។ គម្រោង​នេះ​​ទទួល​បានការ​គាំទ្រ​តែ ...

គុច ណារ៉េន និង ម៉ាតត៍​ ប្លូមប៊ឺហ្គ

Cambodia Verifies the World’s First VCS Triple Gold CCB Avoided Deforestation Project

SAN FRANCISCO — The Oddar Meanchey REDD+ (Reduced Emissions for Deforestation and Degradation) project in Cambodia is the first in the world to complete verification of emission reductions under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) with a triple gold Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) accreditation for emission ...

The Herald Staff

Illegal Construction Rampant in Angkor Heritage Site

In the months leading up to Cambodia’s national election on July 28, authorities in the Angkor Archaeological Park allowed dozens of land owners to build new houses and develop plots of land inside highly protected areas of the world heritage site. Villagers interviewed last week said ...

Phorn Bopha and Simon Marks

Three Charged for Logging Rosewood in Angkor

The Siem Reap Provincial Court charged three men Wednesday with illegally logging luxury rosewood inside the Angkor Archaeological Park, a Unesco world heritage site, officials said. Provincial prosecutor Heng Pheng said the suspects had been identified as Sun Phearak, 20, Phay Sophea, 18, and Phin Ron, ...

Aun Pheap



បើលោកអ្នកមានសំនួរទាក់ទងនឹងខ្លឹមសារផ្សាយនៅលើគេហទំព័រ Open Development Cambodia (ODC)? យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ឆ្លើយ​តប​​ដោយ​ក្តី​រីក​រាយ។

តើអ្នកបានឃើញបញ្ហាបច្ចេកទេសណាមួយនៅលើគេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរឬទេ?


តើលោកអ្នកមានឯកសារដែលអាចជួយពង្រីក​គេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរ​ឬទេ​?​ យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ទិន្នន័យ​អំពី​ផែនទី​ ច្បាប់​ អត្ថបទ​ និង​ ឯកសារ​ដែល​ពុំ​មាននៅ​លើ​គេហទំព័រ​នេះ​ ហើយ​ពិចារណា​បោះផ្សាយ​ទិន្នន័យ​ទាំងនោះ​។​ សូម​មេត្តា​ផ្ញើ​តែ​ឯកសារ​ណា​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative Commons


កំណត់សម្គាល់៖ Open Development Cambodia (ODC) នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បញ្ជូន​មក​យ៉ាង​ហ្មត់ចត់​ ដើម្បី​កំណត់​ភាព​ត្រឹមត្រូវ​ និង​ពាក់ព័ន្ធ​ មុន​ពេលធ្វើការ​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​។​ រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​នឹង​ជា​ឯកសារ​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative​ Commons​។​ យើងខ្ញុំ​សូម​អគុណ​សំរាប់​ការ​គាំទ្រ​របស់​លោក​អ្នក​។​

* ប្រអប់មតិមិនអាចទទេ! មិនអាចបញ្ចូនបាន សូមធ្វើការបញ្ចូនម្តងទៀត! Please add the code correctly​ first.
