Philippines set to sign rice supply deal with Cambodia

The Philippines is close to signing a government-to-government rice supply agreement that would make Cambodia a potential supplier of the grain staple to Manila, along with Vietnam and Thailand, agriculture officials said on Monday. The Southeast Asian neighbours aimed to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) ...

ASEAN’s finance ministers in capital

The 16th ASEAN Finance Ministers’ Meeting kicks off early today in Phnom Penh, where members of the 10-country association are expected to discuss strengthening regional financial ties and co-operation in the face of economic uncertainty in the West. ...

Smoke-Free Asean Region Will Get Hun Sen’s Support

Asean member countries were called on yesterday to work toward a “100 percent smoke-free” region, and Cambodia’s most famous smoker, Prime Minister Hun Sen, is behind the initiative, a government spokesman said. ...

Hu to Visit Cambodia Just Before Asean Summit

Chinese President Hu Jintao will pay an official state visit to Cambodia between March 30 and April 2, a trip that will coincide with the Asean-European Union Business Summit and will finish just one day before the annual Asean summit commences in Phnom Penh, an ...

Security Preparations Under Way Ahead of Asean Summit

Two weeks before the opening of the 20th Asean Summit in Phnom Penh, preparations are under way to increase security and clean up Cambodia’s capital ahead of the arrival of hordes of foreign dignitaries on April 3. According to Phnom Penh deputy military police chief Pong ...

Cambodian forum focuses on ASEAN community

PHNOM PENH: The 8th Cambodia-Asia Economic Forum kicked off here on Saturday, focusing on reviewing the ASEAN achievements in the past 45 years and looking at opportunities and challenges toward the realisation of an ASEAN community by 2015. The two-day forum has been attending by some ...

ASEAN forums divide

Cambodian NGOs were drawing battle lines and choosing sides in the run-up to the ASEAN summit, activists said yesterday. Two separate “ASEAN People’s Forums” are being organised by local NGOs. The first, from March 28 to 30, is expected to draw more than 2,000 groups.   ...

US Dollar Drops Below 4,000 Riel With Agricultural Harvest

An increase in agricultural trading has caused the value of the US dollar to dip below 4,000 riel in the past three consecutive days, as there is now a higher demand for the Cambodian riel, money exchangers and an official from the National Bank of ...

National Census Identifies Half-Million Businesses

Cambodia has a total of 505,134 businesses supported by a workforce of 1,676,263, just 11.56 percent of the total population, according to a nationwide economic census released yesterday by the Ministry of Planning. Of the total number of people employed in the country, 1,026,084, or 61.2 ...

Hul Reaksmey and Philip Heijmans, P.1

Financing Cambodia's Muslims

Islamic finance could help to boost trade between Cambodia and the Middle East, as well as attract investment from Muslim-majority countries, experts said on Saturday. Knowledge of Islamic finance and banking, which bars interest lending and discourages unfair trade advantages, is almost nonexistent among Cambodia’s Muslims, ...

Cashew Prices Down 40% as Demand sinks

New limitations on Vietnamese exports of processed cashews and slowing demand on the international markets is expected to decrease the price of raw cashews by roughly 40 percent this year, sparking concerns among Cambodian farmers, who are now midway through the harvest season, traders and ...



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