ការអភិវឌ្ឍ និងការគ្រប់គ្រងទីក្រុង
As Phnom Penh's buildings rise, safety scales back
Vatha, a 42-year-old construction worker, has been toiling for four years at numerous building sites across Phnom Penh. He knocks down dilapidated dwellings and in their place builds houses and apartments that are bigger, better – and increasingly higher – as demand for residential property, especially ...
Phnom Penh Autonomous Port pushes for IPO
Following a government push for Cambodia’s largest state-owned firms to list on the Cambodia Securities Exchange, Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) said yesterday that it plans to float on the newly launched bourse. The port would join Telecom Cambodia and Sihanoukville Autonomous Port, both of which ...
Cambodia’s largest port reports US$14-M revenues, + 14% in 1st 5 months of Y 2012
Cambodia’s largest Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (SAP) Saturday reported that it earned the total revenues of about US$14-M in the 1st 5 months of this year, + 14 rise from US$12.3-M at the same period last year. Goods exported through the port are mostly garment products and ...
Expansion of Int’l Airports to Double Capacity
Cambodia Airports will invest $100 million next year to expand the size of its airports in Siem Reap City and Phnom Penh and double the number of passengers that can pass through its two main hubs in the country, an official airport operator said yesterday. Emmanuel ...
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Ford takes 20 per cent of new car market
Before the big dinner with Hillary Clinton, Prime Minister Hun Sen and the leaders of Thailand and Myanmar on July 13 in Siem Reap, Tom Whitcraft of RMA Group, which owns the Ford dealership in Cambodia, sat down for an interview. Whitcraft said Ford has about ...
US looks beyond garments to deepen Cambodia trade
The biggest US trade delegation to Cambodia in decades joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton here as the two countries look to expand their economic relationship beyond exports of cheaply produced garments. “On the economic front, there is much more room for us to grow ...
Phnom Penh's new apartments soar on high rents
Real estate developments covered in green tarp have sprung up across the capital’s Boeung Kang Kong commune, and housing units are filling before the projects are finished, insiders said. The value of construction approvals in Phnom Penh jumped by 557.5 per cent in March to US$150.5 ...
Number of Condominiums Grows in Phnom Penh
The number of condominiums in Phnom Penh has increased 22 percent to 2,578 units since the beginning of the year, according to data released yesterday by Asia Real Estate Cambodia. The firm said that the majority of the new units came from the completion of 10 ...
Airport Arrivals Soar With Business Traffic
The number of visitors to Cambodia through its two main airports increased 19.7 percent to more than 1 million people in the first half of the year, compared to the same period last year, figures released by Cambodia Airports show. Between January and June, 1,028,285 passengers ...
Eviction pain lingers in Phnom Penh
Three years after authorities demolished the last houses in Phnom Penh’s Group 78 community, evictees relocated to the outskirts of the capital are still struggling, the Housing Rights Task Force said yesterday. More than 200 members of the Group 78 community gathered close to the site ...
Rural surveyors miss Phnom Penh
Inner city students enlisted into Prime Minister Hun Sen’s nationwide land-titling program have been getting a taste of the rural life and some of them are ready to come home. Prepped with a two-day crash course in surveying, more than 1,000 youths have been dispatched across ...
Bangkok Airways Says Plane Was On Course
Bangkok Airways passenger plane that was shot at by a Cambodian soldier Wednesday night had been flying on its normal flight path from Siem Reap City to Bangkok, a representative of the airline said yesterday, contradicting earlier reports by Cambodian military officials that the aircraft ...
Forum breaks ice, yet more time needed
Long-time foreign members of the Cambodian business community said the US-ASEAN Business Forum, held on Friday in Siem Reap, was largely successful in setting the country in the sights of America businesses, but multinational corporations will need more time in the Kingdom before nailing down ...
Charter flights fuel growth
Charter flights through Cambodia’s two international airports contributed to a 20 per cent year on year jump in passenger flow during the first half of 2012, according to the minister of tourism. About 1.03 million passengers arrived at Phnom Penh International Airport and and Siem Reap ...
Boeng Kak Women Meet US Ambassador for Women’s Affairs
Five women from the Boeng Kak lake community met with the U.S. ambassador-at-large for women’s affairs on Saturday in Siem Reap City, asking the U.S. to intervene in their case and put pressure on the Cambodian government to stop violence against women. Meeting on the sidelines ...
As US Economy Slows, Investment in Asean Nations Necessary
Siem Reap City – With a host of uncertainties still hanging over the U.S. economy, more than 100 American businesses—the largest delegation to ever visit Cambodia—gathered here over the weekend, and all of them were in agreement about one thing: The slowdown in the U.S. ...
Siem Reap Recognized As Cultural City Of East Asia In 2012
Siem Reap, home of world heritage Angkor Wat temple was recognized as the cultural city of East Asia 2012. The announced was made in the 13th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Phnom Penh on July 10. “That is an honor for Siem Reap province, said Cambodian officials and tourism sector. The ...
Rats Good Business for Cambodians, Food for Vietnamese
Koh Thom district, Kandal province – On a quiet stretch of road in this sleepy border town, there are some telltale signs of an unusual trade: A trail of discarded dead rats, some upturned with their paws stiff in the air, others covered with a ...
Boeng Kak Women Attempt to Meet US Official
Siem Reap City – Four women evicted from the Boeng Kak lake community and released from jail last month arrived here Friday in an attempt to meet Melanne Verveer, the U.S. ambassador-at-large for women’s affairs, who is part of a delegation visiting the country with ...
Cambodia’s date with US biz
US companies will re-establish their commitment to Cambodia and the region today at the US-ASEAN Business Forum in Siem Reap, a high-profile meeting involving several heads of state and some of the biggest companies in the world. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will lead the ...
Bloody crackdown on garment strike in Phnom Penh
A union employee representing striking workers from a factory that supplies Levi’s and Gap was left a bloodied mess near Wat Botum yesterday after police allegedly attacked him. According to rights groups, police set upon Long Panha, of the Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions (CATU), who ...
Toll Royal to Restart Rail Services Next Month
Less than four months after suspending work on Cambodia’s dilapidated railway network, Toll Royal Railways (TRR), the network’s operator, has informed the government that it will recommence transporting construction materials needed to build the southern line on Aug. 1, company officials said yesterday. The decision to ...
Recruitment Agency Director Charged With Fraud
The Siem Reap Provincial Court charged the director of a recruitment agency with fraud for allegedly taking money from victims in exchange for promising jobs in the U.S., a court official said yesterday. “Bich Bunara, head of the recruitment agency, was charged with fraud and another ...