Cambodian Business Review

Made in Cambodia: Foreign Industry Calls on Cambodia as the Next “Low-Cost” Alternative in All Things Manufacturing

About a decade ago, global manufacturing firms staged a mass exodus to Asia in search of low-cost alternatives to increasing domestic wage demands and operational costs. The consensus was the continued development of a regional supply chain that had formed in countries like Vietnam and Indonesia, ...

Growing Tourism – A Positive Sign: Asia and Pacific Continue as Travel Hot Spots

Asia and the Pacific continued as a hot spot for international tourism in 2012, attracting what is expected to be in excess of 350 million international visitor arrivals, expanding its collective inbound count by more than 5% and generating more than 18 million additional foreign visits, year-on-year. Within this ...

Better Recovery for Construction and Real Estate Sector

2012 has been an impressive year for Cambodia’s economic resilience. Among the many sectors that had positively grown are the construction and property development [sic] and they are expected to be among the highest growth achievers in the current year as well. In 2012, the ...

FAO Raises Paddy Production Outlook

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has raised its forecast of global paddy production in 2012 by about 1.5 million tonnes to 730 million tonnes (487 million tonnes, milled). The scaling up of production mainly concerned Asian countries, in particular Cambodia, ...

When Is Credit Growth Too Fast and How To Deal With It?

Cambodia’s financial system appears to be shifting to excessive credit growth. The credit-to-GDP ratio has reached 37 percent, well above the low-income economies (LTCs). If credit growth were to continue at the current pace, by mid-2013 the ratio would exceed even the median for more ...

Cambodia's Public Debt

According to the [inter]national Monetary Fund (IMF), at the end of 2011, the stock of Cambodia’s external public debt, including arrears, stood at around US 3.8 billion or 30 percent of GDP (24 percent in NPV terms). China remains the largest bilateral creditor, contributing to ...

Recent Development and Economic Outlook

The UN’s assessment suggests that Cambodia is one of the top five countries that have made significant progress toward meeting its MDGs by 2015. The poverty rate has dropped dramatically from 47.50 percent in 1993 to 34.70 percent in 2004 and 23 percent in 2011, ...

Singapore's TA Corporation eyes China & Cambodia

Singapore-listed property and construction group TA Corporation has managed to post stellar increase in earnings in the first half of this year, despite the government’s property cooling measures TA Corporation is also aiming for further growth overseas through joint ventures in China and Cambodia “China has big ...

IMF Calls on Cambodia to Broaden Tax Base

.Cambodian government must rise its tax revenue intake if it to stay on a sustainable path toward development, International Monetary Fund officials have said. Although Cambodia is experiencing increased growth in trade and investment, the country should broaden its tax base to create sustainable revenue collection, a ...



បើលោកអ្នកមានសំនួរទាក់ទងនឹងខ្លឹមសារផ្សាយនៅលើគេហទំព័រ Open Development Cambodia (ODC)? យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ឆ្លើយ​តប​​ដោយ​ក្តី​រីក​រាយ។

តើអ្នកបានឃើញបញ្ហាបច្ចេកទេសណាមួយនៅលើគេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរឬទេ?


តើលោកអ្នកមានឯកសារដែលអាចជួយពង្រីក​គេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរ​ឬទេ​?​ យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ទិន្នន័យ​អំពី​ផែនទី​ ច្បាប់​ អត្ថបទ​ និង​ ឯកសារ​ដែល​ពុំ​មាននៅ​លើ​គេហទំព័រ​នេះ​ ហើយ​ពិចារណា​បោះផ្សាយ​ទិន្នន័យ​ទាំងនោះ​។​ សូម​មេត្តា​ផ្ញើ​តែ​ឯកសារ​ណា​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative Commons


កំណត់សម្គាល់៖ Open Development Cambodia (ODC) នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បញ្ជូន​មក​យ៉ាង​ហ្មត់ចត់​ ដើម្បី​កំណត់​ភាព​ត្រឹមត្រូវ​ និង​ពាក់ព័ន្ធ​ មុន​ពេលធ្វើការ​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​។​ រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​នឹង​ជា​ឯកសារ​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative​ Commons​។​ យើងខ្ញុំ​សូម​អគុណ​សំរាប់​ការ​គាំទ្រ​របស់​លោក​អ្នក​។​

* ប្រអប់មតិមិនអាចទទេ! មិនអាចបញ្ចូនបាន សូមធ្វើការបញ្ចូនម្តងទៀត! Please add the code correctly​ first.
