Rule hanging over NA
A ruling party lawmaker and parliamentary spokesman said yesterday that the National Assembly will consider invoking an internal rule that could force the opposition party to replace its elected lawmakers with lower-ranked candidates from within the party if their boycott continues beyond a deadline. Principle 83 ...
Kevin Ponniah and Chhay Channyda
Foreign press ‘interfering’: CPP lawmaker
A senior ruling party official yesterday accused foreign journalists and media outlets in Cambodia of interfering in the Kingdom’s governance and urging political instability. Speaking to reporters in the capital, Cambodian People’s Party lawmaker and National Assembly spokesman Chheang Vun said a number of journalists – ...
Meas Sokchea
CPP lawmakers vote to create new ministries
Lawmakers from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party yesterday unanimously voted to pass legislation which will create three new government ministries. Sixty-six CPP representatives voted to create a Ministry of Public Function, which will oversee the affairs of civil servants. The MPs also followed through on a floated ...
Vong Sokheng
Ethnic groups becoming media-savvy
One hot day in June, 2009, Ven Samin, a member of the ethnic Suoy minority in Kampong Speu province, grabbed her digital camera and headed out of the house. The 44-year-old arrived at a collection of damaged rice paddies in Oral district and began taking photos. ...
Cambodia on Long Road to Freedom From Corruption, Bank Says
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has called corruption a “fundamental concern” for Cambodia even with the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) celebrating 10 months since its inauguration. The ADB’s Country Governance Risk Assessment Report and Risk Management Plan which is to be released soon calls for capacity ...