Khmer Times
Japan gives $30 M for busses, demining
The Japanese government will provide almost $30 million in grant aid to Cambodia to boost Phnom Penh’s public bus system and to strengthen ongoing demining operations. At a signing ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, minister Long Visalo and outgoing Japanese Ambassador Yuji Kunamaru, ...
Ros Chanveasna
Cambodia, Vietnam to enhance cooperation
Cambodia and Vietnam yesterday pledged to enhance cooperation and also pushed for the completion of demarcating the border to build peace and development. The discussion was held yesterday during a meeting between National Assembly President Heng Samrin and Vietnam’s National Assembly chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, who ...
Ven Rathavong
Chinese companies cozy up to army
Cambodia’s armed forces have vowed to protect Chinese businesses and investors in the Kingdom and sought to reassure corporations fearful of the country’s potential hurdles in a statement released yesterday. ...
Ban Sokrith
Authorities ordered to enforce forestry laws
Despite numerous laws and committees created to tackle deforestation and illegal logging in Cambodia, the timber trade has continued unabated. In another attempt to deal with the issue, authorities across the country have been ordered to ensure they execute their responsibilities to oversee the enforcement of ...
May Titthara
Speed up rice loan, China told
The government has asked China to make good on its pledge to buy 200,000 tons of rice annually from the Kingdom and also to speed up the approval of a $300 million loan to the country’s beleaguered rice sector. This request was made yesterday during a ...
Chea Vannak
Gov’t studies new tree species
The Ministry of Environment signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) yesterday with two Chinese companies to study planting “Paulownia-Guotong” – an extremely fast-growing tree used to make furniture and wooden equipment – and practice growing it in Cambodia. Speaking at a workshop on a feasibility ...
Ven Rathavong
Garment wage vote set for tomorrow
Representatives for garment sector employers and employees will vote on Wednesday for their respective final proposals for the new minimum wage next year. Two weeks ago, members of the tripartite minimum wage negotiations began a series of meetings to discuss their various salary proposals. The Garment Manufacturers ...
Mom Kunthear
Domestic airports converted for public use
Prime Minister Hun Sen transferred control of some of the Kingdom’s domestic airports to local government authorities for public use during a cabinet meeting last Friday. “We handed over airfields to provincial authorities to manage and use for state or public interest,” Mr. Hun Sen said. ...
Ros Chanveasna
Krungsri acquisition approved
Thailand’s Bank of Ayudhya PLC., known more commonly as Krungsri announced last week that it was entering the Cambodian microfinance market with the acquisition of Hatta Kaksekar Limited (HKL). In a press release, Krungsri ‒ itself part of the Japanese-based Mitsubishi UFJ since 2013 ‒ described ...
Sum Manet
Youth to protest Vietnam land grabs
The Cambodian Youth Party (CYP) is urging the public to join a mass demonstration on October 10 against Vietnam, due to what they say is a continued encroachment by the neighboring country on Cambodian territory through two settlements currently under construction. In an announcement sent out ...
May Titthara
Sambo hydro dam info urged
Youth groups and environmental activists have requested the government release the latest documents concerning the proposed Sambo hydroelectric dam in Kratie province, amid lingering concerns of the possible environmental damage the dam may cause. The dam, if constructed, will be the largest in the country and ...
Pech Sotheary
Sub-decree approval rules amended
From now on, only certain sub-decrees will need to be pored over by the cabinet before they are signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen, the premier told a session of the cabinet on Friday morning, although failing to specify what the selection criteria would be. Mr. ...
May Titthara
Defense ministry looking for recruits
The Ministry of National Defense announced on Friday that it is seeking more than 400 candidates to join the military in 2017. The announcement stated that the ministry was seeking both male and female candidates to work in the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF). Candidates must have ...
Pech Sotheary
Gov’t pushes census to 2019
The 2018 national population census will be pushed back a year in order to focus on the 2018 national elections, the government announced on Friday. According to article 6 of the Statistics Law, the census must be conducted at least once every 10 years, with the ...
Taing Vida
Indonesia needs cheaper rice
Indonesia would consider buying more rice from Cambodia if the price was more competitive, the Indonesian ambassador to Cambodia told reporters after the Indonesian Trade and Tourism Promotion 2016 expo in Phnom Penh on Friday. Ambassador Pitono Purnomo said that Cambodia and Indonesia signed a ...
Sok Chan
Land dispute closes a national road
About 50 protesting villagers in Sihanoukville’s Mouy commune blocked National Road 4 yesterday for about one hour in an effort to stop authorities from demolishing their houses illegally built in the Kbal Chhay protected forest. Heng Sokhom, a representative of the group, acknowledged that their houses ...
Pech sotheary
PM offers opposition ceasefire
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday responded to calls from acting opposition leader Kem Sokha for Cambodia’s “political family” to unite for the upcoming Pchum Ben festival, saying he would observe a “ceasefire” amid the escalating war of words between himself and the opposition. Speaking at a ...
May Titthara
MFIs watch rice loans
The country’s financial institutions are closely monitoring loans that have been made to rice farmers, who say that this year’s fall in rice prices will affect their ability to make repayments, industry officials said yesterday. Last year, farmers were paid around 840 riel ($0.21) per kilogram ...
May Kunmakara
Universities in agricultural innovation
As rice farmers struggle to cope with the aftereffects of one of the worst droughts in Cambodia’s recent history and moribund infrastructure makes it difficult to transport and sell their products across the country, universities here and in the United States are joining forces to ...
Safiya Charles
PM: keep old border posts
It has been five months since the government updated the country on how far along they were with the demarcation process along the border with Vietnam. Yet Prime Minister Hun Sen has an entirely different focus: the border posts slowly being replaced. In a directive sent out ...
May Titthara
ICRC offers prisons help
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is willing to offer assistance in future prison building projects, and in the preparation of prison management policies that are in line with international standards, the National Police website said on Tuesday. According to the website, the ICRC ...
Taing Vida
Non-taxpayers targeted
The government will not increase the rate for income tax and other taxes for the next two years, but will instead concentrate on expanding the base for tax collection, taking into account that there are still many individuals and businesses that do not pay tax ...
Sok Chan
Ven Vorn loses appeal
Environmental campaigner and Areng Valley community leader Ven Vorn lost his appeal against his one-year suspended sentence for “collecting forest products without permission” yesterday at the Appeals Court. Judge Kim Danny did not give reasons why the court decided to uphold the March ruling of the ...
Pech Sotheary
Japan gives money for demining
The Japanese government agreed yesterday to provide more than $830,000 to the Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS) to assist the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC) with demining operations in the northwestern part of Battambang province. The deal was signed by Japan’s Ambassador to Cambodia Yuji Kumamaru ...
Ros Chanveasna