Khmer Times

Federation sees opening on digital path

Cambodia’s young, tech-enthusiastic population is a gateway to accessing the global market digitally, according to the ICT Federation of Cambodia, with its president – Steven Path – estimating that the information and communication technology sector is already nearing about $1 billion in sales. ...

Sum Manet

Calls for increased budget for school development

Members of civil society have called on the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport to increase the budget for development in schools by at least five percent to fix country-wide educational issues. ...

Mom Kunthear

Ministry tries to save fish in shallow lake

After nearly seventy tons of fish were found dead in the protected Tonle Chhmar Lake in Kampong Thom over the weekend, efforts are now underway to save the remaining fish from perishing in the high temperatures, the Ministry of Agriculture said yesterday. ...

Pav Suy

Minister wants malaria eliminated by 2025

In recognition of this year’s World Malaria Day on Monday this week, the Health Minister reconfirmed Cambodia’s commitment to eliminate the disease by 2025 during a speech in Pailin on Monday. ...

Pav Suy

Timber smuggling on the rise in Cambodia's Ratanakiri province

The smuggling of illegally cut timber from northeastern Cambodia’s Ratanakiri  province to Vietnam has dramatically increased since around April 17, with smugglers traveling the roads between the two countries day and night, sources in the region say. ...

RFA Team

Massive Thai rice sell-off ‘concerning’

Thailand’s plans to sell off 11.4 million tons of its rice stockpile over the next two months is concerning Cambodia, which fears the sale will drive global prices down as the Kingdom struggles to meet its own export target. ...

May Kunmakara

More direct China flights pushed

Cambodia has asked China to begin direct flights from southwestern Guizhou province to promote trade and tourism. ...

May Kunmakara

PM calls for help to hand out water

Prime Minister Hun Sen announced the launch of a nationwide water distribution campaign yesterday as the country deals with the heartbreaking effects of a drought, calling on all state and private institutions, as well as the Cambodian Red Cross, to help out. ...

Mom Kunthear

Dangerous trees to be removed from Angkor

The Apsara Authority announced yesterday that it is considering the selective removal of some trees inside the 401-square-kilometer Angkor Park, saying that only those that pose potential risk to the park’s visitors and temples would be cut down. ...

Pav Suy

China’s solar companies eye ASEAN

With Southeast Asian nations struggling to produce enough energy to drive their economies, some of China’s leading solar companies are looking for investment opportunities in the region.   ...

Chea Vannak

Adhoc on defensive after accusations

Rights group Adhoc has no plans to file a complaint against Khom Chandaraty, the alleged mistress of acting opposition president Kem Sokha, despite her accusing various members of encouraging her to give false testimony during police questioning earlier this month. ...

Taing Vida

ICT wants to connect Cambodian youngsters to the world

The ICT Federation of Cambodia (ICTF) is aims to promote young entrepreneurs and bring Cambodia into the digital world by connecting domestic and international IT businesses to the Kingdom. ...

Sum Manet

Kingdom seeks Singaporean investment

Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong on Tuesday urged outgoing Singaporean ambassador Kevin Cheok to encourage the island state to invest more in Cambodia. ...

Khmer Times Team

Transport ministry, industry to work on cutting costs

Transport Minister Sun Chanthol said yesterday his ministry would work with the private sector to draw up a formula to rein in and cut transport costs. ...

Sum Manet

Preah Vihear excluded from protection plan

The Ministry of Environment conducted a workshop yesterday to discuss the government’s plan to designate five forest areas, totaling about one million hectares of land, as protected. ...

May Titthara

Chinese firm seeks funding for Sihanoukville expressway

Officials from China’s Export-Import Bank are expected to visit Cambodia this week to study granting a loan to a Chinese construction firm to build a $1.6 billion, 190-kilometer long expressway from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville. ...

Ven Rathavong

Malaysia’s Zhulian to tap Cambodian market

Malaysia-listed Zhulian Corp Bhd plans to expand its diversified Multilevel Marketing  (MLM) business into Cambodia and Laos to tap the strong potential of both countries, media reports said yesterday.    ...

May Kunmakara

PM to travel by train to Sihanoukville

In an effort at promote the Kingdom’s railways, Prime Minister Hun Sen will travel from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville by train on April 30, and has promised to post many pictures of his travels on Facebook. ...

Cheang Sokha

‘I am not a sex worker’ – women on safety and health

I am a massage worker, I am not a sex worker,” Seth Sreylorn, 33, an employee at Alaska massage center in Siem Reap province, said to more than 100 entertainment workers who participated yesterday in the National Conference on Occupational Safety and Health for Entertainment ...

Mom Kunthear

Sathapana shifts from MFI to commercial bank

Sathapana Microfinance Plc., the third largest MFI in Cambodia, has officially transformed itself into a commercial bank with total capital of $120 million, a move in line with Japanese-owned Maruhan Japan Bank acquiring a 95.1 percent stake in 2012.​ ...

Sum Manet

Post office Wings e-commerce deal

Cambodia Post Office (CPO) and Wing (Cambodia) Specialized Bank have signed a partnership allowing Wing customers to transfer money and pay bills through the government agency as the post office moves into e-commerce. ...

May Kunmakara

Men detained after killing endangered ox

Four farmers were arrested and charged yesterday over allegations of killing an endangered banteng, considered to be one of the most beautiful species of wild ox, in a protected forest in Mondulkiri, according to officials. ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

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