Agricultural commodities, processing and products
Banteay Meanchey Worst Hit as Flood Toll at 11
A total of 11 people have now died due to flooding in the country since mid-September, while the worst affected area, Banteay Meanchey province, continued to suffer amid torrential rain on Thursday night, government officials said on Friday. ...
Kaing Menghun
Alliance an advocate for industry
The executive committee of the Alliance of Rice Producers and Exporters of Cambodia, ARPEC, decided earlier this month to set up a commercial arm to help members get financing for a variety of rice-related activities. According to ARPEC secretary-general Hun Lak and deputy secretary-general David Van, ...
Rising world demand for Cambodian organic rice
Several ASEAN countries, including Cambodia, have witnessed a growing demand for organic rice that local producers cannot satisfy, according to Winfried Scheewe, adviser to the Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association (COrAA). Scheewe says demand for organic rice is on the rise, especially in the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore, but also ...
Kenya wants flights and rice imports
The Ambassador of African country Kenya, Richard Titus Ekai, told Deputy Prime Minister Sok An on Wednesday that he would like to see direct flights between Phnom Penh and Nairobi. Sok An met Kenyan Ambassador Ekai at his office to discuss the initiative regarding direct flights ...
Million-tonne goal still a challenge
It has been more than two years since the Cambodian government issued a rice export policy in June 2010, aiming to export a million tonnes of milled rice by 2015. However, a shortage of capital to buy unmilled rice, known as “paddy”, together with high ...
UN Says Cambodia 'Food Secure' Thanks to Gov't Policies
While the global economic crisis weakened the ability of Cambodian households to purchase food, the government’s focus on agricultural production and other policies have since helped alleviate food insecurity in the country, the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development said in a new report. Between June ...
Cambodia receives $3m grant
Cambodia will receive a grant of US$3.3 million from the World Trade Organisation to support rice milling, silk production and development of the Department of International Cooperation, according to Heng Sovannarith, communication officer for Trade Wide Sector Approach. Sovannarith said the Ministry of Commerce would receive the grant from ...
First certified organic rice heads for Europe
Five metric tonnes of certified organic rice — the first such shipment from Cambodia — will depart for the European Union this Friday. The shipment, exported from Cambodia by an entity called Green Trade, comprises three tonnes of brown rice and two tonnes of white jasmine ...
Cambodia's flash floods kill 5, affect 15,510 families in NW province
At least five people were killed and some 15,510 families have been affected by flash floods that have been hitting the country’s Banteay Meanchey province since earlier this month, the latest report of the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) showed Tuesday Some 14,300 houses have ...
Biomass is more than energy
Rural Cambodian communities are seeing economic benefits as a result of a biomass and farming resilience project run by GERES, a French NGO. As part of the AREA project, 200 households in Kampong Chhnang province are growing 22 varieties of trees to negate the effects of ...
Erika Mudie, P. 10
Rubber up $100 a tonne in a week
The price of rubber jumped to $2,500 per tonne last week after months of the commodity steadily dropping, industry analysts reported. The jump of $100 a tonne, or 4.2 per cent, comes after the price for rubber dropped in June from above $3,000 per tonne, according ...
Lone Firm Takes 23,000 Hectares for Plantations in Preah Vihear
A Malaysian company has been granted three tracts of land totaling more than 23,000 hectares for oil palm and rubber plantations in Preah Vihear province, according to documents submitted to the Malaysian stock exchange. The acquisition flout the legal maximum of concession land that a single ...
Thailand's Khon Kaen sees double-digit revenue growth next year
Khon Kaen Sugar Industry KSL.BK, Thailand’s fourth largest sugar producer, expects revenue could grow as much as a fifth next year, fuelled by expansion and a bumper sugarcane crop in 2012/13, the company’s chief executive said on Monday Chalush said sugar production from factories in Laos ...
The bank that likes to say less: Cambodia’s greatest commercial success story is not over yet
AN HOUR’S drive south of Phnom Penh, deep in rural Cambodia, Chrek Heang is doing the rounds of his rapidly expanding poultry and fisheries business. Just four years ago he was living, like most of his countrymen, in a small wooden hut with a tin ...
Board Passes Nearly $850M in Investments
The Cambodian Investment Board approved nearly $850 million worth of investment projects between the start of the year and the end of July, data from the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) shows. According to the data, 90 projects worth $845.26 million were approved during the first ...
CP Group plans more investment in Indochina
Charoen Pokphand Group is leaning towards investing more in Indochinese countries in light of their growing economies and regional trade liberalisation through the Asean Economic Community in 2015. Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam have a wealth of natural resources that could support the group’s products from ...
Brown rice standards are being promoted
Cambodian officials have begun to raise awareness on the forthcoming government issued standards for Cambodian milled brown rice, in an effort to guage reactions ahead of the official approval by the National Standards Board, according to officials. The official approval, aimed at promoting brown rice in ...
Top Glove wants to source for its own latex
TOP Glove Corp Bhd became the first rubber glove maker to move upstream by acquiring its own rubber plantation land to ensure a consistent supply of latex At for the purchase price of RM22mil, it translates to RM715 per ha, which is also 35% cheaper than ...
Bridge to Be Built Over Flooded Road in B Meanchey
Amid flooding caused by heavy rain in Thailand, Banteay Meanchey provincial officials have commissioned the construction of a steel bridge over an inundated section of road on the outskirts of Poipet City, officials said yesterday. Flooding in Preah Vihear province, which started last week following heavy ...
Local Farmers Can't Compete With Cheap Pork
Cambodians like pork. The average Cambodian consumes almost 9.29 kg of the meat each year, and local farmers supplied about 2 million pigs, more than 90 percent of the domestic demand, in 2008. But the market for small-scale pig farmers has flown. Live pig prices have fallen ...
Speculators pounce on rice market as prices rise
Speculators have been selling rice to Thailand via Cambodia for over a month despite domestic prices rising VND1,000/kg. At the meeting of Vietnam Food Association (VFA) on September 7 in HCM City, Director of An Giang Export Company Nguyen Van Tien said the amount of rice ...
In Cambodia, Project Alba helps farmers increase income, protect against seed raiders
In parts of rural Cambodia, farmers’ primary source of income comes from harvesting rice — once a year. This is a poor outcome compared to other ASEAN countries which harvest twice or thrice a year. To help increase farmers’ income, Victor Combal-Weiss and Guillaume Virag founded ...
District Governor Questioned Over Clearing Protected Forest
The Phnom Penh Municipal Court questioned a district governor from Kampong Thom province yesterday over his involvement in clearing protected flooed forest in the province in July. Prim Rottha, Stong district governor, is one of about 20 officials who received court summonses in July over their suspected ...
Rat meat on the menu at the Vietnamese border
Eating rat is a common phenomenon over the border in Vietnam, but increasing numbers of Cambodians in nearby villages are adopting rodent cuisine with relish. As many as three tonnes of rats are caught every day in Cambodia and exported to Vietnam to feed a ...