PM wants more registered voters
As Prime Minister Hun Sen appealed to citizens who have not yet registered to vote to do so, the Thai Labor Ministry announced last week it would allow Cambodians who are legally working in Thailand to return for voter registration. At a graduation ceremony for students ...
May Titthara
For migrants, votes in Phnom Penh ‘wasted’
The just-passed Pchum Ben holiday weekend was a rare opportunity for many migrant workers to return home to register to vote in the provinces, where their ballots will count for more than if they are cast in Phnom Penh. ...
Michael Dickison
NEC says soldiers registered for vote in wrong commune
A spokesman for the country’s election authority said officials in Preah Vihear province were wrong to have registered a group of soldiers who neither lived nor worked there regularly, but added that they might get a pass because the soldiers could end up monitoring polling ...
Khuon Narim and Zsombor Peter
Election officials brace for Pchum Ben rush
Commune offices around the country are bracing for a surge in voter registrations over the Pchum Ben holiday that could become a make-or-miss moment in building the foundation for upcoming elections. After nearly a month of registrations, the National Election Committee reported on Tuesday that 3.5 ...
Michael Dickison and Ben Sokhean
NEC denies request for time off for workers
The National Election Committee (NEC) has thrown cold water on a request by the Cambodian Labour Confederation (CLC) that it permit garment workers extra time off to register in their home provinces without receiving a pay cut, according to a letter posted on the NEC’s ...
Bun Sengkong
Gov’t pushes census to 2019
The 2018 national population census will be pushed back a year in order to focus on the 2018 national elections, the government announced on Friday. According to article 6 of the Statistics Law, the census must be conducted at least once every 10 years, with the ...
Taing Vida
PM pushes voter registration amid claims of inaction
The National Election Committee (NEC) and all political parties should urge citizens – including those overseas – to register to vote, Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday, even as a prominent opposition lawmaker accused the government of offering “nothing” to enfranchise Cambodia’s thousands of migrant workers. ...
Mech Dara, Bun Sengkong and Cristina Maza
CNRP pegs 424 voter names as ‘suspicious’
The Cambodia National Rescue Party plans to ask the National Election Committee to investigate the citizenship status of more than 400 people who have recently logged their names in the new digital voter lists. ...
Bun Sengkong
Voter registration ahead of schedule: NEC
With almost 2 million voters registered so far, the National Election Committee yesterday declared its roll-out of new digital voter lists to be ahead of schedule, though efforts to organise “free and fair” elections continued to be undermined by the persecution of opposition politicians, an ...
Bun Sengkong
ID cards in kandal thought to be fake
A commission of experts will check nearly 50 new Cambodian national ID cards today amid suspicions the card holders do not hold Cambodian nationality after irregularities were found during voter registration in Kandal province earlier this month. Provincial police chief Eav Chamroeun said yesterday afternoon that ...
May Titthara
Unions seek paid leave for registration journey
The Labour Ministry, if ordered by the National Election Committee, will request employers to grant workers time off to enrol to vote in their native communes, according to an official. ...
Bun Sengkong
Police confiscate 34 national IDs with Vietnamese names
Authorities near the Vietnamese border in Kandal province’s Koh Thom district say they will investigate 34 national identification cards seized from local police because they bear names that “do not sound Cambodian.” ...
Kang Sothear
ERA raises concerns for voter registration
A recent military show of force and a politically motivated road blockade may have had the effect of deterring eligible voters from registering, the Electoral Reform Alliance (ERA) has said. In a statement released on Tuesday evening, the ERA, a coalition of NGOs in Cambodia, urged ...
Bun Sengkong
NEC registers 500k voters in first four days
The National Election Committee claims to have signed up more than half a million people in its first four days of voter registration. The registration period, which began on Thursday and ends on December 1, requires more than 100,000 Cambodian citizens to be registered each day. ...
Bun Sengkong
Hun Sen hopes days of post-election protests are finished
The three-month voter registration period opened on Thursday, with Prime Minister Hun Sen telling reporters after enrolling at his local commune office that he hopes the new voter registry will put an end to post-election protests. After the July 2013 national election, the CNRP refused to ...
Khuon Narim and Alex Willemyns
PM puts Comfrel on notice
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday threatened legal action against anyone who touted claims of irregularities in the voter lists during the 2013 election, telling reporters yesterday that if this year’s round of voter registration finishes and the final tally of voters compiled is similar to ...
Taing Vida
Task of creating voter list kicks off
A crucial time-saving function of the new digital voter registration system may not have been taught to the more than 2,000 computer operators who today will begin the task of registering Cambodia’s nearly 10 million eligible voters, it has emerged. After months of preparation, and several ...
Bun Sengkong, Shaun Turton and Daniel Nass
Election reporting banned
The Information Ministry has banned journalists from publishing any information about the results of the next elections before the ministry does to avoid what they claim would cause “confusion to the public.” Information Minister Khieu Kanharith told a seminar on Tuesday that the ministry was ordering ...
May Titthara
NEC tells migrants to come home and vote
Though it has refused calls to open new channels for migrant workers to vote in upcoming elections, the National Election Committee (NEC) has sent a letter to all Cambodian embassies appealing for citizens living abroad to return home to register for next year’s polls. But as ...
Kuch Naren and Janelle Retka
Police force to provide ‘security’ during upcoming elections
National Police deputy chief Kirth Chantharith will head a team to handle security during upcoming elections, with the group to decide upon the placement of “national security agents” for voters’ protection, according to a statement. ...
Mech Dara
Petition seeks vote for workers overseas
A group campaigning for better governance yesterday demanded parliamentarians push the government to allow Cambodians living abroad to vote, while also calling for stricter enforcement of migration legislation inside the country. ...
Mech Dara
CPP, CNRP diverge over leniency for immigrants
Announcing that more than 160,000 immigrants are living in Cambodia without proper documentation, the Interior Ministry on Friday said it would give the majority of the group an opportunity to stay in the country, while the opposition pushed for a blanket deportation. ...
Khuon Narim
Computer system to register voters
Cambodia’s new voter registration system will use a computer program to register eligible citizens who have a national identity card and are over the age of 18 before election day, according to a National Election Committee (NEC) technical officer at a media training event on ...
San Bunsim
As voter registration nears, fears of exclusion
Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday appealed to Cambodia’s 9.6 million eligible voters to register to cast their ballots when enrollment opens next month, as the opposition CNRP expressed concerns that a million migrant workers could be disenfranchised. ...
Kuch Naren and Alex Willemyns