Forest protection

Forest protection support

Ben Davis raises over $10,000 to continue forest protection efforts

More than $14,000 had been donated to American-born forest activist Ben Davis as of Monday, February 24, to support his ongoing efforts to protect over 50,000 hectares of forest, particularly from the threat of wildfires during the current dry season. ...

Phak Seangly

For arrested activists, thumbprints on police contracts are often the cost of freedom

 In mid-August, Chhoeun Daravy and eight others found themselves negotiating with police over the wording of a handwritten contract. Officers initially wanted the agreement to say that the nine had “illegally” entered a “prohibited area” in the recently logged Phnom Tamao forest and flew a ...

Ngay Nai and Matt Surrusco

Kampong Chhnang flooded forest to see 8,000 trees planted

The Kampong Chhnang provincial Forestry Administration plans to plant around 8,000 trees on 4ha of flooded forest at the Trapaing Trav area in Chhnok Trou commune’s Ses Slap village in Boribor district. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

NGOs unite to protect 937ha forest in Kampong Speu

Wildlife Alliance Cambodia (WAC) and the Prambei Mom Forest Community (PMFC) have united to protect a forest area spanning 937ha across Kampong Speu province to conserve its broad biodiversity. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Sam Al backs sustainable development funding

Representatives of 168 communities from around the Kingdom said they were “delighted” after Minister of Environment Say Sam Al announced his support for the funding of environmental and social assistance packages to aid conservation and development efforts. “I believe that you [the representatives] will make ...

Ry Sochan

NGO seizes 2,300 chainsaws

International wildlife and forest conservation organisation, Wildlife Alliance, said on Monday that 2,300 chainsaws were seized from illegal loggers in the Southern Cardamom Mountains in the last two years. The seizing of the chainsaws is a joint programme initiated by the Ministry of Environment and ...

Khorn Savi

US aids Prey Lang area with protection fund

The United States has begun making payments towards its $37 million aid for the protection of the Prey Lang protected area.​ The Prey Lang protected area encompasses four different provinces, including Kampong Thom, Kratie, Stung Treng and Preah Vihear. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Vehicles, money given to wildlife activist Ben Devis

The Cambodian Red Cross has donated a car, two scooters and cash to activist Ben Devis and the Tabos community as an incentive for participating in the protection of the natural resources in Preah Vihear province’s Phnom Thnout-Phnom Pok Wildlife Sanctuary.​ ...

Pech Sotheary

Millions donated for Prey Lang conservation

The United States Agency for International Development has awarded $21 million to Tetra Tech for the next five years to improve nature conservation and strengthen sustainable development in the Prey Lang region, Tetra Tech said on Tuesday. ...

Mom Kunthear

Impunity threatens Mondulkiri preserves

Speaking at a workshop hosted by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) on the past four years of conservation in the so-called Eastern Plains Landscape – a project with $1.42 million in funding from the EU and an additional $420,000 from USAID and the ...

Phak Seangly and Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

Mondulkiri to try new land scheme

The World Wildlife Fund, in cooperation with Mondulkiri government officials, announced a new land-management initiative yesterday aimed at balancing environmental protection with economic development. ...

Andrew Nachemson

New REDD+ framework announced

The Ministry of Environment signed a framework agreement yesterday with Conservation International and the Mitsui Banking Corporation to launch the planning phase of a new REDD+ project for the Prey Lang forest, officials confirmed.   ...

Cristina Maza

Awards for environment defenders

Eleven Cambodian environmental campaigners received “moniseraphon” medals from the government last month in recognition of their work to support the nation, according to a sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen. But Buntenh, the founder of the Independent Monk Network for Social Justice, and social media ...

May Titthara

Activists tell US to step up forest protection efforts

Conservationist Marcus Hardtke yesterday blasted USAID and Winrock for “four years of mismanagement” as the Forest Monitoring Working Group put out a call for “urgent action” from the American bodies. “They’re not addressing the core problem,” Hardtke said, adding that the two groups were ignoring the ...

Andrew Nachemson and Phak Seangly

US urged to save trees

A group of environmental NGOs working to protect the Prey Lang forest called on the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to intervene and protect the region’s resin trees, or they will all be logged within six months, they claimed in a joint-statement issued yesterday. The ...

May Titthara

Cambodia rangers get S. African help

Sixty Cambodian wildlife park rangers will be trained by South African experts next year, funded by video streaming content revenue generated by a partnership between  the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International  and the Canadian-based  international English-language TV channel, Love Nature. WWF International will leverage scenes from ...

Peter Olszewski

USAID to consult public before next round of Prey Lang funding

The next round of USAID funding for protection of the Prey Lang forest will be preceded by a consultation process that environmentalists and experts studying the area are calling crucial. ...

Cristina Maza and Bun Sengkong

Forest patrols duel in Prey Lang

As activists from Prey Lang forest received the prestigious Equator Prize in Paris on Monday, another, parallel network was asserting itself in Kampong Thom province – one with close ties to the security forces and local governor.The Prey Lang Forest Community Network (PLFCN), funded by ...

Daniel Pye and Phak Seangly

Land clearing alleged in Samlot forest area

Settlers and rangers have cleared 200 hectares of Samlot Protected Forest in Battambang and Pailin provinces, according to local authorities and staff of the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which is helping to protect the area. ...

Phak Seangly

Cambodian activists, monks urge lawmakers to save endangered forest

Around 100 activists, including Buddhist monks, gathered in front of Cambodia’s parliament Monday to demand that lawmakers and the country’s Forestry Administration take action against illegal logging in endangered Prey Lang forest. ...

Prach Chev

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