ADB provides Cambodia more than $80 mil. for flood relief
The Asian Development Bank announced Wednesday that it will provide $81.7 million, including a $6.7 million grant from Australia, in additional financing to help Cambodia recover from catastrophic floods in late 2013. The flooding affected 1.7 million people and caused an estimated $356 million in damage. ...
Global Post News Staff
Secretariat of Civil Aviation to ‘swap’ headquarters
The State Secretariat of Civil Aviation (SSCA) has swapped its headquarters on Norodom Boulevard and will move to a location adjacent to Phnom Penh International Airport by next year, civil aviation officials confirmed Tuesday. Sinn Chanserey Vutha, deputy director-general of the SSCA, said construction on the ...
Khy Sovuthy and Joshua Wilwohl
Sacked bus drivers petition Labor Minster
A group of bus drivers and representatives of the Cambodian Labor Confederation (CLC) on Tuesday submitted a petition to Labor Minister Ith Sam Heng to intervene in their dispute with the Sorya Bus Transportation Company. At least eight drivers were fired last week shortly after they ...
Ben Sokhean and Simon Henderson
Cambodia unveils 2 suspects for hacking into gov't websites
Cambodia on Tuesday revealed two suspected hackers, who have attacked in large scales on the information technology networks of the national institutions, the National Police announced in its website. Bun Kingmongkol Panha, 21, and Chou Songheng, 21, both are the third year information technology students at ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
Sihanouk statue waves down on Royal Palace
A familiar figure has popped up atop a building that authorities in Phnom Penh ordered demolished in October for violating height restrictions around the Royal Palace: a statue of late King Father Norodom Sihanouk. “I have built a King statue on the top of my building ...
Aun Pheap
Lack of funds delays railway
The China Railway Group’s planned $7.5 billion Cambodian north-south railway line has been delayed due to funding shortages, according to the company’s top official. Originally slated to begin construction last year, China Railway’s chairman, Li Changjin, told the South China Morning Post that work on the 400-kilometre railway ...
Daniel de Carteret
Phnom Penh Water to hold annual meeting this week
Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority is scheduled to hold this week its annual general meeting of shareholders, the second since its shares were listed two years ago. The meeting is due to take place at the authority’s headquarters in Daun Penh district on Thursday morning. ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
Arrests after vendors rally in Sisophon
Three people were arrested in Banteay Meanchey province on Friday during a protest in which more than 400 vendors rallied against orders to move to new market sites. In what authorities said was an effort to “restore public order”, police and military forces were deployed to ...
Sen David
Cambodian university wins prize for firefighting robots
Cambodia’s beleaguered fire department may have a future high-tech solution to its problems after a team of young scientists from Norton University competing in the 4th Malaysian International Robot Competitions (MIRoC) last week placed third in the Fire Fighting Robot category. The annual event, held this ...
Hay Pisey
Cambodia's only listed firm reports 12.5 pct surge in profit last year
Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA), Cambodia’s only listed company, made a net profit of 9.68 million US dollars in 2013, up 12.5 percent compared with 8.6 million US dollars in a year earlier, the firm ‘s audited financial statement showed Saturday. The statement said the ...
Global Times News Staff
Road accidents kill 38 over Khmer New Year
Traffic accidents killed 38 people over Khmer New Year, with a further 306 injured, officials said yesterday. National Police spokesman Kirth Chantharith said that between Monday and Wednesday, 148 traffic accidents were recorded across the country. ...
Khoun Leakhana
Rice customs fees dropped
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) will scrap customs fees for rice exporters from May 1 in an effort to reduce production costs and boost Cambodia’s competitiveness in the sector, according to a letter obtained by the Post. “[The ministry] has agreed to eliminate charges ...
Hor Kimsay
Cambodian largest port sees rise in cargo shipment in first quarter
The Sihanoukville Autonomous Port, Cambodia’s largest shipping facility, reported a 13 percent rise in cargo shipments in the first three months of this year, a port’s data showed Thursday. Some 862,380 tons of goods had been transported through the port during the January-March period this year, ...
Global Times News Staff
(ខ្មែរ) មនុស្សស្លាប់ជិត៣០នាក់ដោយគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍៣ថ្ងៃនៃពិធីបុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំ
មន្ត្រីនគរបាលក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ បានបង្ហាញថា ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី១៣ ដល់ថ្ងៃទី១៥ ខែមេសា នៃពិធីបុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំខ្មែរឆ្នាំនេះ មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍កើតឡើងនៅទូទាំងប្រទេសជិត ១០០ករណី និងបណ្ដាលឲ្យមានមនុស្សស្លាប់ និងរបួសជាង ២០០នាក់។ របាយការណ៍បឋមស្ដីពីគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍ក្នុងអំឡុងពេលនៃពិធី បុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំខ្មែរ ឆ្នាំ២០១៤ នេះ មានចំនួនកើនឡើងខ្ពស់ជាងឆ្នាំកន្លងទៅ។ លោក គៀត ច័ន្ទថារិទ្ធ មន្ត្រីនាំពាក្យអគ្គស្នងការដ្ឋាននគរបាលជាតិនៃក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ មានប្រសាសន៍ថា គិតចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី១៣ និងថ្ងៃទី១៥ ខែមេសា មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍នៅទូទាំងប្រទេសកើតឡើងជិត ១០០ករណី និងស្លាប់មនុស្សជិត ៣០នាក់ ព្រមទាំងមានរបួសធ្ងន់ស្រាលជិត ២០០នាក់។ លោកបន្តថា បើប្រៀបធៀប៣ថ្ងៃដូចគ្នាឆ្នាំ២០១៣ កន្លងទៅ ចំនួនគ្រោះថ្នាក់នេះបានកើនឡើងជាង ៣០ភាគរយ៖ «សរុប រួម ៣ថ្ងៃហ្នឹង គឺគ្រោះថ្នាក់ ៩៨លើក បណ្ដាលឲ្យមនុស្សស្លាប់ ២៩នាក់ រងរបួស ១៨៧នាក់ ក្នុងនោះរបួសធ្ងន់ ១៣១នាក់ និងរបួសស្រាល ៥៦នាក់។ ...
Technology adviser calls process in cybercrime law ‘completely wrong’
A senior government adviser on information technology says a draft of a cybercrime law is unnecessary and could lead to demonstrations and unrest if passed as currently written. Critics say the draft law, made public last week, criminalizes online behavior in vague language open to ...
Khoun Theara
ADB urged to consult rail project evictees
More than two dozen NGOs have written to the head of the Asian Development Bank demanding the immediate release of a draft plan the ADB has drawn up to help Cambodian families evicted to make way for a bank-funded railway rehabilitation project. They also want ...
Zsombor Peter
Nippon Express launches Japan service via Ho Chi Minh City
Nippon Express Co Ltd says its has launched a combined transport service from Phnom Penh to Japan which reduces shipping time by about six days. The Japanese logistics company said the new service started on April 1, transporting cargo by truck from Phnom Penh to Ho ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
Anti-dam activists set to block workers’ arrival
Members of an ethnic minority in Koh Kong province’s Areng Valley stood watch Thursday to block a road leading to the site of a proposed dam after they heard that Chinese workers would inspect the site, community representatives said. Villagers believe that the Chinese company Sinohydro ...
Khuon Narim
Rail evictees threaten protests against ADB
Families evicted for a rail project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) threatened to demonstrate if the bank does not show them its plan to improve their living conditions within one week. About 1,000 families who built homes over the country’s long-neglected train tracks were ...
Zsombor Peter and Phorn Bopha
India pledges millions in loans to Cambodia
Anil Wadhwa, India’s deputy foreign minister, met with Foreign Minister Hor Namhong on Wednesday and promised to honor his request for millions of dollars in loans, a spokesman said. He [Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong] said that Mr. Namhong then requested money to complete ...
Khuon Narim
Cybercrime law may silence critics, NGOs say
Cambodia’s cybercrime law, a draft of which was made available online Wednesday, could be used to arbitrarily punish people who share controversial opinions online or air complaints about the CPP government, rights groups said Wednesday. According to the law, people who publish content online that slanders ...
Joshua Wilwohl and Hul Reaksmey
New Chroy Changva Bridge enters final stage
The two sides of the Second Chroy Changva Bridge were connected Wednesday in a ceremony presided over by Transport Minister Tram Iv Tek. He said the Chinese-funded bridge would be completed by September. “The bridge was projected to cost $27.5 million to be spent on construction ...
Aun Pheap
GPS tracking system could be answer to city’s garbage problem
Keeping ahead of Phnom Penh’s mounting piles of garbage has proved tough for Cintri since it was awarded sole rights in 2002 to keep the city clean. But a new plan harnessing global satellite positioning and digital mapping is offering the company a high-tech helping ...
Khuon Narim and Simon Henderson
Hong Kong's KeyBridge acquires 65 pct shares of Cambodian telecom firm
The KeyBridge International (Hong Kong) Investment Company has acquired 65 percent shares of a Cambodian telecommunications company EMAXX in an amount of 15 million U.S. dollars, officials of the two companies announced Wednesday. “EMAXX has converted from a family business into a joint venture,” Ai Min, ...
Xinhuanet News Staff