Garment sector wage negotiations resume today, workers may strike

The tripartite meetings to decide the 2022 garment factory minimum wage will resume today amid stalemated negotiations. Unions have warned of demonstrations if the talks do not result in a resolution. ...

Yin Soeum

Trade unions hope for some minimum wage increment

With Cambodia having gone through economic turbulence, just like other countries around the world, it’s difficult to say in which direction the third tripartite negotiation talks for the national minimum wage for next year will sway.​ ...

Yin Soeum

Tripartite talks over minimum wage start

Tripartite discussions on the 2022 minimum wage for workers in the garment, textile and footwear sectors were set to begin on September 14. According to industry observers, the employers are planning to offer $183.40, as opposed to $214.20 requested by trade unions. ...

Long Kimmarita

Wages set to increase for civil servants

The government will increase the minimum wage for civil servants, teachers, doctors, and armed forces in a move to improve their living conditions next year. Speaking in a cabinet meeting at the Peace Palace on Friday, Prime Minister Hun Sen said that wages for both government ...

Khy Sovuthy

National budget for next year set at $7.66 billion

The government has planned a national budget of more than $7.66 billion for 2020, which will be divided by sectors across 39 ministries and institutions. A press release issued by the Council of Ministers on Friday following a plenary meeting said the government expects the ...

Niem Chheng

Hun Sen defends lower minimum wage hike

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called on garment factory workers to understand why the hike in the minimum wage next year is not as high as previous raises. The government has increased the wage for next year by $8, a decrease of $4 when compared to ...

Mom Kunthear

Minimum wage set at $190 for 2020

Next year’s basic minimum wage has been increased by 4.4 per cent to $190 a month from $170 per month last year after the final round of negotiations ended in a vote last week, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training announced. ...

Long Kimmarita

New minimum wage figures tabled

The National Committee for Minimum Wage has noted three different wage figures proposed by unions, employers and the government, according to a unionist. The three sides have been meeting to discuss how much money garment factory workers will receive each month next year. The current minimum ...

Mom Kunthear

Negotiations to continue for next year’s minimum wage

Negotiations for next year’s minimum wage will continue this week as the parties work to reach an agreement that will impact about 800,000 workers in the textile, garment and footwear industries, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training said on Thursday. ...

Long Kimmarita

Gap in proposed minimum wage

Unions and employers have proposed starkly differing figures of what the minimum wage for garment and textile factory workers should be next year. Minimum wage negotiations between employers, the government and unions began on August 29 and are expected to end before September 25. After their ...

Mom Kunthear

GMAC urges government to reduce financial burden on employers

As minimum wage negotiations continue, GMAC has asked the government to refrain from increasing the agreed-upon pay bump for garment workers by $5 because it reduces the industry’s competitiveness due to the added financial burden on employers. Minimum wage negotiations between employers, the government and unions ...

May Kunmakara & Mom Kunthear

Unions prepare to negotiate minimum wage

Unions are preparing to meet with Labour Ministry officials later this month to discuss the minimum wage in the garment sector for 2020. Last month, unions, Labour Ministry officials and the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia held individual meetings on the minimum wage. On August 29, ...

Mom Kunthear

Gov’t to discuss garment wage

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, and employer and union representatives will meet next month to discuss the 2020 minimum wage for workers in the garment and footwear sectors, where unions expect an increase of between $20 and $25 a month. ...

Long Kimmarita

City Hall rejects CLC protest at Labour Ministry

City Hall will not allow the Cambodian Labour Confederation to stage a planned protest in front of the Labour Ministry today to demand a minimum wage for workers in the tourism, service and agriculture sectors. In letters, dated on Thursday and seen yesterday, Phnom Penh Governor ...

Mom Kunthear

IOM: Cambodian migrants in Thailand relatively poor

A study released on Friday by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University has said that the majority of Cambodian migrants in Thailand were “relatively poor”, with many depending on jobs paying less than the country’s minimum wage. ...

Ry Sochan

Footwear protests continue into fourth day

More than 2,000 workers at King Maker Footwear Co continued protesting for a fourth day on Wednesday, as they demanded that 50 per cent of their salary be paid, after their jobs were suspended by the factory for a month due to a lack of ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

PM open to wage demands

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday asked the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training to consider the request of six union groups who have petitioned the government to set a minimum wage for workers in the construction and service sectors. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Cambodian migrant workers are welcome, says Kuwait diplomat

Kuwait is open for Cambodian migrant workers, said the Head of Mission at the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Cambodia, Zaher M B M Alkhurainej at a press conference in Phnom Penh on Tuesday. He also stressed on the “consolidation and development of ...

Kong Meta

Minimum wage for 2019 set to be decided

Garment and textile factory workers are set for an increase in the minimum wage for 2019. The Labour Advisory Committee will decide on Friday how much the figure will rise by after a trilateral meeting on Thursday failed to come to an agreement. With no ...

Kong Meta

Deadlock over wage talks

The first round of a tripartite meeting to negotiate a new minimum wage for garment and footwear workers ended in a deadlock on Monday. Trade unions, employers, and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training officials tried to hammer out a new wage scheme for ...

Soth Koemsoeun

CLC proposes $211 as minimum wage

The Cambodian Labour Confederation yesterday said that it will propose $211.94 to be the new minimum wage for garment workers during this month’s negotiations. CLC made the announcement after a meeting between various unions which touched upon criteria that included cost of living, inflation, productivity, ...

Sen David

Minimum wage talks officially begin

Negotiations to determine 2019’s minimum wage for garment workers began at the Labour Ministry yesterday with the issue of worker welfare as the first order of business, the Labour Advisory Committee said. ...

Sen David

Talks on new minimum wage start

A ministry announcement yesterday said initial talks to set the parameters for the mew minimum wage were scheduled for this month and discussions between it, employers and unions will take place next month. ...

Pech Sotheary

Parliament passes minimum wage law

The National Assembly yesterday adopted a draft minimum wage law, which aims to promote decent living standards for the country’s 780,000 textile workers. More than 100 lawmakers passed the draft law with 33 articles which will benefit workers and the nation as a whole as ...

Khy Sovuthy

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