Law and judiciary

Legal framework

Unions want meet with Minister to discuss Labor Law problems

While stakeholders have lauded the government’s move to establish a bond market, in a bid to raise more funds from domestic sources, they, however, expressed concern that not enough has been done to inform the public on how debt security can support government spending. ...

Mom Kunthear

Royal gazette to move online

The government will this year stop printing the royal gazette for sale to the public and begin publishing new editions online, an official said yesterday. ...

Mech Dara and Shaun Turton

Free the detained five, UN urges

A United Nations expert has called on the government to immediately release human rights and National Election Committee officials who have been controversially accused of bribing a witness.“The charges are seen as politically motivated and in November 2016, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ...

Mom Kunthear

Draft consumer law completed

The Ministry of Commerce has finished the draft consumer protection law and will soon submit it to the Council of Ministers, according to a senior government official.​ ...

Chea Vannak

No one in union law firing line, says Vannak

The government yesterday assured those in the garment industry that the Trade Union Law, which came into effect in May, is not meant to put pressure on any particular group, but rather to help employers and employees work together in harmony. Labor Ministry secretary of state ...

Mom Kunthear

Unions: change minimum wage law

More than 40 unions have joined together to ask the Labor Ministry to make changes to 10 articles in the draft Minimum Wage Law, saying the law did not cover all sectors and restricted the rights of union representatives in wage negotiations among a host ...

Pech Sotheary

UN backs local OHCHR office in dispute

The United Nations is standing behind Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) country representative Wan-Hea Lee after a letter signed by Foreign Minister Prak Sokhon accused her of failing to respect Cambodia’s sovereignty.​ ...

Jack Davies

Minister warns UN over criticism

Foreign Affairs Minister Prak Sokhonn on Friday warned the UN’s Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Cambodia against criticizing government decisions, deeming it disrespectful to the nation’s sovereignty. ...

Taing Vida

Ministry drafting new minimum wage law to cover all workers

The Labour Ministry said last week it was drafting a minimum wage law that would expand beyond the garment industry and cover all workers, a proposal that drew cautious praise from union leaders and advocates, along with a healthy dose of scepticism. ...

Bun Sengkong and Ananth Baliga

Ministry sets out rules on disposal of batteries

The Ministry of Environment on Thursday issued its first prakas on safe battery management, laying out specific guidelines on the collection, storage, treatment, delivery and disposal of batteries by households and businesses alike. ...

Kong Meta

Path to responsible mining

In an effort to improve the governance of the Kingdom’s mining industry, with a focus on increasing revenue generation, the government has approved 11 articles largely concerning export permits for mined resources. A September 22 sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen, but released by the ...

May Kunmakara

UN envoy offers help with surrogacy laws

Visiting U.N. envoy Rhona Smith on Tuesday offered to help Cambodia draft its first laws on surrogacy, a ministry spokesman said. The special rapporteur on human rights in Cambodia, who arrived on Monday for a 10-day visit, met with Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana to discuss ...

Khy Sovuthy

Boycott may lead to fines

Opposition members of the National Assembly may soon have their pay and expenses docked if they continue their months-long boycott of the sessions. The Parliamentary Permanent Committee is thinking of amending the National Assembly’s internal regulations to include disciplinary articles concerning members who boycott sessions, including ...

Taing Vida

Divide over union law

Ten pro-government unions on Friday released statements in support of Cambodia’s recently passed Trade Union Law, just days after two independent unions held a meeting to discuss hoped-for changes to the contentious legislation. The independent unions met last week to compile a list of amendments to ...

Sen David

Youth to protest Vietnam land grabs

The Cambodian Youth Party (CYP) is urging the public to join a mass demonstration on October 10 against Vietnam, due to what they say is a continued encroachment by the neighboring country on Cambodian territory through two settlements currently under construction. In an announcement sent out ...

May Titthara

Sub-decree approval rules amended

From now on, only certain sub-decrees will need to be pored over by the cabinet before they are signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen, the premier told a session of the cabinet on Friday morning, although failing to specify what the selection criteria would be. Mr. ...

May Titthara

ICC move fuels debate on Cambodian case

A new paper from the International Criminal Court laying out a shift in focus to crimes linked to environmental destruction and the unlawful dispossession of land has rekindled the debate over whether the court will launch an investigation into a case highlighting land-grabbing in Cambodia. ...

Cristina Maza

ID cards in kandal thought to be fake

A commission of experts will check nearly 50 new Cambodian national ID cards today amid suspicions the card holders do not hold Cambodian nationality after irregularities were found during voter registration in Kandal province earlier this month. Provincial police chief Eav Chamroeun said yesterday afternoon that ...

May Titthara

Fleeing factory owners to pay

The Ministry of Labor is preparing to enact regulations that would provide some amount of monetary relief to workers left in the lurch by factory owners who flee the country. The widespread practice has led to a number of months-long protests as more and more factory ...

Mom Kunthear

South China Sea likely to feature at ASEAN Summit in Laos

Prime Minister Hun Sen today leads a delegation of high-level officials to Laos for the start of the 29th ASEAN Summit. The event is considered of special import as it comes in the wake of a July international court ruling that determined the so-called “nine-dash line” ...

Cristina Maza

IPAC to work closely with gov’t to enhance intellectual property

Cambodia’s first independent association for promoting intellectual property (IP) is seeking closer cooperation with government agencies to help the private sector better understand IP, its benefits and the importance of registering their products. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

US offers tips for cybercrime team

Cambodian police, prosecutors and policymakers were hosted in Washington recently by the US government, as part of America’s efforts to support the drafting of the Kingdom’s controversial cybercrime law. ...

Bun Sengkong

Consumer protection draft law almost ready

Officials at the Ministry of Commerce and Council of Ministers announced yesterday that a draft consumer protection law, which is intended to ensure that food and consumer products made domestically or imported into Cambodia are safe, was almost complete. A quarter of the almost 60 ...

Chea Vannak

Police searching for military officer who trafficked statue

Police in Banteay Meanchey province are searching for a military officer who illegally bought a centuries-old statue head of the Hindu deity Shiva from a farmer who unearthed it, officials said on Thursday. ...

Ben Sokhean

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