Telecom Cambodia finds Vietnamese ISP partner

State-owned Telecom Cambodia has signed a business cooperation agreement with Vietnam National Post and Telecommunications Corp in order to bolster TC’s product portfolio and coverage area, company officials said yesterday. Telecom Cambodia offers both fixed-line phone and internet services in the Kingdom. Vietnam National Post and ...

Minister says mobile subscribers rise to 14m

The number of mobile phone subscribers in Cambodia increased to 14 million, or 98 percent of the country’s population, during the first 11 months of the year, the minister of Posts and Telecommunications said yesterday. So Khun said Metfone, which is owned by the Vietnamese military, ...

Government begins clearing fishing lots of nets and traps

Despite recent protests by affected businessmen, the government last week began the removal of fishing nets in seven fishing lots in three provinces following alleged corruption during the bidding process for the lots. Prime Minister Hun Sen recently ordered the annulment of the results of an ...

Nation's largest hydropower dam to open

Prime Minister Hun Sen will officially open the Chinese-made Kamchay dam in Kampot province today, the largest hydropower dam to date to operate in Cambodia and capable of supplying an extra 193.2 megawatts of energy. Environmental and human rights groups yesterday criticized the dam’s builder and ...

Villagers block national road in call for land

More than 250 villagers blocked National Road 48 yesterday in Koh Kong province while protesting against their eviction from their Kiri Sakor district homes, slowing traffic for more than eight hours, officials said Prom Sann, a representative for the villagers, said the protesters represented 250 families ...

Villagers to block roads in protest

Hundreds of people whose land has been swallowed by a giant Chinese tourism project on the coast of Koh Kong province will attempt to demonstrate their grievances today by blocking national roads 4 and 48, villagers and human rights workers said Protesters have been resisting China’s ...

Oil refinery to be built

Construction on a US$2 billion oil refining plant, the Kingdom’s first, will start in April, according to officials close to the project. The plant, which will be built on 365 hectares across Kampot and Sihanoukville provinces and is expected to be completed in 2014, is a ...

Moody's offers update on Kingdom's credit outlook

Improved fiscal management and preparation for a decline in foreign aid would help increase Cambodia’s credit rating, according to a quarterly credit opinion from Moody’s Investor Service, which maintained a stable outlook for the country. Reduced exposure to crisis and stagnation in Western economies, continued foreign ...

Rubber industry growth a priority

Cambodia aimed to become one of the region’s main rubber producers over the next few years despite the industry’s low international recognition, officials said during the second Global Rubber Conference, held in Phnom Penh on Friday. To that end, the Kingdom had encouraged companies and investors ...

France wants closer economic ties to Cambodia

On a night when some of France’s finest wines were consumed by some of Cambodia’s most senior officials, the message was clear: France wants to strengthen its economic ties with Cambodia. On Wednesday night, the French-Cambodian Chamber of Commerce (CCFC) put on a lavish display of ...

No consultation as government develops new urban planning policy

The Ministry of Land Management and Urban Planning announced yesterday that it will soon complete a new draft sub-decree that aims to guide and regulate urban development in towns and cities. Land and human rights groups, however, criticized the ministry for failing to consult them on ...



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