

VN Rubber Company Says It Improves Forest

The Vietnamese Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL) company, the majority shareholder of several economic land concessions in Ratanakkiri province, on Friday rebuffed accusations that it had logged forests and forced evictions, claiming that its activities improved the environment and the livelihoods of locals. Through several companies, ...

Denise Hruby

Lumber Tycoon Denies Allegations of Illegal Deforestation

The assistant of a lumber tycoon accused of major deforestation and forced evictions rejected Thursday the findings of a recent report by local rights groups. The Cambodian Human Rights Task Force said in its report that some 1,400 families had been pushed from their land by ...

Kong Sothanarith

Environment Ministry Denies Issuing New ELC to Logging Firm

The Ministry of Environment on Thursday denied that a private agro-industry firm had been issued an “unofficial” land concession inside Ratanakkiri province’s Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary, as stated on Monday by the provincial governor. In response to claims by local officials that Daun Penh Agrico Co. Ltd. ...

Aun Pheap

Official Says Legality of Sanctuary Logging Unknown

A district-level Environment Ministry official in Ratanakkiri province on Wednesday claimed that he had no way to determine the legality of logging operations by firms with private land concessions inside the province’s Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary. The claim by Chou Sopheak, director of Lumphat district’s environment department, ...

Aun Pheap and Ben Woods

Numbers don’t add up

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has released a nine-month status report on 2013’s illegal timber seizures, saying it had confiscated, among other things, more than 2,000 kilograms of rosewood – a figure that represents only a tiny fraction of seizures reported by the Post this ...

May Titthara

ELC in Nature Preserve Is Illegal, Government Spokesman Says

An “unofficial” land concession granted earlier this year to an agro-industry firm that has logged luxury hardwood in Ratanakkiri province’s Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary is in violation of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s 2012 moratorium on new economic land concessions (ELCs), a government spokesman said Tuesday. Phay Siphan, ...

Aun Pheap and Ben Woods

Report calls out Pheap

Logging tycoon Try Pheap’s rapidly expanding land empire, criticised by rights groups for displacing families and encroaching on protected forest areas, has grown to almost 70,000 hectares in size and is helping to facilitate a cross-border illegal logging operation, a report released today alleges. The Cambodian ...

May Titthara

Preah Vihear Residents Protest Future Eviction

Fifty-three families in Preah Vihear province’s Kulen district on Sunday protested outside the headquarters of a Malaysian company that is threatening to clear villagers’ farmland to make way for a rubber plantation, rights groups and officials said Monday. The families, who live in Srayong commune’s Srayong ...

Aun Pheap

Update says rubber company up to old tricks

Vietnamese rubber firm Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL) has failed to keep its commitments to address human rights and environmental abuses at its plantations in Cambodia, Global Witness said in a statement yesterday. In May, the London-based NGO published an investigation into two Vietnamese rubber companies ...

Phak Seangly and Daniel Pye

Coca-Cola To Probe Seven-Year-Old Cambodian Land Grab Case

Declaring that it has “zero tolerance” towards land grabbing, Coca-Cola has agreed to investigate a long running case in Cambodia where villagers are seeking court action against a company accused of seizing their land to make way for plantations linked to the supply of sugar ...

Eurasia Review News Staff

Logging mogul blasted

Logging tycoon Try Pheap has come under fire from two separate reports alleging that he is using his vast network of concessions and licences to decimate protected forests across Cambodia. One of the reports, an exhaustive four-month investigation by a local NGO, also looked at the ...

Phak Seangly and May Titthara

Japan auto parts firm seeks plant in PPSEZ

Auto parts manufacturer Denso Cambodia, which has rented space in the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ) since July, will expand operations by building its own factory, according to a company representative. Administrative manager Seng Chanthy said yesterday that the factory will cover 10 hectares and ...

Hor Kimsay

Government Suspends Logging in Stung Treng Dam Concession

The government has ordered Ang & Associates Lawyer Co. Ltd., a company headed by well-known businessman Kith Meng, to cease logging in an area of Stung Treng province where a hydropower dam will be built. Sesan district governor Yeang Srey Sary said Thursday that a delegation ...

Kuch Naren and Dene-Hern Chen

Carlsberg Unworried by Call for Beer Boycott

Danish beer giant Carlsberg, a partner in Cambodia’s largest brewery, Cambrew, said it is not concerned by a call to boycott its popular Angkor Beer brand over a partner company’s investment in a Laos dam. Ben Morton, vice president of Carlsberg’s international media relations and issues ...

Dene-Hern Chen

Construction Set to Resume at CamKo City

Construction on Phnom Penh’s CamKo City project will resume after a year’s suspension following a fraud scandal that left its original financial backer bankrupt, an official at the Ministry of Land Management said Wednesday. CamKo City, located in Phnom Penh’s Russei Keo district, was halted ...

Hul Reaksmey

Petition for Investigation Into Sugar Trade Gains Support

More than 55,000 people have joined an online petition set up by a pair of French nongovernment groups urging the European Union (E.U.) to immediately launch an investigation into local sugar plantations accused of illegally evicting hundreds of Cambodian families. At the center of the dispute ...

Zsombor Peter and Kuch Naren



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