
Rainsy Evokes Gandhi as Example for Opposition

CNRP leader Sam Rainsy on Thursday publicly announced the opposition’s intention to conduct a campaign of civil disobedience in line with peaceful demonstrations organized by the charismatic leader of Indian nationalism Mahatma Gandhi, who helped win independence from Great Britain. Mr. Rainsy made the remarks at ...

Colin Meyn and Phorn Bopha

Journalist claims he was beaten

A local Pursat province journalist filed a lawsuit yesterday against a group of wood traders who he alleges beat him up on Tuesday. According to [Krouch] Non [Santre commune police chief], Nhok Yern, a reporter for Prum Bayon newspaper, and another journalist confronted men trafficking wood by cart. ...

Lieng Sarith

Embassies Warned CNRP Wants Coup

The government has informed foreign embassies in the country that the opposition’s threatened demonstrations over the election results are intended to illegally overthrow the elected CPP-led government, a ministry spokesman said Wednesday. Lieutenant General Khieu Sopheak, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, said that letters were ...

Colin Meyn

NEC checks continue

Acting on the orders of the Constitutional Council, the National Election Committee yesterday opened the packages containing ballots and original documents used to tally votes from eight Battambang province polling stations. In contrast to a similar examination of 13 “Safety Packages A” from Kratie on Sunday ...


Blood Stocks Drop to Critically Low Level

Stocks at the National Blood Transfusion Center (NBTC) are critically low and hundreds of units short of meeting demand, leading management at the center to publicly appeal for people to come forward and help restore the depleted reserves. Dr. Hok Kim Cheng, the NBTC’s director, said ...

Phorn Bopha

Cambodian Court Acquits Two in Slaying of Journalist

A Cambodian provincial court today dropped charges against a military police officer and his wife accused of murdering a reporter investigating the country’s illegal timber trade, drawing protests from the journalist’s wife and from human rights and environmental advocacy groups. Hang Serei Oudom, a ...

Radio Free Asia News Staff

Finance Ministry Accused of Ignoring Education Sector

The Ministry of Education on Tuesday again publicly accused the Ministry of Finance of not injecting enough funds into the education sector in order to bring Cambodia in line with the rest of Southeast Asia. Speaking at the close of a two-day workshop to formulate the ...

Kuch Naren

Teachers group urges ministry to open access to exam

Cambodia’s Independent Civil Servants Association (CICA) has written to the minister of education to request teachers and education officials be given equal access to an exam allowing them to move up the ministry’s pay scale. The association claims the ministry has made recent changes to a ...

Chhay Channyda

Landmine casualties in Cambodia down 36 pct in 7 months

Cambodia reported 74 landmine casualties in the first seven months of this year, down 36 percent from the 115 casualties over the same period last year, the figures of the Cambodia Mine Action Center (CMAC) said Tuesday. During the January-July period this year, 12 people were ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Groups seek UN help on health rights issues

Legalisation of same-sex marriage, comprehensive sex education and non-discriminatory guidelines for health workers treating LGBT people and those living with HIV/AIDS are among a handful of ways to bolster human rights in Cambodia, according to a submission delivered to the United Nations ahead of the ...


Bribes on rise for test takers

More than half a million dollars in bribes were paid to teachers during last month’s national exams by high school students in Phnom Penh alone, the authors of a new study have found. The study, conducted by the Youth Resource Development Program, found that the average ...


Malaria deaths dip in first half

A new report from Cam­bodia’s centre for malaria control shows fatalities from the disease have dropped 85 per cent in the first half of 2013 compared with the same period last year. The total number of malaria cases reduced by 52 per cent during that period, ...


Still at Large, Chhouk Bundith Has Case Sent to Appeal Court

Although the Svay Rieng Provincial Court announced the ex-governor’s sentence in June and ordered his immediate arrest, he has remained elusive to the authorities. His lawyers filed an appeal in July to the Appeal Court challenging the provincial court’s verdict. Sun Bunnarith, Chhouk Bundith’s lawyer, claimed ...

Khy Sovuthy and Dene-Hern Chen

NGOs Raise Concern Over Freedom of Expression to UN

Seven NGOs have raised their concerns that the government is using the law, media and Internet to further stifle freedom of expression, ahead of Cambodia submitting its first Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of human rights to the U.N. The UPR is the process through which Geneva’s ...

Lauren Crothers and Kuch Naren

NGOs Raise Concern Over Freedom of Expression to UN

Seven NGOs have raised their concerns that the government is using the law, media and Internet to further stifle freedom of expression, ahead of Cambodia submitting its first Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of human rights to the U.N. The UPR is the process through which Geneva’s ...

Lauren Crothers and Kuch Naren

Legal Body Calls for Bar Association to Ensure Independence

The Bar Association of Cambodia should consider stricter standards on admission to the bar, make lawyers take regular mandatory training and set up a new disciplinary committee in order to ensure that Cambodia’s legal professionals are independent, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has said. The ...

Simon Lewis and Eang Mengleng

NEC examines ballots

The National Election Committee, acting on orders from the Constitutional Council, yesterday examined ballots and original documents taken from 13 polling stations in a Kratie province commune, but the opposition and observers quickly questioned the process’s validity due to apparent irregularities. Despite the fact that “Safety ...


Study charts AIDS progress

Cambodia’s decline in HIV/AIDS mortalities has made it a regional anomaly, according to a new study published today by a global health research centre at the University of Washington. While HIV/AIDS remains a leading cause of disease burden in Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, and mortality ...


CPP Threatens Legal Action Against CNRP

The CPP on Tuesday threatened legal action against the CNRP if it did not cease its “defamatory rhetoric” regarding the ruling party’s relationship with the National Election Committee (NEC), which the opposition accuses of rigging July’s election in order to keep the CPP in power. The ...

Matt Blomberg and Neou Vannarin

HPAI in Cambodia Affects Backyard Poultry

The Cambodian veterinary authorities have reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Battambang affecting backyard poultry. An immediate notification was sent to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) reporting that the causal agent has been identified as the HPAI virus, serotype H5N1. ...




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