Microsoft decries pirated software
Microsoft Cambodia has found that an overwhelming majority of computer retailers surveyed earlier this year failed to offer customers the option to purchase licensed, as opposed to pirated, software. Out of the 54 Cambodian computer retailers included in the May survey, the results of which were ...
Subedi: There is room for reform
Despite the government indicating it was open to parliamentary reform, the dismissal of opposition lawmakers in June was a disturbing shift away from a commitment to protecting human rights, UN human rights envoy Surya Subedi says in his latest report on Cambodia. Obtained on Friday, the ...
Chamber wants new tax laws
The private sector has called on the government to review Cambodia’s taxation law, a statute that business leaders say is outdated and needs to change if Cambodia wants to continue to attract foreign investment. Led by Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) president Kith Meng, a delegation ...
Villagers in a drawn-out land fight summonsed
Five Tumpuon villagers have again been summonsed for questioning by the Ratanakkiri Provincial Court in a lengthy dispute after private firm Ly Sokim Co Ltd accused villagers of destroying its property. In the latest summons, dated July 30, villagers are warned that failing to show up ...
Clinic aids families cut off by flooding
Families driven from their homes in Banteay Meanchey province by flooding can now receive nearby healthcare, after a clinic opened near an evacuation area over the weekend. The makeshift clinic, set up by the provincial government, makes available medicine and care to about 100 families living ...
ភ្នំពេញៈ «យើងមិនត្រូវការបាតុកម្មហិង្សា ហើយក៏មិនត្រូវការការបង្ក្រាបដោយហិង្សាដែរ យើងត្រូវការដំណោះស្រាយដោយសន្តិវិធី» នេះជាការអំពាវនាវ កាលពីល្ងាចមិញ របស់ក្រុមអ្នកហែក្បួនសុំសន្តិភាពប្រមាណ ៥០០ នាក់នៅរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ។ សម្រែកតាមឧបករណ៍បំពងសំឡេងនៅឯព្រះអង្គ ដងកើ មុខវាំង ពីម្សិលមិញ ក្រុម ...
After vote, land issues heat up
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights yesterday expressed concern at a recent spate of land disputes coming on the heels of last month’s vote, and questioned whether campaign promises of resolving the Kingdom’s ongoing land issues had been forgotten now that the election has passed. The ...
Workers claim intimidation
About 4,000 employees at one of Asia’s largest garment-processing factories have stopped work, as union workers demand the company sever ties with a shareholder who ordered a military police presence there. Workers at SL Garment Processing (Cambodia) Ltd began demonstrating on Monday, about two weeks after ...
Sathapana borrows $15m for micro loans
Cambodian microfinance institution (MFI) Sathapana Limited will receive $15 million in loans to provide additional support to small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), which make up the vast majority of the country’s businesses. The loan comes courtesy of German Investment and Development Company DEG, a subsidiary of ...
Government minimises role of NGOs
A joint investigation into election irregularities may have gone back to square one after the government appeared to have blocked NGO participation in an inquiry, saying yesterday that they could only play a role of observer. “If [NGOs] just join to listen or observe, it’s no ...
ភ្នំពេញៈ ក្តីរំពឹងរបស់សង្គមស៊ីវិលដែលសង្ឃឹមថា នឹងបានចូលរួមក្នុងគណៈកម្មការស៊ើបអង្កេតភាពមិនប្រក្រតី នៃការបោះឆ្នោតទំនងជារលាយទៅវិញ បន្ទាប់ពីតំណាងរាស្រ្តគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា លោក ជាម យៀប កាលពីម្សិលមិញអះអាងថា ពួកគេនឹងត្រូវអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យដើរតួត្រឹមតែជា ...
Maternal health gets a boost in 3 provinces
About 300,000 women of reproductive age will receive higher-quality emergency obstetric and newborn-care services thanks to a sizeable handover of medical equipment and supplies to government health centres and hospitals in Kampong Thom, Kampot and Kep provinces. Through a partnership seeking to improve the social healthcare ...
An NGO with suspect ties offers wide praise
The Cambodian Democratic Student Intellectual Federation, a self-described “non-governmental and politically impartial organisation”, has declared the elections an unqualified success. “Having directly observed the electoral process in all 24 municipality [sic] and provinces, CDSIF affirms that this general election was smoothly, properly, transparently, freely and ...
Flood death toll hits seven
Relentless floodwater in Banteay Meanchey has killed at least seven people since late last month, when water began inundating the province, national disaster officials confirmed. Fatalities from the deluge in Banteay Meanchey include four adults and three children, National Committee for Disaster Management chief Keo Vy ...
Tour guides urged to give election OK
Several tour guide associations in Siem Reap received a prepared statement from the Provincial Department of Tourism asking them to sign and thumbprint a note of acceptance of the election results released by the National Election Committee on Monday. At least half a dozen of ...
Electric car is still on the charger
What happened to Cambodia’s electric car? The short answer is, the wait continues. More than seven months after its owners unveiled the new and improved Angkor EV 2013 to great fanfare, they are chronically short of funding and assembly is taking place in piecemeal fashion. Seang Chan ...
Capital governor declares moratorium on dredging
Phnom Penh municipal governor Pa Socheatvong has ordered a complete suspension of all sand-dredging activities while the municipality investigates whether the companies are operating illegally, a spokesman said. The order came during a meeting yesterday between the governor and his subordinates, City Hall spokesman Long Dimanche ...
Worker applications eased
Candidates for a government program that sends Cambodians to work in South Korea can file paperwork closer to home this year, as applications will now be distributed in 13 provinces. Applications will be available until Friday in provincial labour offices in Battambang, Kampong Cham, Kampong ...
Couple say illegal wood is not theirs
Police seized about 600 pieces of luxury-grade rosewood weighing about 2,000 kilograms during a raid in Oddar Meanchey province on Sunday, but are still deciding whether to arrest the owners of the property on which it was found, an official said. Bun Heng, a communal forestry ...
Factory production sluggish
In the wake of last month’s election, production levels at Cambodian garment factories are still below the norm as lingering fears of political unrest keep workers at home and away from the capital. Shrugged off at the outset as a natural byproduct of the election that ...
Poll anger simmers in Kandal
Two weeks ago, Kandal erupted. Skirmishes broke out at multiple polling stations where voters were left off the list, and at least one was forced to shut down as locals blocked what they claimed were outsiders from voting. In the end, this hotly contested province swung ...
Facebook safe: government
Although some of its users have made a habit of posting content critical of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, Facebook will be not be banned or restricted in any way, Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith said on Saturday. Just days after Metfone customers were not able ...
NGOs, Sar Kheng talk investigation
Interior Minister Sar Kheng sat down with representatives from 10 civil society organisations on Friday for what Cambodian Center for Human Rights president Ou Virak described as a “very frank discussion” of how to handle the investigation into the multitude of alleged irregularities in last ...
The Phnom Penh Post
Gaming outfit reports loss
Entertainment Gaming Asia Inc (EGA), a NASDAQ-listed company that supplies NagaWorld Casino with slot machines and operates casinos in Poipet town and Pailin province, reported a net loss of $385,000 from continuing operations in the second quarter of 2013, according to a statement from the ...