The Cambodia Daily

Constitutional Council Rejects Voting Complaint

The Constitutional Council on Wednesday upheld the decision by the National Election Committee (NEC) to reject a complaint filed by the opposition CNRP regarding alleged voting irregularities in Battambang province. Battambang marks the 13th rejection out of 15 provinces and municipalities that the CNRP has lodged ...

Khy Sovuthy

Limited Trafficking, Rampant Abuse in Thai Fishing Industry

Only one of the 241 Cambodians questioned for the largest survey of the notoriously abusive Thai fishing industry’s workforce to date said he was forced into the job, according to a new report by the International Labor Organization (ILO). Though some of the findings are in ...

Zsombor Peter

CNRP Pray-In Gets Backing From Opposition Supporters

Opposition supporters have had varying reactions to the CNRP’s announcement Monday that a mass demonstration planned for this weekend would be framed as a day of prayer rather than protest, but said they would still turn out. And while the CNRP’s efforts to explain their decision, ...

Phorn Bopha and Colin Meyn

Interior Ministry Issues Instructions to Police on Protest Oversigh

The Ministry of Interior on Monday released guidelines instructing governors and police on how to manage the nationwide demonstrations planned by the opposition CNRP for Saturday. The guidelines, signed by Interior Minister Sar Kheng, say that to ensure that security and public order are maintained, local ...

Storm Kills One, Injures Two, Destroys Homes in Svay Rieng

A storm on Saturday night killed one, badly injured two others and destroyed or damaged hundreds of homes in Svay Rieng province’s Rumduol district, officials said Sunday. Ros Pharith, provincial administration director, said a rainstorm with strong winds hit the prov­ince about 8:30 p.m. [Svay Rieng ...

Ben Sokhean

New Project Aims to Help Small Businesses in Cambodia

A new project by the government and Japan’s aid agency seeks to assist small companies in Cam­bodia that are in need of specialist advice in order to develop and keep up with competitors in neighboring Asean countries. The aim of the two-year program, called “Strategic Strengthening ...

Simon Henderson and Aun Pheap

Students Urge All Sides to Keep Election Protests Peaceful

More than 200 students and opposition supporters marched Sunday around Phnom Penh’s Wat Phnom with flowers in hand, urging parties to refrain from violence during Saturday’s protest against last month’s contested national election results and for recent incitement charges against two students to be dropped. The ...

Zsombor Peter and Hul Reaksmey

CPP Rejects New NGO Proposal to Break Election Impasse

The CPP on Monday quickly dismissed the latest proposal from NGOs aimed at breaking the political impasse over how to investigate irregularities surrounding last month’s contested national election. To break the deadlock, the NGOs, who have dubbed the group they formed to monitor the election ...

Khy Sovuthy and Zsombor Peter

Government Raises Salaries for Commune, Village Officials

The government has decided to double the salaries of local government officials at the commune and village level from the beginning of next year, according to a government sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen shortly before the national election. The sub-decree, released in the Royal ...

Khy Sovuthy and Simon Henderson

Blood Bank Says More Stocks Are Needed to Meet Demand

The National Blood Transfusion Center (NBTC) will launch a website this month aimed at encouraging more people to donate blood as stocks at the center are still critically low and hundreds of units short of meeting demand, the center’s director said Monday. Dr. Hok Kim Cheng ...

Phorn Bopha and Dene-Hern Chen

NEC Opens Kandal Voter Documents

The National Election Committee (NEC) on Sunday opened official polling records for eight stations in Kandal province’s Takhmao City in accordance with complaints filed by the opposition CNRP to the Constitutional Council of Cambodia over election day irregularities in the province. CPP representative Prum So­kha, secretary ...

King Calls on Parties to Respect Constitution

King Norodom Sihamoni announced Friday that the political impasse that has been formed in the wake of the July 28 national election should be resolved by “competent institutions stipulated by the Constitution and laws” of the country. Both the ruling CPP and opposition CNRP claimed that ...

Colin Meyn and Phorn Bopha

Resurgent mobile deals could hurt margins, analysts say

‘Top up $2 and get 30 free minutes daily for 20 days. Top up $5 and expand the same offer for a month. And, for a $10 recharge, that half-an-hour freebie lasts 50 days.” Mobile operator Beeline, which announced the promotion in August, called it “another ...

Anne Renzenbrink

គណៈកម្មាធិការ​ជាតិ​រៀប​ចំ​ការ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​បើក​កញ្ចប់​សុវត្ថិភាព “ ក” ចំនួន​ប្រាំ​បី​នៅ​ខេត្ត​កណ្តាល​

កាលពីម្សិលមិញ​ គណៈកម្មាធិការ​ជាតិ​រៀប​ចំ​ការ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត(គ.ជ.ប.)​បាន​ បើក​កញ្ចប់​សុវត្ថិភាព​​ “ ក” នៅ​ការិយាល័យ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​ចំ​នួ​ន​ប្រាំបី​នៅ​​ក្រុងតាខ្មៅ ក្នុង​ខេត្ត​កណ្តាល ​ដោយ​យោង​ទៅ​តាម​ពាក្យ​បណ្តឹង​របស់​គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ ​ជា​គណបក្ស​ប្រឆាំ​ងដែល​​​បាន​​​​​ប្តឹងទៅ​ក្រុម​ប្រឹក្សាធម្មនុញ្ញ​​ជុំ​ វិញ​ភាព​មិន​ប្រក្រតី​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​​ដែល​​​បាន​​​​កើត​មាន​ក្នុង​ខេត្ត ​នេះ។ លោក ព្រំ សុខា រដ្ឋលេខាធិការ​ក្រសួ​ង​មហាផ្ទៃនិង​ជាតំណាង​គណបក្ស​ប្រ​ជា​ជន​កម្ពុជាបាន​មាន ​​​ប្រសាសន៍​​​ថា កញ្ចប់​រក្សាទុក​​​​ឯក​សារ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​ដែល​គេហៅ​ថា កញ្ចប់​សុវត្ថិ​​​​​​​ភាព “ក” ហើយ​ដែល​កញ្ចប់​​​ទាំង​​​នេះ​​​ត្រូវ​បាន​បិទ​​​ជិត​​​បាន​​​ល្អ​​​​​​​​​ ត្រឹម​ត្រូវ​នោះ បាន​បង្ហាញ​ថា គ្មាន​ភាព​មិន​ប្រ​ក្រ​តី​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​​​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​នៅ​ក្នុង​ក្រុង​តាខ្មៅ​ទេ។ លោក ព្រំ​ សុខា បាន​មាន​ប្រសាសន៍​ថា  “ ការ​​បើក​កញ្ចប់​សុវត្តិភាព “ ក” ទាំងនេះ​គឺ​ដើម្បី​​បញ្ជា​ក់​ថា លទ្ធផលនៃ​​ការ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​សម្រាប់​ខេត្ត​កណ្តាលមាន​​​ភាព​​​​ត្រឹម​ត្រូវ​ ហើយ​នេះ​គឺជាយុត្តិធម៌​ដែ​ល​គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ​ចង់​បាន”។ បើទោះ​ជា​កញ្ចប់​សុវត្ថិភាព “ក” ​ទាំង​នេះ​ត្រូវ​បាន​បិទ​ជិតបាន​ល្អ​​ក៏​ដោយ​ ក៏​កញ្ចប់​សុវត្តិ​ភាព“ ក”  ​​សម្រាប់​ការិយាល័យ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​លេខ ​​​១១៨១ ​មាន​ទម្រង់​១១០៨​ចំនួ​ន​ពីរសន្លឹក​​​ ប៉ុន្តែ​គ្មាន​​​​ទម្រង់​១១០២​ទេ។ឯក​សារទាំង​នេះ​គឺ​ជា​ទម្រង់​ដែល​​​ត្រូវ​ ​​បាន​​​​ប្រើ​ ដើម្បី​រាប​​​់​​​សន្លឹក​ឆ្នោត​សរុបនៅ​​​តាម​ការិយាល័យ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​នីមួយៗ។ លោក ព្រំ សុខា ​មាន​ប្រសាសន៍​ថា ...


និស្សិតនិង​អ្នក​គាំទ្រ​គណបក្ស​​ប្រឆាំង​ជាង​២០០នាក់​បា​នដង្ហែ​ ក្បួនជុំវិញ​វត្តភ្នំ​ក្នុង​ទី​ក្រុង​ភ្នំ​ពេញកាលពី​ម្សិល​មិញ​ និង​មាន​កាន់ផ្កា​នៅ​ក្នុង​ដៃ​ផង ដោយ​ទទូច​ឲ្យ​គ្រប់​​​​ភាគី​ចៀស​​​វាង​​អំពើ​ហិង្សា​ អំឡុង​ការ​ធ្វើ​​​បាតុ​​​កម្ម​​​​​​​នៅ​​​ថ្ងៃ​​​សៅរ៍នេះ ប្រឆាំង​នឹង​លទ្ធផល​នៃ​ការ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​ជាតិ​ដ៏​ចម្រូង​ចម្រាសកាលពី​ខែ​មុន​​​ និង​ទទូច​ឲ្យលើកលែង​​ការ​ចោទ​ប្រកាន់​ពី​បទ​ញុះ​ញង់​នា​ពេល​ថ្មី​ៗនេះ​​​។ ការដង្ហែក្បួនកាលពី​​ព្រឹក​ថ្ងៃម្សិល​មិញ​ដែ​ល​រៀប​ចំ​ឡើង​ដោយ​ក្រុម​មិត្ត​ ភក្តិ​​​​តាម​​​បណ្ដាញ​​​​​​​សង្គម​ហ្វេសប៊ុក​​​​​ធ្វើ​ឡើង​ចំពេល​គណ​បក្ស​ សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ​ ជា​គណបក្ស​ប្រឆាំង​ត្រៀម​ធ្វើ​មហា​បាតុ​កម្ម​​​​​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ទី​៧​ខែ​កញ្ញា​នេះ គឺ​មួយ​ថ្ងៃ​មុន គ.ជ.ប. គ្រោង​​ប្រកាស​លទ្ធ​​​ផល​ផ្លូវ​ការ ដែល​​​សឹង​​​តែ​​​​បង្ហាញ​យ៉ាង​​​​​​​ច្បាស់​ថា គណបក្ស​ប្រជា​​​​​​​ជន​កម្ពុជា​ដែល​កំពុង​កាន់​អំណាច​ឈ្នះ​ការ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​ នេះ។ គណបក្សប្រឆាំង​បាន​ឲ្យ​ដឹង​ថា ខ្លួន​នឹង​ធ្វើ​មហាបាតុកម្ម​ ប្រសិន​បើ​រដ្ឋាភិ​បា​ល​មិន​​ព្រម​បង្កើត​គណៈកម្មាធិការស៊ើប​អង្កេត​ឯករាជ្យ ​មួយ​ដើម្បី​ស៊ើប​អង្កេត​លទ្ធ​ផល​នៃ​ការ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត​នេះ​ដែល​គណបក្ស​ទាំងពីរ​ សុទ្ធតែបាន​ប្រកាសឈ្នះ​រៀង​ៗ​ខ្លួន ប៉ុន្តែ​មាន​សេចក្តី​រាយ​​​ការណ៍​អំពី​ភាព​មិន​ប្រ​ក្រ​តី​ច្រើន​។ ...

In Contrasting Styles, Police, Opposition Prepare for Protests

With planned protests against last month’s contested national election results fast approaching, the opposition CNRP and police each held separate training events in Phnom Penh on Sunday, aimed at staving off the violence many fear may erupt. The CNRP says it will start mass protests beginning ...

Phorn Bopha and Zsombor Peter

CNRP Pledges Legal Action Against NEC

The CNRP has pledged to take legal action against the leadership of the National Election Committee (NEC) after the Constitutional Council of Cambodia announced on Saturday that election irregularities in Kratie province were not significant enough to alter preliminary results released by the NEC. Despite the ...

Eang Mengleng

New Concerns as NEC Releases More Unsealed Polling Records

The National Election Committee (NEC) on Friday publicly opened 12 official polling records from Siem Reap province, but seven of them had been either torn or improperly sealed, sparking fresh concerns from the opposition CNRP that they had been tampered with. The unsealed packages—known as “safety ...

Kuch Naren

Startup Promises a Future for Former Boeng Kak Residents

In mid-August, on day seven of production at the Coco Khmer social enterprise, the team experienced a setback. Temperatures in the fermenting room must remain between 35 and 40 degrees to produce the organization’s virgin coconut oil, but the temperature on that rainy day refused to ...

Devon Geary and Mech Dara

Phnom Penh Fares Poorly in Livability Index

Phnom Penh is one of the least-livable cities in the world, but has also seen relatively strong improvement in quality of life over the past five years, the Economist Intelligence Unit’s annual Global Livability Ranking released this month has found. The analysis of 140 cities, which ...

David Kaner

Prosecutors Meet to Discuss Treatment of Incarcerated Minors

The judiciary has signed off on a new set of guidelines designed to regulate the work of prosecutors in many areas, including the rights of minors in the judicial system. Ouk Savuth, general director of the Court of Appeal, signed off on the guidelines on August ...

Khy Sovuthy

Sokimex Group Plans 15-Story Hotel Near Royal Palace

Local conglomerate Sokimex Group plans to construct a 15-story hotel as well as a supermarket and high-end shops on a more than 15,000-square-meter plot of land behind Phnom Penh’s Wat Ounalom, the firm’s founder, Sok Kong, said Thursday. Mr. Kong said his company had applied for ...

Aun Pheap and Joshua Wilwohl

Phnom Penh Governor Expresses Disapproval of CNRP Rally

Phnom Penh governor Pa Socheatvong on Thursday rebuked opposition CNRP president Sam Rainsy for allegedly breaking his promise to keep Monday’s CNRP rally at Freedom Park to 6,000 people and bar the participation of supporters from outside of the city. Well over 10,000 CNRP supporters attended ...

Khy Sovuthy

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