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1031 Records found for "rel sponsored seo【telegram∶@dremf】TUTU"

ODC participated in BarCamp ASEAN 2018

Barcamp ASEAN 2018 took place on October 20-21, at Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This BarCamp ASEAN 2018 broke the world’s largest BarCamp record having over 8,000 participants, 60 exhibitors, over 95 speakers on 85 topics and 1,000 companies and organizations. ...

ODC Presents at BarCamp Battambang!

ODC Mapper Loch Kalyan, ODC Intern Atif Choudhury, ODC Research & Volunteer Coordinator Chan Penhleak, ODC Senior Mapper Mean NaroA four-member delegation from the Open Development Cambodia team attended the two-day international technology conference BarCamp, held in Battambang.  Through its theme “Empowering Youth through Technology”, ...

Training of the Trainers (TOT) on Digital Skills and Computer Science

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) together with the ICT4D Cambodia Network are the local partners in Cambodia to implement the ASEAN Digital Innovation Program, which is supported by the ASEAN Foundation and the Microsoft. We are delighted to be organizing the Training of the Trainers (TOT) ...

Open Development Cambodia

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Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Registered indigenous communal land”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Registered indigenous communal land” adding 02 new map features in Kratie province. This dataset contains information on the land titles of the indigenous communities registered and issued by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planing and ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on "Affect of flood disaster in Cambodia (1996-2021)"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Affect of flood disaster in Cambodia (1996-2021)”. This dataset reveals the affects of flood disaster in Cambodia from 1996 to 2021, showing the number of flood victims, including deaths, injuries, missing persons, house destruction, evacuation, budget ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a dataset on "Public Education Statistic (2015-2022)"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a dataset on “Public Education Statistic (2015-2022)” by added new map layers of Public Education Statistic (2021-2022) and Public Education Statistic (2019-2020). This dataset contains the statistics of public education in each province of Cambodia, where the numbers of student ...

Data contribution

Criteria for data submissionThe following criteria is outlined as requirements of a response to call for data contribution:ThemeThe dataet must:be related to Cambodia.be related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).FeaturesContributors must have permission to submit and share the dataset upon an open platform. All ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new map layer and dataset of "Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new map layer of “Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia” on the interactive map, under the map category of “Social development”. The dataset of map layer shows the cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Cambodia. The dataset information will be ...

The 42nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment

From 08 – 11 May 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) attended the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment under the theme of “Resilience through impact assessment and leadership” at Kuching, Malaysia. As part of the partnership on technical assistance for developing ...


Open Cambodia A Mozilla/Aspiration Conference Open Web, Open Source, Open Knowledge 16-17 September 2011 Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh Friday 16 September 8:00-8:30 Registration – Grand Mekong Hall, First Floor 8:30-10:15 Interactive Plenary 10:15-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-12:00 Agenda Crowdsourcing: Session Development 12:00-1:00 Lunch – Provided at the Sun Café Restaurant, Ground Floor, Sunway Hotel 1:00-3:00 Break-Out I – Framing Sessions: ...

Pilot training on map reading and using with high school teachers

In March 2019, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and the Department of Information Technology (DIT) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) conducted an assessment workshop to collect inputs from high school teachers to understand the teachers’ knowledge and experience in map using and ...


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Open Data Day 2018: You are invited again!

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in collaboration with Open Data Communities, Open Data Activists, Open Source Enthusiast and Educator, representative of the Advocate for Free Culture & Open Knowledge in Cambodia and CSOs in both national and international, the organizer team members team is enthusiastic ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 8 new map features in Phnom Penh, Tboung Khmum and Svay Rieng province. This dataset contains information regarding​​ the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) Published a new dataset on “Building footprints in Phnom Penh”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) Published a new dataset on “Building footprints in Phnom Penh”. This dataset contains information about​​ building footprint in Phnom Penh. Building footprints can be used for a variety of essential purposes, including population estimation, urban planning, and humanitarian response, as well ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 8 new map features in Phnom Penh, Tboung Khmum and Svay Rieng province. This dataset contains information regarding​​ the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 2 new map features in Siemreap and Preah Sihnouk province. This dataset contains information regarding​​ the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties of some ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 2 new map features in Kep and Pursat province. This dataset contains information regarding​​ the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties of some area ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on "Special economic zone in Cambodia"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” by adding 1 new map feature of Grand Bokor SEZ in Preah Sihanouk province. This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. The ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 01 new map features in Phnom Penh. This dataset contains information regarding​​ the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties of some area in Phnom ...

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Do you have resources that could help expand the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) website? We will review any map data, laws, articles, and documents that we do not yet have and see if we can implement them into our site. Please make sure the resources are in the public domain or fall under a Creative Commons license.

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Disclaimer: Open Development Cambodia (ODC) will thoroughly review all submitted resources for integrity and relevancy before the resources are hosted. All hosted resources will be in the public domain, or licensed under Creative Commons. We thank you for your support.

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