Appeal Court Upholds Guilty Verdict in Land Dispute

The Appeal Court on Tuesday upheld its own previous guilty verdict against a farmer from Kompong Chhnang province for defaming KDC, the agri-business firm owned by Chea Kheng, the wife of Industry, Mines and Energy Minister Suy Sem. Pheng Rom is a member of one ...

Riverbank Collapse Prompts Dredging Complaint

More than 300 Kandal province villagers have filed a complaint with Sa’ang district officials over sand dredging along the Bassac river after riverbanks in their village collapsed, district governor Khim Chankiri said yesterday. Mr. Chankiri said, however, that the sand dredging operation along the Bassac ...

Government Probes 2,000 Hectare Land Grab

Government officials in Kompong Thom province said yesterday that they are investigating the ownership of more than 2,000 hectares of land currently being held by an unknown number of individuals who are suspected of illegal land grabbing. An Agriculture Ministry official pointed the finger of ...

Police Arrest TTY Manager Over Shooting

Kratie provincial police have arrested the general manager of TTY rubber company, and he is now facing charges for his role in a Jan. 18 shooting of four villagers by the company’s armed guards, police and court officials said yesterday. Authorities arrested two TTY guards ...

Arrest over Kratie gunfire

The long-time general manager of TTY Company, Un Piseth, was arrested on Saturday on suspicion he ordered gunfire that injured four protesters in Kratie province on January 18. Deputy provincial prosecutor Hak Hoin said the 47-year-old had been detained after questioning on Saturday over the shootings, ...

Minorities Seek Land Dispute March Approval

Local human rights group Adhoc has requested provincial approval to stage a large-scale march later this month involving hundreds of indigenous minorities embroiled in a land dispute in Ratanakiri province. The demonstration is being organized to bring attention to what minority villagers claim is judicial ...

Kandal villagers seek resolution to dispute

More than 200 villagers from Kandal’s Kien Svay district gathered in protest yesterday to urge the National Authority for Land Dispute Resolution to resolve their long-standing dispute with a CPP official. The protesters assembled in the Samrong Thom commune brandishing photos of the prime minister and ...

Net Vegetable Yields Still Miss Demand

Agriculture Minister Chan Sarun said yesterday that Cambodia currently produces only half as many vegetables as it needs to meet demand and that more needs to be done to remedy the situation. “Cambodia only produces 40 to 60 perent of its needs and imports, the ...

Pailin Looks to Put Longan Fruit on GI Map

Pailin’s juicy longans, a small beige-colored fruit renowned for its sweet taste, is on the way to becoming Cambodia’s third food product to attain Geographic Indicator (GI) status. The longan will join Cambodia’s only other GI-recognized food products: Kompong Speu palm sugar and Kampot ...

Worming a Way Into the Agriculture Sector

For 53-year-old farmer Ros Mao, it’s not just the early bird that catches the worm. The Takeo province farmer has raised millions of earthworms for eight years in Tram Trak district, selling the slimy red creatures and using the manure they create to grow his ...



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