ខេមបូឌា ដេលី
Police Chiefs Told to Stop Taking Wages
The National Police commissioner has ordered police chiefs to stop taking money from law enforcement officials’ salaries for apparent good causes. A statement signed by General Neth Savoeun, dated August 22 but obtained Thursday, said police chiefs at all levels must cease the practice, which takes ...
Khuon Narim
Villagers Protest Demarcation of Kindergarten
More than 500 villagers protested at a kindergarten in Phnom Penh on Thursday after workers began constructing a brick wall through its grounds in order to demarcate the land for commercial sale. The villagers began to protest on Wednesday but were placated by local authorities, who ...
Aun Pheap
Rainsy Evokes Gandhi as Example for Opposition
CNRP leader Sam Rainsy on Thursday publicly announced the opposition’s intention to conduct a campaign of civil disobedience in line with peaceful demonstrations organized by the charismatic leader of Indian nationalism Mahatma Gandhi, who helped win independence from Great Britain. Mr. Rainsy made the remarks at ...
Colin Meyn and Phorn Bopha
Questions Raised Over Forms Used for Voters With No ID
Of the nearly 800,000 forms issued to voters without identification for use in the July 28 election, about 270,000 were issued between the end of the voter registration period and the election itself, raising concerns among observers they could have been used fraudulently. According to National ...
Lauren Crothers
Rights Groups Condemn Verdict of Murdered Journalist
The verdict issued Wednesday by the Ratanakkiri Provincial Court dropping the charges against a military police officer and his wife who were allegedly involved in the murder of an investigative journalist is a travesty of justice and a sign of impunity in the country, rights ...
Kuch Naren and Dene-Hern Chen
លោក សម រង្ស៊ី យកលោកមហាត្មះ គន្ធី ធ្វើជាគំរូសម្រាប់គណបក្សប្រឆាំងនៅកម្ពុជា
កាលពីម្សិលមិញ លោក សម រង្ស៊ី មេដឹកនាំគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិបាន ប្រកាសជាសាធារណៈពីបំណងរបស់គណបក្សប្រឆាំងក្នុងការធ្វើយុទ្ធនាការ តវ៉ាឲ្យស្របនឹងបាតុកម្មអហិង្សាដែលរៀបចំឡើងដោយលោក មហាត្មះ គន្ធី មេដឹកនាំជាតិនិយមឥណ្ឌា ដ៏គួរឲ្យកោតសរសើរនិងស្ញប់ស្ញែង ...
Embassies Warned CNRP Wants Coup
The government has informed foreign embassies in the country that the opposition’s threatened demonstrations over the election results are intended to illegally overthrow the elected CPP-led government, a ministry spokesman said Wednesday. Lieutenant General Khieu Sopheak, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, said that letters were ...
Colin Meyn
Sokimex Orders Businesses Off Prime Real Estate
Dozens of business owners occupying more than 8,000 square meters of prime real estate behind Phnom Penh’s Wat Ounalom have been ordered to vacate their premises by the local conglomerate Sokimex Group, an official from the firm said Wednesday. Though the firm declined to say what ...
Aun Pheap and Joshua Wilwohl
CNRP Sets Date for Mass Protests Against Election Results
The opposition CNRP announced Wednesday that it will hold a mass demonstration on September 7 against the preliminary results of what it claims was a rigged national election, one day before final results are expected to be released by the Constitutional Council of Cambodia. Unless the ...
Khy Sovuthy and Colin Meyn
អ្នកនាំពាក្យក្រសួងមួយបាននិយាយកាលពីម្សិលមិញថា រដ្ឋាភិបាលបាន ជូនដំណឹងដល់ស្ថានទូតបរទេសនៅក្នុងប្រទេសថា ការគំរាមធ្វើបាតុកម្មរបស់គណបក្សប្រឆាំងដើម្បីតវ៉ានឹងលទ្ធផល បោះឆ្នោតនេះមានបំណងផ្តួលរំលំរដ្ឋាភិបាលជាប់ឆ្នោតដែលដឹកនាំដោយ គណបក្ស ...
Vote Tallies Blank in Battambang City Booths
The National Election Committee (NEC) on Wednesday publicly released official election documents from eight polling stations in Battambang City, revealing that forms essential to calculating results had been left blank at two booths on polling day. The Constitutional Council of Cambodia (CCC), which has ordered the ...
Khuon Narim and Matt Blomberg
Businessmen Charged Over Mining Deal Fraud
The Phnom Penh Municipal Court has charged the Cambodian chairman of a local conglomerate and a Chinese business associate with fraud and using forged public documents, officials said Wednesday. Al Romny, 41, and Chinese national Chin Mongxin, 45, were arrested Saturday after an unknown complainant said ...
Eang Mengleng and Simon Lewis
Government, ADB Differ on Rail Project
The government claims to have finished nearly a third of the work needed to rehabilitate the long-dilapidated railway line from Phnom Penh to the Thai border at Poipet, twice the figure reported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the main financier of the over-budget and ...
Zsombor Peter
Finance Ministry Accused of Ignoring Education Sector
The Ministry of Education on Tuesday again publicly accused the Ministry of Finance of not injecting enough funds into the education sector in order to bring Cambodia in line with the rest of Southeast Asia. Speaking at the close of a two-day workshop to formulate the ...
Kuch Naren
Verdict Due in Case of Brutally Slayed Reporter
A verdict in the brutal slaying last year of an investigative journalist in Ratanakkiri province is due to be handed down by the provincial court today following a reinvestigation into the case. Hang Serei Odom, 42, a reporter for the Virakchun Khmer Daily, was found hacked ...
Kuch Naren
Verdict in 15-Year-Long Land Dispute Delayed
About 200 villagers from Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district who are involved in a long-running land dispute with two businessmen gathered outside the Court of Appeal on Tuesday, waiting to hear the verdict in their case—which was ultimately delayed. The villagers are representatives of 320 families in ...
Khy Sovuthy
Fruit Trucks Block Road In Customs Fee Protest
About 30 truck drivers transporting fruit blocked National Road 5 in Banteay Meanchey province’s O’Chrou district for an hour yesterday after customs officials arrested six of their fellow drivers for refusing to pay fees they thought were unreasonable, drivers said. Nou Sal, 35, who transports ...
Hul Reaksmey
CNRP Threatens NEC With Suit Over Election Irregularities
The opposition CNRP on Monday threatened to sue the National Election Committee (NEC) over alleged election irregularities during the July 28 ballot—which both the ruling CPP and CNRP claim to have won, though the NEC’s results support a CPP victory. CNRP vice president Kem Sokha promised ...
Khuon Narim
Police Presence Light at Rowdy CNRP Rally in Freedom Park
Police maintained a subtle, and mostly unarmed, presence at a rowdy opposition rally that filled Phnom Penh’s Freedom Park on Monday, despite persistent tensions over last month’s contested national election and a beefed-up security presence around the city. Even as the crowd swelled to well over ...
Phorn Bopha
កាលពីម្សិលមិញ ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាធម្មនុញ្ញ បានលើកឡើងថា ខ្លួននឹង បើកសវនាការជា សាធារណៈមួយនៅ សប្តាហ៍នេះរវាងគណៈ កម្មាធិការជាតិរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត (គ.ជ.ប.) និងគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ បន្ទាប់ពីគណបក្សប្រឆាំងនេះបានប្តឹងតវ៉ាថា គ.ជ.ប. បានប្រើប្រាស់ ឯកសារបោះឆ្នោតដែលបើកចំហ និងអាចមានការ ...
Still at Large, Chhouk Bundith Has Case Sent to Appeal Court
Although the Svay Rieng Provincial Court announced the ex-governor’s sentence in June and ordered his immediate arrest, he has remained elusive to the authorities. His lawyers filed an appeal in July to the Appeal Court challenging the provincial court’s verdict. Sun Bunnarith, Chhouk Bundith’s lawyer, claimed ...
Khy Sovuthy and Dene-Hern Chen
ថ្លែងទៅកាន់អ្នកគាំទ្រជាង១០.០០០នាក់ក្នុងពិធីជួបជុំដ៏ធំ មួយកាលពីម្សិលមិញក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ លោក សម រង្ស៊ី និងលោក កឹម សុខា មេដឹកនាំគណបក្សប្រឆាំងបានមានប្រសាសន៍ថា ប្រសិនបើគណបក្ស ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាកំពុងកាន់អំណាចមិនធ្វើសហ ...
Court Questions Cambodian, Chinese Businessmen Over Fraud
The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Monday questioned two businessmen over allegations of fraud and using forged public documents, including claims they faked a signature from Prime Minister Hun Sen in a mining transaction, court and police officials said. Deputy prosecutor Var Sakada said Cambodian Al ...
អ្នករិះគន់និយាយថា គ.ជ.ប. ត្រូវការកែទម្រង់ទាំងស្រុង
អ្នកសង្កេតការណ៍បោះឆ្នោត និងអ្នកវិភាគបាននិយាយកាលពីម្សិលមិញថា ការបន្តបរាជ័យរបស់គណៈកម្មាធិការជាតិរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត (គ.ជ.ប.) បាន បង្ហាញថា គ.ជ.ប. គ្មានទាំងឆន្ទៈ និងមិនអាចបំពេញតួនាទីរបស់ខ្លួន ឲ្យបានត្រឹមត្រូវក្នុងនាមជាស្ថាប័នឯករាជ្យ និងមិនប្រកាន់បក្ខ ពួក ដើម្បីធានាឲ្យមានការ ...