Officials urge maritime talks be resumed using 2001 MoU

Legal experts and officials agree that negotiations with Cambodia about overlapping maritime claims should resume under the 2001 memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Thailand. The MoU was revoked by the previous Abhisit Vejjajiva government. Vasin Teeravechyan, head of the Thai-Cambodian joint boundary sub-committee, said many related officials ...

Flash Floods, Heavy Rains Expected in 14 Provinces This Week

The government warned residents of 14 provinces yesterday to take precautions against possible flash floods caused by heavy rain, while the homes of almost 1,000 families have already been flooded in Banteay Meanchey province. The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology issued a statement yesterday calling ...

Villagers Say Preservation of Pond Is Worth Fighting For

The future of a pond that sparked controversy last Monday, when about 400 people stopped authorities from filling it with sand in preparation for the construction of a military police base, remains in question, locals said yesterday. The residents of 10 villages protested last week in ...

Eviction fears grow at lake

Villagers living in raised houses on the capital’s Boeung Tumpun lake fear their eviction is on the horizon as sand pumping increases at the site, they said yesterday. In recent months, heavy machinery has been at work at the Boeung Tumpun site. Sand pumping has ...

Residents could be evicted as pumped sand fills the Boeung Tumpun lake

Heavy machinery is pumping millions of tonnes of sand from the river into the Boeung Tumpun lake in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The area is home to some 2000 families and rumours suggest they will be evicted to develop the land once the lake is filled. The ...

Cambodia to Buy Power From Laos’ Xayaburi Dam

Laos’ energy minister announced last week that the country will sell energy supplied by the controversial Xayaburi Dam to Cambodia. It is already planning to sell power to Thailand, where last month a lawsuit was lodged to stop the country from buying electricity produced at ...

China investment in energy 'crucial' to Cambodia

Cambodian Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy on Thursday hailed Chinese companies for hugely investing in the country’s energy sector, which is a key element to support the sustainable social and economic development. Suy Sem’s appreciation was made during a bilateral meeting with Wu Yin, ...

Spike in Mekong River Fishing Could Harm Dolphins

There has been an ioncrease in fishing activity in the dolphin conservation zones along the Mekong River in Kratie and Stung Treng provinces, putting pressure on the critically endangered Mekong dolphin population, the chairman of the Commission for Mekong River Dolphin Conservation and Eco-tourism Development said yesterday. Touch ...

Villagers Save Pond From Being Filled

Approximately 400 people from 10 villages in Kandal province’s Ang Snuol district stopped a truck on Monday that had been hired to fill in a pond in preparation for the reported building of a military police base, officials said. Thuon Nging, a representative of the ...

Kaing Menghun, P. 18

Dams, climate plague Mekong

Villagers in Kratie province have long feared the proposed Sambor hydroelectric dam and the impact it could have on their subsistence fishing and riverbank agriculture. According to Resilience on the Mekong: A Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in North-East Cambodia, a report released by the World Wildlife Foundation on Friday, ...

Cambodia Says No Strings Attached in Recent Chinese Aid

China has done a lot to support Cambodia over the years, with millions of dollars in aid, loans and investment. But after reports last week that China has pledged another $500 million in soft loans and grants-and publicly thanked Cambodia for its support in Southeast ...

New Mekong Port to Ease Overloaded Phnom Penh Terminal

With cargo traffic at the Phnom Penh Autonomus Port growing rapidly, a nearly completed container terminal just south of the city on the Mekon River should help ease the congestion. The 30-hectare port, in Kandal province’s Kein Svay district, was completed late last month, though cranes ...

Largest hydropower station on Mekong River starts operation

The largest hydropower station on Lancang River in southwest China’s Yunnan Province — known as the Mekong River in southeast Asia — went into operation Thursday with its first power generating unit up and running. The Nuozhadu hydroelectric station, located in the city of Pu’er, is ...

Cambodia Says No Strings Attached in Recent Chinese Aid

China has done a lot to support Cambodia over the years with millions of dollars in aid, loans and investment. But after reports this week that China has pledged another $500 million in soft loans and grants—and publicly thanked Cambodia for its support in Southeast ...

PM will hand-deliver titles

Prime Minister Hun Sen will personally deliver land titles to residents in Kratie province’s Snuol district on September 21 following the completion of the land measuring mission by volunteer youth there.   According to the premier’s order, land titles have been granted in three forms of ...

Dredging licenses up for grabs

The government has granted contracts to three unnamed private companies to invest in dredging operations along parts of the , but is withholding the companies’ names and information on the specific areas for the large-scale projects. Lim Kean Hor, the Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology, told ...

Fisheries Official Questioned Over Clearing Flooded Forest

A fisheries official accused of involvement in the clearing of an area of protected flooded forest in Kampong Thom province in July was questioned at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday. Korn Chanseiha, chief of the Fisheries Administration’s Stong district office, is one of about 20 officials ...

Water sector in need of investment

Despite the establishment of the Cambodian Clean Water Supplier Association last week, the clean water sector still lacks sufficient investment to connect rural Cambodia. There is very little clean water in Cambodia and accelerating its supply requires the government, private sector and other development partners ...

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