ព្រៃឈើ និងរុក្ខាប្រមាញ់
Illegal checkpoints, logging tools netted
Activists in Kratie province’s Snuol district seized seven chainsaws over the weekend and collected evidence that four police checkpoints were used to solicit bribes from illegal loggers, representatives of the network said yesterday. After scouring thousands of hectares of protected forest from Friday through yesterday, the ...
New study reveals catastrophic loss of Cambodia's tropical flooded grasslands
Around half of Cambodia’s tropical flooded grasslands have been lost in just 10 years according to new research from the University of East Anglia. The seasonally flooded grasslands around the Tonle Sap, Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake, are of great importance for biodiversity and a ...
Upstream Dams, Downstream Trouble
As examples, Laos broke ground on a new Mekong River dam that’s causing concern bordering on fury in Cambodia and Vietnam. India is enraged about a new Chinese dam going up on the Brahmaputra River. And Ethiopia’s new dam on the Nile is angering Sudan, ...
Chinese Firms Foresee Industrial Hub in Preah Vihear
Preah Vihear province – The residents of this sleepy district, on the edge of the Boeng Per Wildlife Sanctuary, grow rice, cassava and cashew nuts. But in a few short years, Chinese investors envisage that Rovieng will be rapidly transformed into an industrial town. ...
Sesan Dam Law Approved
Cambodia’s parliament on Friday approved a law providing financial guarantees for the developers of a planned hydropower dam on a Mekong River tributary, despite opposition from civil society groups seeking to delay the project. Villagers campaigning against the Lower Sesan 2 dam in northeastern Cambodia’s Stung ...
Last days of a valley damned
Yong Yim’s voice rises to a high-pitched quiver when she talks about a planned dam in the Areng Valley that would inundate land her family has inhabited for hundreds of years to form what amounts to a giant battery. Now they are staring at ...
ម៉ៃ ទិត្យធារ៉ា David Boyle និង Danson Cheong
Land laws not properly implimented
Laws protecting ethnic minorities’ communal land rights are good, but their implementation has a long way to go, said participants in a forum of minorities from Mondulkiri and Kratie provinces yesterday. After July’s parliamentary elections, legislators should take the opportunity of a newly constituted government to ...
Chinese Sugar Firms Accused of Land Grabbing
More than 100 villagers in Preah Vihear province have accused a group of Chinese-owned sugar plantations of encroaching on their farms and community forests since mid-2012 and say they are still waiting for a resolution. Sen Som, a rice farmer in Chheb district, said Heng Rui ...
ចង់អោយមានការផ្លាស់ប្ដូរចំពោះគម្រោង ការពារព្រៃឡង់
កាលពីម្សិលមិញ ក្រុមអភិរក្សមួយក្រុម បានទាមទារអោយមានការកែប្រែលើចំនុចមួយចំនួនក្នុងអនុក្រឹត្យ ដែលចង់កែប្រែព្រៃឡង់ទៅជាតំបន់ការពារ ដោយសារពួកគាត់បារម្ភថា វានឹងអាចគំរាមកំហែងជាជាងការការពារព្រៃ។ ...
ឃួន ណារីម និង សាំង សុឥន្ទរិទ្ធ
Dozens sentenced in forest-clearing ring
Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday sentenced 28 people – including several government officials – to between two and five years in jail on charges of clearing state-protected flooded mangrove forest in Kampong Thom province in July of 2012. Presiding Judge Keo Mony said that Cheath Sivutha, ...
យោងតាមមន្ត្រីជំនាញបានឱ្យដឹងថា ក្រោយពីមានកិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការចុះស៊ើបអង្កេតរវាងប៉ូលីស និងទាហានកាលពីសប្ដាហ៍មុនមក មន្ត្រីរដ្ឋបាលព្រៃឈើបានរកឃើញភស្តុតាងនៃការកាប់ព្រៃឈើខុសច្បាប់ខ្នាតធំ ដោយមានម្ចាស់ជា ...
អូន ភាព និង Ben Woods
Phnom Penh's Historic Quarter to go to Pedestrian
A new tourist promenade is to open in the heart of Phnom Penh’s old French quarter. Scheduled for a February opening, the tourist walk zone will provide an outdoor leisure area on street 13 that will be closed to cars and motorbikes on weekends from ...
រយៈពេលជាងមួយខែ បន្ទាប់ពីមានការរាំងស្ទះនៃជំលោះដីសម្បទានក្នុងខេត្តរតនៈគិរី ក្រុមហ៊ុនវៀតណាមមួយបានរាយការណ៍ថាបានធ្វើសកម្មភាពបន្ត និងប្រគល់ដីព្រៃដែលសឹករិចរឹលចំនួន ៣០ ហិកតា ទៅអោយប្រជាជនវិញុ នេះបើតាមអ្នកតំណាង ...
ផាក់ ស៊ាងលី
មន្ត្រីរដ្ឋបាលព្រៃឈើចុះស៊ើបអង្កេត ដើម្បីបញ្ជាក់ថាក្រុមហ៊ុននេះបានកាប់ព្រៃឈើខុសច្បាប់ និងកាប់ឆ្ការដីខុសពីតំបន់សម្បទានដែលខ្លួនមាន ដើម្បីឆ្លើយតបនឹងសំណើរឱ្យរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលអន្តរាគមន៍បឈ្ឈប់ការកាប់បំផ្លាញដីព្រៃសហគមន៍របស់ជនជាតិដើមភាគតិច ...
អូន ភាព និង Ben Woods
Jarai Call for Vietnamese Rubber Companies to Cease Logging
Representatives of an ethnic Jarai community in Ratanakkiri province’s O’Yadaw district, along with local human rights group Adhoc, have called on two Vietnamese rubber companies to cease the clearing of forests on their ancestral land and exporting the logs to Vietnam. The companies, Day Dong Yoeun ...
ដីព្រៃសហគមន៍ចំនួន ៣៦ ហិកតា នៅក្នុងខេត្តបាត់ដំបង បានត្រូវរាយការណ៍ថាបានផ្ដល់ទៅអោយអ្នកដែលរស់នៅតំបន់ផ្សេង រួមបញ្ជូលទាំងមន្ត្រីយោធាផងដែរ។ ...
David Boyle
Jarai ethnic minority win temporary victory over forest
Local authorities have stepped in to halt construction around a disputed land concession in Ratanakkiri province in an attempt to discover whether the company has the right to clear forest that residents claim they depend on to survive. In what appears to be a rare showing ...
Concern Over Tonle Sap Catch
Fish production in Cambodia’s great Tonle Sap Lake is on track to reach last year’s level, an official said Wednesday, despite concern from fishermen that yields are dwindling due to environmental problems. Nao Thouk, director of the Fisheries Administration under the Ministry of Agriculture, said that ...
Jarai ethnic minority claim forest razed
The custodians of a community forest in Ratanakkiri have accused a company of illegally bulldozing their protected jungle. Sen Youn, a representative of the Jarai ethnic minority in O’Yadav district’s Lumchor commune, said yesterday an investigation with rights groups had uncovered that the Chea Chanrith Development ...
Battambang Officials Halt Clearing of Community Forest - Again
Forestry Administrative officials in Battambang province have again halted logging and clearing inside a community forest and are attempting to prevent student volunteers deployed by the Ministry of Land Management from demarcating land in already cleared areas, local officials said last week. ...
Protected forest reclassified as private land
The entirety of three protected forests are now classified as private land, an investigation from rights group Adhoc has found, along with tens of thousands of additional hectares of what has once been state public land In three cases, Adhoc’s findings show that entire protected forests ...
Villagers along Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake Livelihood Threatened
Villagers on Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia, who depend on fishing for subsistence, say their livelihoods are threatened by illegal commercial fishing, which continues after a government ban. And they say authorities in charge of enforcing the ban are being bribed to look the other ...
Hunters and Hunted
Unable to effectively police the Cardamoms alone, the Cambodian government partners itself with several international NGOs. The forests directly north of Highway 48 arc patrolled with the help of Wildlife Alliance. Beginning in 2002 with two ranger stations, Wildlife Alliance now operates six outposts in the ...
Bokor development harms biodiversity
Two studies have found that development on Bokor Mountain in Kampot province is threatening some of the area’s plant and animal species. The Sokimex Group has been granted development rights for the entire mountain and in May, the first of three hotels to be built ...