Borei Keila Residents Protest Resettlement Plan
Residents of Borei Keila in Phnom Penh are protesting their resettlement. They were promised housing by Phanimex Company in exchange for the land they gave to the developers, who are said to not completed their side of the deal. So far only 7 of 10 ...
A Tough Ride for S Korean Property Projects
GS Engineering & Construction broke ground on June 18, 2008 of Cambodia’s largest building the International Finance Complex in Phnom Penh but since then has been suspend or forced to downscale like all of the other building projects in the city. Worth more than $4.5 ...
Lake Residents’ Protest Results In Two Arrests
Two protestors of CPP Senator’s project to develop Boeng Kak Lake have been arrested after a breakdown in negotiations between city hall and the 1,500 lakeside families who were protesting. The negotiations were concerning the sort of onsite housing the families would receive as compensation ...
Broker opens ahead of CSX launch date
Sonatra Securities a designated broker has launched its operations in Cambodia ahead of the launch of the Cambodian Securities Exchange (CSX). As one of the four companies licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia, Sonatra will be able to buy and sell shares ...
ADB talks Cambodia funding priorities
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is focusing on lending to the agriculture, education, finance, water supply and transport sectors in Cambodia as part of its three year Country Partnership Strategy, worth $500 million. $377 million will be allocated to 12 projects in the five mentioned ...
Exports of rice quadruple
Exports of rice from Cambodia have quadrupled in the first part of 2011 according to the Ministry of Commerce. Rising international prices along with high domestic yields have spurred the growth to 80,442 tons of rice being exported compared to 17,144 tons the previous year ...
Sugar concerns raised
Rights groups have alleged that villagers are being pushed off their land to make way for sugar plantations by companies such as LYP Group, owned by Senator Ly Young Phat. The issue was raised with the Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomuoja and the Minister for ...
Unions unite on draft law
7 unions working together have said that they refuse to support a union law that has been drafted as the government has ignored their recommendations. The potential legislation is said to be prohibitively restrictive and the unions have said they will boycott by organizing peaceful ...
Fishermen catch a rough deal
Fish yields have supposedly dropped by 20 to 30 percent according to fisherman, as a result of the destruction of natural marine environments such as mangroves and the increase in the number of people fishing. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries estimated the total number ...
Bank Says No Railway Evictee to Be Left Behind
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has said that the rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways will not be at the expense of those who live along the lines and has pledged to address the issue. Resettlement has been a problem for the rehabilitation but a new plan ...
Registered Businesses UP by 37 Percent, Data Show
Registered businesses have increased in number by 37 percent to approximately 1,528 compared with the same period for 2010. Cambodian Chamber of Commerce officials say that the number of entrepreneurs has increased with them focusing on textiles, agriculture and construction. Cambodia currently has an export ...
Approved Invvestments in May Reach $110 Million
15 new projects worth a total of $110 million have been approved by Cambodia’s investment board in May. The Council for Development of Cambodia has approved two rubber plantations worth $60 million. Cin Qian Investment Co, a Chinese firm, has been approved for developing a ...
Hun Sen OKs Large Amount of State Land to be Privatized
Prime Minister Hun Sen has officially allowed the privatization of 2,580 square meters of state owned land. 646 square meters of the land are in Phnom Penh. The sub-decree means that the land is closer to being eligible for development and sale. ...
CPP Senator’s Company Says $40M Embezzled
The former deputy director of Anco Groups conglomerate and his wife have been denied bail when accused of stealing nearly $40 million. Anco Groups conglomerate is a consumer good vendor, electricity and hotel operator and is owned by Kok An. If convicted the former deputy ...
Premier Breaks Ground for Bridge in Kandal
Prime Minister Hun Sen helped inaugurate the fourth bridge built by the Chinese in Cambodia. The $33 million bridge will span the Tonle Bassac river at Takhmau City. In Phnom Penh, a fifth bridge, dubbed the Cambodian-Chinese Friendship bridge is about to begin construction. ...
Association a shoe-in
Cambodia has approved the creation of a footwear association under the umbrella of the Garment Manufacturers’ Association in Cambodia. 37 of the country’s 38 footwear factories agreed to the creation of a representative body for their industry. The footwear industry is said to have exported ...
Okvau resource’s value at centre of dispute
Gold in Mondolkiri is at the center of a dispute between OZ Minerals and Shin Ha Mining Co Ltd after an alleged breach in contract. OZ Minerals bought out Shin Ha Mining Co Ltd from their joint venture without paying the true value of the ...
Pesticide poisons scores
After the So Ngoun Company sprayed pesticides in Kampot province approximately 90 villagers have become ill. They are being treated for vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness after drinking contaminated water, as the pesticide flowed downstream after some rains. The pesticide was sprayed in order to rid ...
Japanese firm plans Cambodian fund for later this year
Japanese fund manager Asset Design plans to launch a Cambodian equities fund in late 2011. The fund would target large returns after the Kingdom opened its stock exchange this month, an Asset Design executive said yesterday. Asset Design expected the scale of the fund to ...
Vietnam's deep-water links spur Phnom Penh Port growth
Vietnam’s Cai Mep port has contributed to a growth in shipments from the Phnom Penh Autonomous Port this year, Cambodian officials say. The Vietnamese deep-water port, near Ho Chi Minh City, allows cargo to be transferred to ships travelling to more distant markets such as ...
Concern grows over forest concession
Sixty community representatives from Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces expressed concern yesterday over a string of recent economic land concessions granted within the bounds of the Boeung Per Wildlife Sanctuary. At a press conference held in Preah Vihear’s Rovieng district yesterday, they claimed the ...
Sokimex Plans High-Rise Condos for Peninsula
Sokimex Group is set to break ground on six high-rise condominium buildings in Phnom Penh. Originally suspended in 2010 by Sok Kong because of low demand, the project has now been green lit. Phnom Penh property prices fallen 50 percent since 2008. ...
More Concessions Granted in Protected Areas
Six additional economic land concessions have been granted, totaling 46,000 hectares in protected areas. As a means to spur agribusiness companies the concessions include two in Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary in Kompong Speu province. Prime Minister Hun Sen signed in the grants on June 3 ...
Inflation Hits 14-Month High As Food Prices Continue to Rise
Inflation rose to 6.5 percent in May when compared to the same time last year, marking a 14 month high. Consumer prices are also shown to have risen by 1.4 percent with meat, fish and vegetables as the main culprit as they increased as well. ...