GMAC head sets clothing export goal
Cambodia is set for a 30 per cent increase in garment exports this year, according to Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) president Van Sou Ieng. The sector was heavily dependent on foreign buyers, which were increasing their orders as the global economy recovered, he ...
Banking sector grows
The global economic recovery this year continues to benefit Cambodian banks, although insiders said yesterday macro-economic press-ures were still weighing on the industry. Some of Cambodia’s biggest banks had enjoyed a strong 2011 thanks to a rebound in lending, deposits and profits, officials said. Economists, ...
BDO expands Cambodia operations
The former country partner and staff of Grant Thornton Law and Associates in Cambodia have joined the accountancy and advisory firm BDO Malaysia effective July 1, according to a statement. As a result, BDO Cambodia’s team will now comprise over 30 staff and partners, a ...
Overloaded vehicles at issue
Overloaded vehicles are contributing to a more rapid than anticipated deterioration of Cambodia’s road network, experts said yesterday. “The cost of overloading causes problems to everyone involved, but it is easy to control damage if we have good system in place. This is the only ...
1,000 hectare land grab alleged
Villagers in Preah Sihanouk province have accused a businessman of bulldozing almost 1,000 hectares of their farm land in complaints filed to relevant authorities and the provincial court last week. Pin Lean Hun, a village representative, said yesterday rice paddies, vegetable patches and jackfruit trees ...
‘Downgrade’ of railway homes
Compensation for Phnom Penh villagers set to be displaced by railway reconstruction may be insufficient due to a “systematic downgrade” of the value of their homes by the government, a report released yesterday said. The report, issued by the NGO Sahmakum Teang Tnaut, said the ...
BDO expands Cambodia operations
The former country partner and staff of Grant Thornton Law and associates in Cambodia have joined the accountancy and advisory firm BDO Malaysia effective July 1, according to a statement. BDO is one of three accounting firms licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission ...
Overloaded vehicles at issue
Overloaded vehicles are contributing to a more rapid than anticipated deterioriation of Cambodia’s road network, experts said yesterday The ADB has funded an axle-load control programme as part of a US$1 million technical package to support government rehabilitation of about 150 kilometers of the Kingdom’s roads. ...
June Textile Reps Solicit Aid from UN Labor Org
Representatives of the former employees of the June Textile Factory in Phnom Penh on Friday wrote to the International Labor Organization asking for help after they claimed the factory failed to make severance payments won by an Arbitration Council decision two weeks ago. Mr ...
GMAC head sets clothing export goal
Cambodia is set for a 30 per cent increase in garment exports this year, according to Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia [GMAC] President Van Sou Ieng. The sector was heavily dependent on foreign buyers, which were increasing their orders as the global economy recovered, he said. ...
Boeng Kak Residents Ask US Embassy For Help
About 200 Boeung Kak residents gathered in front of the US Embassy in Phnom Penh yesterday, seeking help from US Ambassador Carol Rodley in lobbying to have their housing requirements fulfilled. Arrriving at the embassy yesterday at 7:30 am, villager were told by a guard that ...
Documents revealed in massive fraud case
The documents concern a court case brought by representatives of Hong Kong-based Enviro Group Holdings Limited who are suing John Davies and Lim Lian Tho – both former company directors of Phnom Penh based subsidiary Enviro Corporation (Cambodia) Ltd – and Mark McCluskey, a lawyer ...
Bank Says No Railway Evictee To Be Left Behind
The Asian Development Bank announced yesterday that the organizations behind the rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways, including the government and the Australian development agency, have jointly pledged to address the complaints of people facing eviction from dwellings across the rail lines. The Australian government provided ...
Online launch voice
Internet service provider Online is aiming to compete in the voice call market with its latest product, TalkMobile, a Skype-like application for handsets. Customers buy US$2 a month in credit to use the internet-based TalkMobile, and then pay prices ranging from about 6 cents a ...
Growth in vehicle sales fuelled by bank loans, dealers say
Commercial banks are providing more loans for vehicle purchases, leading to a jump in car sales this year, according to dealers. While the improved domestic economy and effects of the March disasters in Japan on its competitors had improved sales figures of Great Wall vehicles, ...
More money for meat
Meat prices on Phnom Penh’s markets have seen large gains over the first half of the year, according to figures from the Ministry of Commerce’s Trade Promotion Department. Local vendors say the price increase comes due to a decrease in imports, forcing purchases of domestically ...
Online launch voice
Internet Service provider Online is aiming to compete in the voice call market with its latest product, TalkMobile, a Skype-like application for handsets. Customers are not required to connect via Online to use the application and may connect through rival ISPs and mobile companies. ...
Cambodia to Cooperate with Korean Prosecutors
Following a meeting in Seoul yesterday, Cambodian officials have reportedly decided to cooperate with South Korean prosecutors in the investigation of Busan Savings Bank Group, where shareholders are suspected of illegally financing $365 million worth of investments in Cambodia, according to Yonhap News. Busan’s ...
Growth in vehicle sales fuelled by bank loans, dealers say
Commercial banks are providing more loans for vehicle purchases, leading to a jump in car sales this year, according to dealers. While the improved domestic economy and effects of the March disasters in Japan on its competitors had improved sales figures of Great Wall vehicles, increased ...
ANZ Climbs Back Into The Green, Report Says
ANZ Royal Bank posted an $8.1 million profit for 2010 according to the bank’s annual report. A profit of $24.3 million was reported by Acleda. Trade and national payments were shows to have generated substantial earnings for the bank according to the report. ...
More Money For Meat
Meat prices on Phnom Penh’s markets have seen large gains over the first half of the year, according to figures from the Ministry of Commerce’s Trade Promotion Department. Economics Institute of Cambodia Senior Researcher Neou Sieha said yesterday that meat prices had seen significant increase ...
OZ Knew of Gold at M'Kiri Site, Report Shows
OZ Minerals has details revealing the size of gold resources available at its Mondolkiri site and has had them for nearly a year. For withholding the information OZ Minerals could face legal action in Australia. Keo Seima, a partner organization was bought out in 2009 ...
(By Simon Marks, pg. 1)
Kingdom officials in on Busan probe: report
South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported yesterday that Cambodian officials have agreed to assist in the investigation of a scandal ridden South Korean savings bank with investments in the Kingdom. A South Korean investigation has revealed that bank executives and shareholders used deposits to ...
French Premier Signals Investor Frustrations
Prime Minister of France Francois Fillon informed Cambodian officials of the frustration of French investors with Cambodia as agreements were often failing to materialize or were subject to other barriers. Prime Minister Hun Sen met the French Premier along with other officials to discuss investment ...