The Cambodia Daily

Protesters Seek EU, World Bank Presence at Yorm Bopha Hearing

Some 50 representatives of Phnom Penh’s embattled Boeng Kak community on Monday marched to the offices of the European Union and World Bank to request that the international bodies send observers to the upcoming Supreme Court hearing of anti-eviction activist Yorm Bopha on November 22. Ms. ...

Khy Sovuthy and Ben Woods

Japanese Government Awards Chea Sim Order of the Rising Sun

CPP and Senate President Chea Sim was awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun by the Japanese government on Sunday in recognition of his contributions to the strengthening of relations between the two countries. In the 1980s and early 1990s, Mr. Sim, ...

Saing Soenthrith

Massage Parlor Raid Suspects Sent to Court

Seven Vietnamese nationals arrested during simultaneous raids on a pair of massage parlors in central Phnom Penh on Thursday night have been sent to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court for their role in the alleged trafficking of minors, police and a child-protection NGO said Sunday. “We ...

Ben Woods and Mech Dara

2014 Draft Budget Reaches Assembly, Still Under Wraps

The National Assembly’s 12-member permanent committee will take its first look at the country’s $3.54 billion draft budget for 2014 on Monday, though officials are still refusing to offer a breakdown of how the money will be spent. The draft, which allocates more than $400 million ...

Hul Reaksmey

Farmers Accuse Mining Company of Threatening Land Grab

Some 300 farmers protested for a second day at their local commune office in Preah Vihear province Thursday against a mining company they accuse of threatening to steal their land unless they accepted its compensation offer to relocate. The Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy granted ...

Aun Pheap

Cambodia to Sign Accord on Maids to Malaysia

The Cambodian and Malaysian governments will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) within three months that will restart the business of sending Cambodian domestic workers to the country after a two-year moratorium, a Labor Ministry official said Friday. After meeting with representatives from the Malaysian Home ...

Khy Sovuthy

Neutrality of Red Cross in Question After Bun Rany’s Speech

It was the bloodiest battle since Waterloo. Yet the carnage wrought 150 years ago by the Italian and French troops, fighting under Napoleon III, and the forces of the Austrian Hungarian Empire, was overshadowed by its aftermath. While 30,000 had died on the battlefield, more than 40,000 ...

Denise Hruby

Plans to Reform Economy for Asean Integration

Cambodia’s newly appointed minister of commerce said Thursday that he plans to reform the country’s economy ahead of Cambodia’s entrance into the Asean Economic Community (AEC) 2015, though he and other officials did not say how they plan to accomplish that goal. Speaking to reporters on ...

Hul Reaksmey and Joshua Wilwohl

Democracy About More Than Polling Day

The U.N.’s envoy for freedom of as­sembly on Tuesday presented a report to the U.N. General Assem­bly that calls for an approach to election monitoring that looks be­yond polling day to assess wheth­er elections in countries such as Cambodia are “free and fair.” The report, compiled ...

Alex Willemyns and Mech Dara

Cambodia Not Ready for Inter-Country Adoptions

It has been one year since Cambodia announced that it was lifting its ban on intercountry adoptions beginning January 1, 2013, but despite praising Cambodia’s efforts to implement international regulations, countries that ban adoptions of Cambodians said this week that they were no closer to ...

Simon Henderson

After Sam Rainsy’s Call, No Answer From CPP

At about 10 a.m. Thursday morning, during a press conference at the CNRP’s Phnom Penh headquarters, opposition leader Sam Rainsy dialed the phone number of CPP Interior Minister Sar Kheng and told a few dozen reporters in attendance that he would broadcast their conversation over ...

Colin Meyn and Aun Pheap

Evictees, Activists Scuffle With Police in Front of City Hall

Evictees and anti-eviction activists on Wednesday briefly scuffled with police and security guards after cutting off traffic in front of Phnom Penh City Hall to demand that businesswoman Suy Sophan compensate them for homes that were bulldozed early last year. Human rights group Adhoc said at ...

Khuon Narim and Zsombor Peter

New German Ambassador Urges CPP and CNRP to Meet

Germany’s new ambassador to Cambodia, Joachim Baron von Marschall, said Wednesday during a meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister Hor Namhong that he hoped the country’s ruling CPP and opposition CNRP would meet to resolve the post-election uncertainty, an official said. “His Excellency [Mr. Baron von Marschall] ...

Khy Sovuthy

Sam Rainsy To Call Sar Kheng Over Negotiations

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy plans to call CPP Interior Minister Sar Kheng on Thursday to discuss restarting negotiations between the two parties. Mr. Rainsy said that he hoped Mr. Kheng would clarify whether the CPP is unconditionally open to further negotiations, or if the party is ...

Colin Meyn and Kuch Naren

Teenage Pregnancy Rate Stays Constant Over Past Decade

Teenage pregnancies are hindering Cambodia’s development as young mothers are unlikely to finish school and therefore lack job opportunities, government and U.N. officials said at the launch of a global report on adolescent pregnancies on Wednesday. “The Ministry of Women’s Affairs acknowledges that adolescent pregnancies have ...

Denise Hruby

Malaysia Says No Draft Agreement on Maids Yet

Malaysia has not yet received a draft agreement aimed at protecting Cambodian migrant domestic workers from abuse, but the government is pressing Cambodia to lift its two-year moratorium on sending maids, a Malaysian official said Wednesday. In October 2011, Prime Minister Hun Sen imposed a ban ...

Dene-Hern Chen and Eang Mengleng

NCDM Lauds Flood Response, NGO Calls for Better Coordination

National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) Vice President Nhim Vanda on Wednesday lauded the flood response work of the Cambodian Red Cross and government, at a workshop to discuss the country’s National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction where several participants focused on the lack ...

Matt Blomberg and Ben Sokhean

UK Pedophile Came to Cambodia to Teach in Schools

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Wednesday charged convicted British pedophile Richard Fruin, 36, with sexually abusing two brothers, aged 8 and 11, at a guesthouse in Phnom Penh, court officials said. While the court has yet to decide Fruin’s fate, his case—and many similar ...

Kuch Naren and Ben Woods

Cobras Thrown Into Land Dispute Family’s Home

Three highly venomous cobras were thrown early Tuesday morning into the Phnom Penh home of a family locked in a dispute with a private company that wants to develop the family’s land in Tuol Kok district. Ly Sreang Kheng, 58, his wife Mok Siv Hong, 51, ...

Mech Dara

NGOs Say Women Could Help End the Political Impasse

More women should be part of any future high-level negotiations between the ruling CPP and opposition CNRP to resolve the current political deadlock, a coalition of women’s rights NGOs said Tuesday in a statement. In a joint statement by more than 20 organizations, the groups criticized ...

Kuch Naren and Dene-Hern Chen

Doing Business in Cambodia Becoming More Difficult

Cambodia ranked 137 out of 189 countries in the World Bank’s Doing Business 2014 report released Tuesday, the first drop in at least two years that shows conducting business in the country is becoming more difficult. The report ranks countries in 10 categories, including starting a ...

Joshua Wilwohl and Aun Pheap

Governor Tells Cintri to Clean Up Its Act or Lose Contract

Phnom Penh governor Pa Socheatvong has issued an ultimatum to Cintri, the city’s waste disposal company: Clean the streets, and keep them clean, or lose your contract. At a meeting between Cintri, City Hall and all levels of Phnom Penh officials on Monday, Mr. Socheatvong told ...

Ben Sokhean and Matt Blomberg

Disenfranchised Votes Point to Potentially Different Election Result

The Washington-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) on Tuesday shared initial findings from a survey carried out across the country in the wake of July’s national election, which found that one-third of the country’s eligible voters could not vote on election day. Laura Thornton, the NDI’s country ...

Lauren Crothers

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