Economy and commerce

Sugar company axes child labour

Rulling party Senator Ly Yong Phat’s Phnom Penh Sugar Company announced yesterday that it had amended its hiring policy to forbid contractors from employing children, while at the same time, opposition parliamentarian Mu Sochua made public her plans to visit the company to investigate its ...

Businesses Told to Close for 8 Days for King Father's Funeral

Business owners in Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district yesterday said they will not follow a government directive to close their businesses for eight days in observance of the second mourning period for the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk. The order, which was distributed on Sunday to ...

Cambodia's exports to U.S. down 1 pct in 11 months last year

Cambodia exported products in equivalent to 2.49 billion U.S. dollars to the United States in the first eleven months of 2012, down 1 percent from 2.52 billion U.S. dollars it exported at the same period a year earlier, the report of the U.S. Department of ...

Maybank to increase branches in Cambodia to 20, from 12

Maybank Bhd is looking to increase its presence in Cambodia, by raising the number of its branches to 20 from 12 currently. Speaking at a public panel dialogue organised by The Wharton School about the economic prospects of the ASEAN region, Maybank’s CEO Datuk Sri Abdul ...

Cambodian economy expected to grow 7 pct in 2013: official

Cambodia’s GDP is projected to grow by 7 percent this year even though the global economy remains fragile and high risk due to persisting sovereign debt crisis in Europe and sluggish economic recovery in the United States, a commerce official said Monday. Last Tuesday, the ...

Firm to File Criminal Complaint Against Mfone

Norwegian energy firm Eltek Valere will file a criminal complaint today against mobile phone operator Mfone over an agreement that was signed last week to shift Mfone’s existing subscribers to MobiTel, according to a lawyer representing Eltek. The decision by the Thai-owned mobile operator Mfone to ...

Energy security linked to firm borders

Energy supplies will be more secure once territorial disputes between Thailand and Cambodia are resolved, Department of Mineral Fuels director-general Songpob Polchan said on Friday. Mr Songpob said that the sooner Thailand and Cambodia are able to work out their differences, the sooner they can exploit ...

Thaicom's Mfone files for insolvency

Cambodia-based telecommunication operator Mfone, part of the Thaicom group, on Wednesday petitioned for insolvency proceedings in Phnom Penh after facing difficulties in an intensely competitive market and after failing to complete the sale of its shares to INT Management Service Company. “Mfone has been through a ...

Cambodia lacks skilled workforce

Against the backdrop of the slight recovery by world economies, especially the US and Europe, two traditional markets for Cambodia, Asian Development Bank (ADB) deputy country director Peter Brimble sat down with the Post’s group business editor, May Kunmakara, to talk about Cambodia’s economic performance, ...

Socially-Responsible Factory to give better deals to workers

Construction is due to start shortly on a socially responsible sun-glass case and cleaning cloth factory in Siem Reap. Pactics produces 40 per cent of cases and cloths for the larget sun-glass factory in the world, Luxottica, which has brands including Ray Ban, Oakley and ...

Anti-corruption bonus yet to be seen

Customs and Excise Department officials are complaining that a promised salary bonus meant to serve as an incentive to avoid corruption has yet to be doled out, even though the program began last June. The initiative, managed by the Ministry of Economics and Finance, was supposed ...

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen cross border trade

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT), in conjunction with the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce, held the 5th Conference on Vietnam-Cambodia Border Trade Development Cooperation in southern Binh Phuoc province on January 9. According to Minister of Industry and Trade Vu Huy Hoang, bilateral economic ...

Local ISP claims licence overlap is causing losses

At least one internet service provider in Cambodia still claims to have overlapping frequencies, which means losses for the affected company MekongNet. The company’s chief executive, Sok Channda, reported that the internet service provider can’t use the frequencies that were supposed to cover the WiMAX service, ...

Cambodia faces risks from a credit boom, the IMF warns

The International Monetary Fund has warned that a credit boom in Cambodia poses a threat to economic growth. Banks have been cutting interest rates to win customers and private sector credit has increased by almost a third in the past 12 months, the fund said. This ...

Britain life insurer Prudential officially launches operations in Cambodia

The U.K.-based life insurer, Prudential Plc, on Wednesday announced the commencement of its life insurance operations in Cambodia, according to the firm’s press release. Alongside the launch of its business operations, Prudential Cambodia and Acleda Bank, the largest commercial bank in Cambodia, also announced the establishment ...

Angkor Car Reintroduced Without Defects

After delaying mass production of the Angkor Car because of technical difficulties with starting the engine and opening the doors, Heng Development Co. Ltd. on Monday unveiled a new model and said it had severed ties with the Hong Kong-based firm responsible for the original ...

Keep Checkpoints Open, Hun Sen Tells Thai Envoy

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday told the newly appointed Thai Ambassador Touchayoot Pakdi that border checkpoints between the two countries need to remain open in order to promote trade and tourism and combat border crimes. Mr. Hun Sens remarks to Mr Pakdi came during a ...

Cambodia prepares to conserve disappearing cyclos

Cambodia is preparing to conserve the capital’s disappearing cyclos or rickshaws, which used to be a popular means of transport during the French colonial rule about 80 years ago. Cyclo is a three-wheeled bicycle with the driver perched on high above the rear wheel, and the ...

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