
Forest activists issue damning report of logging at Prey Lang

Activist groups from four provinces jointly published a report showing that 41 per cent of new tree stumps at the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary that was recorded over the last two years were the result of illegal logging. The 7th Prey Lang Monitoring Report by ...

Soth Koemsoeun

US senators call for GSP trade privilege cut

Two US senators on Wednesday introduced the Cambodian Trade Act of 2019 bill, requiring the administration to re-examine Cambodia’s eligibility to access the preferential trade treatment granted by the US under the General System of Preferences (GSP). ...

Hor Kimsay

Sihanoukville expressway nears construction

A construction team composed of 200 workers from China has arrived in the Kingdom to begin work on an expressway that will connect Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, with the groundbreaking ceremony expected before the end of March. ...

Chea Vannak

Road repairs increased last year

The Transport Ministry repaired more roads last year when compared to work done in 2017, according to its annual report. In the report issued on Wednesday, the ministry noted it repaired a total of 9,671 kilometres of national and provincial roads, an increase when compared ...

Sen David

Government designates Lumkod lake as protected

The government has decided to set up a protected area of more than 100 hectares in Ratanakkiri province to protect the environment, biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources. A sub-decree, dated December 25 and published by the Environment Ministry yesterday, said the government decided ...

Pech Sotheary

Kingdom’s rice exports down 1.5%

The Kingdom’s rice exports saw a 1.5 per cent drop last year compared to 2017 due to the industry’s lingering challenges – the cost of production and competition with the international market. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries figures show that the country exported 626,225 ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Ministry institutes new permanent secretariat to prevent forest crimes

A forestry administration spokesman on Thursday said the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries had recently created a new permanent secretariat to prevent all types of forestry crimes, with a particular focus on illegal rosewood trading. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Government denies claims former Thai PM Yingluck issued Cambodian passport

Government officials on Thursday denied claims that a Cambodian passport was issued to former Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who reportedly used it to register a company in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong-based English language South China Morning Post (SCMP) on Wednesday reported Hong Kong ...

Niem Chheng

Chinese warships dock in Cambodia to boost 'military cooperation'

Three hulking Chinese warships docked in Cambodia Wednesday for a four-day visit, as Beijing parades its naval prowess alongside its staunch Southeast Asian ally. China is the largest investor in Cambodia and has pumped billions into the economy while asking few questions about its abysmal ...

The Economic Times

Calm urged as garment workers go against the grain

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday urged thousands of garment workers to stop demanding one-time payments of owed seniority indemnity because their strike and protest actions are against the law and could lead to more factories closing. ...

Mom Kunthear

PM calls for halt to ‘illegal’ protests

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday called on labour unions to immediately stop organising demonstrations and strikes to “illegally” demand benefits from factory owners. He said such actions could spin out of hand and force around two-thirds of the Kingdom’s factories, approximately 800 of the ...

Long Kimmarita

Ministry of Interior sets up checkpoint working group

The Ministry of Interior on Tuesday established a working group to study the opening of new border checkpoints along the Kingdom’s frontier with neighbouring countries. Interior Minister Sar Kheng signed a letter appointing Sok Phal and Lam Chea as head and deputy of the committee, ...

Mech Dara

King signs Article 45 amendment paving way for opposition return

The change to Article 45 of the Law on Political Parties has gone into effect after King Norodom Sihamoni signed off on the amendment on Sunday. It gives the prime minister the power to request the return of political rights to those banned by the ...

Niem Chheng

Illegal logging still rampant in four provinces: PLCN

The Prey Lang Community Network yesterday claimed that its patrols have found that illegal logging is still rampant in Kratie, Kampong Thom, Stung Treng and Preah Vihear provinces and urged the relevant ministries and authorities to strengthen enforcement. ...

Pech Sotheary

Ethnic villagers ask government return land

Mondulkiri provincial ethnic community members on Friday demanded that the National Authority on Land Dispute Resolution return land they claim was taken from them by illegal settlers, as well as government departments. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Workers to protest mass lay-off

Protests initially started almost two weeks ago over pay and conditions. The factory subsequently issued an ultimatum – supported by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court – that striking workers return to their jobs within 48 hours or they would be terminated. The workers responded to ...

Long Kimmarita

Sar Kheng: Return of Sokha up to courts

Interior Minister Sar Kheng said on Thursday that the reinstatement of opposition leader Kem Sokha’s political rights, which would open the door for his possible return to the political stage, was purely dependent on legal proceedings as his court case is ongoing. ...

Mech Dara and Voun Dara

Tonle Sap Vietnamese to stay on river for now

Kampong Chhnang provincial authorities announced they have allowed 750 ethnic Vietnamese families living on the Tonle Sap river to stay until July, after more than 3,000 other Vietnamese families voluntarily relocated to designated areas on higher ground. Provincial governor Chhour Chandoeun said authorities made the decision ...

Voun Dara

NA ratifies law amendments

The National Assembly on Thursday ratified two amendments to laws intended to improve the representation and efficiency of sub-national administrations and local elections. This is part of an ongoing effort to decentralise power in the Kingdom. ...

Mech Dara

Outlook good for the Kingdom’s agro sector

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries expressed optimism that this year would be another good year for the sector, with ministry spokesman Srey Vuthy saying many agro-processing factories are expected to commence operation this year. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Commission to review education sub-decree

The government plans to create a commission to review the national qualifications framework in order to improve the quality of education in the Kingdom. The establishment of the commission followed a request by Heng Vanda, Chairman of Cambodian Higher Education Association, during a meeting with ...

Ven Rathavong

Political parties grow by six to 44 after registration last year

Forty-four political parties are registered to legally conduct activities in the Kingdom, according to an Interior Ministry report. The report, obtained by Khmer Times yesterday, said six new parties were registered last year, bringing the total to 44. ...

Taing Vida

Ministry praises redevelopment of White Building as ‘model for future’

The Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has released a book detailing the process of development at the site of Phnom Penh’s White Building leading to the iconic structure’s demolition in 2017. ...

Niem Chheng

Three million young people attend school

While Unesco’s Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/8 says 264 million young people worldwide are not attending school, according to the 2017-2018 national statistics 3,143,252 Cambodians were enrolled. ...

Voun Dara

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