គ្រោះមហន្តរាយ និងការឆ្លើយតបក្នុងគ្រាអាសន្ន
តម្លៃដំឡូងមីនៅ ខេត្តប៉ៃលិន នៅរដូវប្រមូលផលនេះមានការកើនឡើងបន្តិច ខណៈទិន្នផលធ្លាក់ចុះដោយសារបញ្ហាអាកាសធាតុ។ នេះបើតាមការឲ្យដឹងពីមន្ត្រីមន្ទីរកសិកម្ម ខេត្តប៉ៃលិន។ លោក ឆេន ឆិន អនុប្រធានមន្ទីរកសិកម្ម ខេត្តប៉ៃលិន មានប្រសាសន៍កាលពីម្សិលមិញថា ដោយសារតែភ្លៀងធ្លាក់ និងទឹក ...
ចាន់ មុយហុង
អគ្គិភ័យដ៏ខ្លាំងមួយនៅក្នុងខណ្ឌមានជ័យ រាជធានីភ្នំពេញបានបំផ្លាញផ្ទះចំនួន២២ខ្នងកាលពីរំលងអធ្រាត្រម្សិលមិញ ខណៈដែលអ្នកភូមិបាននាំគ្នាពុះពារពន្លត់អណ្តាតភ្លើង ហើយក្រុមអ្នកពន្លត់អគ្គិភ័យប្រញាយគ្នាពន្លត់ដែរ។ លោក នេត វ៉ាន់ថា ប្រធានការិយាល័យ ...
ផ្ទះ ៩៨ ខ្នងនិងសាលា ៦ អគាររងការខូចខាតពីភ្លៀងខ្យល់
យ៉ាងហោចមានផ្ទះ ៩៨ ខ្នងនិងសាលារៀន ៦ ខ្នងនៅក្នុង ស្រុកថ្មពួក ខេត្តបន្ទាយមានជ័យ បានរងការខូចខាតយ៉ាងដំណំ បន្ទាប់ពីមានភ្លៀងនិងខ្យល់បោកបក់ខ្លាំងកាលពីរសៀលថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ។ លោក ឌៀប ឈុន អភិបាលរង ស្រុកថ្មពួក បានឲ្យដឹងថា នៅម៉ោង ១ កន្លះថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ មានភ្លៀងខ្យល់ខ្លាំងគ្របដណ្ដប់លើ ...
ឃុត សុភចរិយា
អេឌីប៊ីនិងអូស្ត្រាលីផ្តល់ប្រាក់ដល់កម្ពុជាក្នុងការស្តារគ្រោះមហន្តរាយទឹកជំនន់ កាលពីចុងឆ្នាំ២០១៣
ភ្នំពេញ: ធនាគារអភិវឌ្ឍន៍អាស៊ីហៅកាត់ថាអេឌីប៊ី(ADB)នឹងផ្តល់ទឹកប្រាក់ ចំនួន៨១,៧លានដុល្លារបន្ថែមខណៈដែលចំនួន៦,៧លានដុល្លារផ្តល់ដោយ រដ្ឋាភិបាលអូស្ត្រាលីដើម្បីជួយដល់កម្ពុជាក្នុងគ្រោះមហន្តរាយ ទឹកជំនន់កាលពីចុងឆ្នាំ២០១៣។មហន្តរាយនោះប៉ះពាល់ដល់ប្រជាជន ១,៧ លាននាក់ និងបណ្តាល់ឲ្យ ...
គណៈកម្មាធិការជាតិគ្រប់គ្រងគ្រោះមហន្តរាយបានចេញរបាយការណ៍មួយកាលពីម្សិលមិញដោយបង្ហាញថា ថវិកាចំនួនតែ ៣៥៦ លានដុល្លារប៉ុណ្ណោះត្រូវបានចំណាយលើការស្តារហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន្ធឡើងវិញដែលត្រូវបានខូចខាតដោយសារទឹកជំនន់ឆ្នាំមុនគឺតិច ...
សែន ដាវិត
គណៈកម្មាធិការជាតិគ្រប់គ្រងគ្រោះមហន្តរាយបាននិយាយកាលពីម្សិលមិញថា ខ្លួនត្រូវការមូល ...
Matt Blomberg និង បែន សុខហ៊ាន
ភ្លៀងខ្យល់កក់ខែខូចខាតផ្ទះជិត ៧០០ ខ្នង
ផ្ទះចំនួន ៦៧៥ ខ្នងក្នុងខេត្តចំនួន ៨ បានរងការខូចខាតដោយសារខ្យល់ព្យុះកន្ត្រាក់ និងបណ្តាលឲ្យមនុស្សម្នាក់ស្លាប់និង ៨ នាក់ទៀតរងរបួសធ្ងន់និងស្រាល។ យោងតាមរបាយការណ៍របស់អាជ្ញាធរជាតិគ្រប់គ្រងគ្រោះមហន្តរាយបានឲ្យដឹងថា គិតចាប់ពីដើមសប្តាហ៍ ទី២ នៃ ខែមីនា រហូត ...
ឃួន លក្ខិណា
ខណៈមានសេចក្តីរាយការណ៍ថា រន្ទះបាញ់បានសម្លាប់មនុស្ស ៣នាក់ និងរបួស ៤នាក់ ហើយខ្យល់កន្ត្រាក់បានបំផ្លាញផ្ទះសម្បែងអ្នកស្រុករាប់រយខ្នងនៅដើម ឆ្នាំ២០១៤ នេះ ក្រសួង ធនធានទឹកនិងឧតុនិយម កាលពីថ្ងៃពុធបានអំពាវនាវឲ្យប្រជាពលរដ្ឋមានការប្រុងប្រយ័ត្នខ្ពស់ទៅលើ ...
ឃួន លក្ខិណា
Flooding Caused Evacuation of 31,000 Houses
More than 31,000 households were evacuated and 168 people died across 20 provinces during this year’s rainy-season flooding, according to the Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF), which released its final report on the flooding Monday. In general, flooding did not affect Cambodia as badly as in 2011, ...
Denise Hruby and Ben Sokhean
Kids key in disaster planning
Stronger disaster planning is needed to avoid future devastation and loss of life caused by flooding, according to a report published by World Vision yesterday. The report, titled Cities Prepare, recommends that the Cambodian government and civil society work to place “a stronger emphasis on disaster risk ...
Daniel Pye
China Surprises Governor With Lesser Donation
Banteay Meanchey province’s former governor got a surprise Monday when he attended a ceremony in Phnom Penh expecting to receive a donation of 200 power tillers from Chinese officials, but received eight small water pumps instead. Former Banteay Meanchey governor Oung Oeun and the governor ...
Ben Sokhean
China provides agricultural engines to Cambodia for post-flood rehabilitation
China’s Yunnan province on Monday provided 200 agricultural engines to Cambodia’s northwestern Banteay Meanchey province for post-flood rehabilitation. A handover ceremony was held here between Yu Dingcheng, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial People ‘s Congress, and Oung Oeun, chief of the ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
China provides agricultural engines to Cambodia for post-flood rehabilitation
China’s Yunnan province on Monday provided 200 agricultural engines to Cambodia’s northwestern Banteay Meanchey province for post-flood rehabilitation. A handover ceremony was held here between Yu Dingcheng, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial People ‘s Congress, and Oung Oeun, chief of the ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
ADB provides 3 mln USD to Cambodia for flood relief
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing emergency humanitarian assistance of 3 million U.S. dollars to help Cambodia recover from devastating floods that have affected 1.7 million people and caused an estimated 1 billion U.S. dollars in damage, the Bank said in a statement on ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
Villagers prepare for storm
Cambodians in the northern provinces are preparing for the remnants of super-storm Typhoon Haiyan, though forecasts now predict it will only mildly affect the Kingdom. In a warning issued on Friday, the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology said high winds and heavy rainfall would likely ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Laignee Barron
Hun Sen to blame, says lawmaker
Earlier this week, Prime Minister Hun Sen called for urgent fortification of Cambodia’s resistance to climate change, singling out recent flooding as evidence of the severe consequences the country faces. But at a press conference yesterday, opposition lawmaker Mu Sochua accused the Prime Minister of weakening ...
Meas Sokchea
Three dead after storms hit
Three people have died, six remain missing and more than 100 homes have been affected by heavy rains that began on Wednesday in Kampong Chhnang and Kandal provinces, local authorities said yesterday. Prak Sophorn, director of the Kampong Chnnang provincial Cambodian Red Cross office, said yesterday ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Cambodia to Keep a Close Eye on Severe Typhoon Haiyan
Authorities said Thursday they were closely watching the development of the world’s biggest storm to materialize so far this year as it hits the Philippines today before moving west toward Vietnam and Cambodia in the following days. “Our first step is to keep a close eye ...
Mech Dara
VN donates rice to victims of Cambodian floods
The National Assembly of Viet Nam presented 1,000 tonnes of rice to Cambodian flood victims at a ceremony held in Phnom Penh yesterday. The latest floods took the lives of 80 people and resulted in economic losses of around US$1 billion. ...
Saigon-GP Daily News Staff
Climate change becomes strategic challenge, needs joint attention: Cambodian PM
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Tuesday that climate change has now become a strategic challenge to development that requires urgent and joint attention. “Climate change is no longer a remote case, but is affecting all of us in the present and become one of the ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
Inmates to return to soaked cells
All 842 prisoners evacuated from Banteay Meanchey provincial prison after water pressure caused a wall to collapse in early October will be sent back there next week – despite only minimal repairs having been undertaken to the flood-damaged building, a rights worker said yesterday said ...
May Titthara
2014 Draft Budget Reaches Assembly, Still Under Wraps
The National Assembly’s 12-member permanent committee will take its first look at the country’s $3.54 billion draft budget for 2014 on Monday, though officials are still refusing to offer a breakdown of how the money will be spent. The draft, which allocates more than $400 million ...
Hul Reaksmey
Neutrality of Red Cross in Question After Bun Rany’s Speech
It was the bloodiest battle since Waterloo. Yet the carnage wrought 150 years ago by the Italian and French troops, fighting under Napoleon III, and the forces of the Austrian Hungarian Empire, was overshadowed by its aftermath. While 30,000 had died on the battlefield, more than 40,000 ...
Denise Hruby
China donates 1 mln U.S. dollars to Cambodia for flood victims
China on Thursday donated one million U.S. dollars to Cambodia for the relief of the flood- affected people. Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Bu Jianguo handed over the cash donation to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen at the Peace Palace in the Cambodian capital. Bu, on behalf of ...
Xinhuanet News Staff