CNRP Demands TV Station, NEC Reform, New Voter Registry

The opposition CNRP on Sunday set new conditions for ending nearly two months of political deadlock over the national election that both it and the ruling CPP claim to have won, ahead of scheduled negotiations between the two parties this morning. The opposition is now demanding reforms to the National Election Committee (NEC), a new national voter registry, and its own television station in order for negotiations to move forward. CNRP spokesman Yim Sovann announced the opposition’s conditions to a crowd of tens of thou- sands of supporters protesting in central Phnom Penh against the official results of the July 28 poll, which the CPP won despite unresolved reports of widespread voting-day irregularities. … The opposition, along with rights groups and election monitors, have long complained about the local media, most of which is either owned by the CPP or party sympathizers and which regularly ignores, downplays or skews coverage of the opposition. The same groups have also rebuked the NEC, stacked with former CPP officials, for consistently favoring the ruling party. Heading into July’s poll, monitors who audited the voter list said it was even more flawed than the one in 2008 and threatened to disenfranchise more than one million people. … The opposition has threatened to boycott the scheduled opening of the National Assembly later this month in the absence of an impartial investigation, a condition Ms. Sochua stood by Sunday. … The CPP and CNRP agreed to this morning’s negotiations—which will be led by Prime Minister Hun Sen and CNRP president Sam Rainsy and are aimed at finding a way to avoid a boycott—during a brief meeting with King Norodom Sihamoni at the Royal Palace on Saturday. …

Hul Reaksmey and Zsombor Peter