CNRP ready to talk

Following a high-level meeting yesterday, Cambodia National Rescue Party leader Sam Rainsy said that his party would seek to restart negotiations with the ruling party and possibly join the government.

The move marks an apparent about-turn from a party press conference held on Wednesday when Rainsy threatened a general strike against the “illegitimate” government and said the CNRP’s leverage would be strongest if it remained outside parliament.

“I just want to inform you that we would consider taking up seats in the National Assembly after we hold negotiations with the CPP,” Rainsy told the Post yesterday evening. …

Rainsy added that his party had drawn up a list of 10 demands, the first of which remains an investigation to “assess and address” election irregularities.

Immediate measures required by the opposition would include a halt of deforestation and land grabs by private companies granted economic land concessions. …

Following the approval of the cabinet in a single, unanimous vote at the National Assembly on Tuesday, Prime Minister Hun Sen told reporters that the CPP – for its part – still had “the door open for renegotiation” with the opposition. …

Hun Sen on Wednesday threatened to release recordings on Facebook proving the CNRP had agreed to abandon its call for an investigation in return for top National Assembly positions during negotiations last week. …

Kevin Ponniah