Death Toll Rises Even as Floodwaters Recede

As floodwaters begin to recede, the extent of the humanitarian crisis and infrastructural damage is slowly being revealed, and in many places the situation is potentially worse than it was following the de­vastating floods in 2011, according to the National Com­mit­tee for Dis­as­ter Management (NCDM). Keo Vy, cabinet director of the NCDM, said on Wednesday that 139 people are now confirmed dead from the flooding, while the number of those affected by the floods continues to rise. According to a new report, which was prepared by organizations engaged in the nationwide flood re­sponse, 17 provinces have been hit by flooding since the third week of September, affecting more than 377,000 households and resulting in the evacuation of more than 26,000 families—or about 120,000 people. …

Simon Henderson and Ben Sokhean