Information Minister Fears Repeat of 2003 Riots

Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said Monday that the deployment last week of armored personnel carriers (APCs) and soldiers is necessary to prevent an outbreak of post-election violence akin to the anti-Thai riots that gripped Phnom Penh more than 10 years ago. Speaking to reporters at the Information Ministry, Mr. Kanharith said the government wants to avoid a scenario similar to the “bitter experience” of the January 29, 2003, anti-Thai riots during which a mob went on a six-hour-long, $56-million-dollar rampage and burned down the Thai Embassy and a dozen Thai businesses. … The opposition CNRP—which like the CPP claims to have won last month’s election—has threatened mass demonstrations if there is no investigation into alleged irregularities at the polls. “If anybody wants to make a demonstration, those who lead the demonstration shall be responsible before the law if there are problems,” Mr. Kan­harith said. … Both before and after the July 28 national election, Mr. Hun Sen has repeatedly warned of violence. Speaking on August 2 during a two-hour address to villagers in Kandal province, he said that any demonstrations against the outcome of the election would be met by pro-result rallies on behalf of his CPP, and that chaos in the streets would likely ensue and force small businesses to close down. While the CNRP says it only intends to hold peaceful demonstrations as a last resort if the ruling CPP and National Election Committee (NEC) do not properly investigate electoral irregularities, armored personnel carriers were spotted last week being deployed in several locations around Phnom Penh. …

Kuch Naren and Lauren Crothers