ក្រុមកម្លាំងរដ្ឋាភិបាលទប់ស្កាត់ការនេសាទខុសច្បាប់នៅបឹងទន្លេសាប បានបំផ្លាញសំណាញ់ប្រវែងជាង ១០០ គីឡូម៉ែត្រ និងឧបករណ៍ផ្សេងទៀតដែលត្រូវបានរឹបអូសនៅក្នុងខេត្តកំពង់ឆ្នាំង និងកំពង់ធំនៅក្នុងខែនេះ នេះបើដឹងពីក្រុមមន្ត្រីកាលពីថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ។ ...
សហគមន៍ខេត្តបីអំពាវនាវឲ្យឡាវបញ្ឈប់គម្រោងទំនប់ ដនសាហុង
សហគមន៍និងអង្គការក្រៅរដ្ឋាភិបាលបានអំពាវនាវឲ្យបញ្ឈប់ទំនប់វារីអគ្គិសនី ដនសាហុង ដោយលើកឡើងថា គម្រោងនេះគ្មានការពិគ្រោះយោបល់ទូលំទូលាយជាមួយនឹងពលរដ្ឋ ៦០ លាននាក់នៅអាងទន្លេមេគង្គ ហើយវានឹងធ្វើឲ្យប៉ះពាល់ធ្ងន់ធ្ងរដល់ពលរដ្ឋកម្ពុជាជាង ៦ លាននាក់។ ...
ផាក់ ស៊ាងលី
នៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលចែកចាយត្រីច្រាំងចម្រេះក្នុងខណ្ឌប្ញស្សីកែវ រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ អ្នកជួញ ...
ហ្ចច ស្ទីល្លីស
ការនាំចេញផលនេសាទកម្ពុជាសរុបក្នុងរយៈពេល ៣ខែ ដំបូងកើនឡើងតិចតួចធៀបរយៈពេលដូចគ្នាក្នុង ឆ្នាំ២០១៣។ នេះបើយោងតាមតួលេខចេញដោយក្រសួង កសិកម្ម រុក្ខាប្រមាញ់ និងនេសាទ។ តួលេខបង្ហាញថា នៅត្រីមាស ទី១ ឆ្នាំនេះ កម្ពុជា នាំចេញផលនេសាទបាន ៤ ៨០០ តោនកើនឡើង ៦,៦៦ ភាគរយធៀបនឹងរយៈពេល ...
ចាន់ មុយហុង
អាជ្ញាធរារំាងការដង្ហែក្បួនប្រឆាំងនឹងទំនប់របស់ប្រទេសឡាវ ដោយសារចូលឆ្នាំខ្មែរ
ក្រុមមន្ត្រីនិងសកម្មជនបានឲ្យដឹងថា អាជ្ញាធរខេត្តកំពង់ចាមបានរារាំងសកម្មជនរាប់រយនាក់មិនឲ្យដើរក្បួនកាលពីម្សិលមិញដើម្បីលើកឡើង ...
ឃួន ណារីម និង ហ៊ុល រស្មី
ច្រើនជំនាន់មកហើយ ដែលអ្នកភូមិអណ្តែតទឹកបានរស់នៅសម្របទៅតាមបឹងទន្លេសាប ដែលជាបឹងទឹកសាបធំបំផុតនៅអាស៊ីអាគ្នេយ៍ តែរបៀបរស់នៅបែបទំនើប និងបរិមាណត្រីថយចុះបានបង្ខំឲ្យពួកគេកែប្រែរបៀបរស់នៅតាមទម្លាប់នេះ។ ...
បុគ្គលិកសារព័ត៌មាន New Vision
Annual Prahok Season Threatened by Poor Catch
Cambodia’s annual prahok season began Wednesday along the Tonle Sap River, with fishermen unloading boatloads of tiny fish onto weigh stations along the riverbank. But due to low water levels during this year’s five-day migration season, fishermen and buyers were predicting a poor catch, both in ...
Sesan Dam Approval Angers Villagers, Human Rights Groups
The government approved the Lower Sesan 2 dam project in Stung Treng province without any prior consultation with the most affected communities in Sesan district, where at least 5,000 people stand to be displaced, rights groups and villagers said yesterday. A study published earlier this ...
Fish output likely to drop
Fishery resources could fall this year because of a lack of flooding along rivers and waterways impeding fish from travelling freely or finding food to encourage their growth, a fishery official says. Sam Nov, deputy general director of Fishery Administration at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and ...
Dai Fishing Targeted in Mekong Conservation Zone
Fisheries Administration patrols increased on the Mekong River in Kratie and Stung Treng provinces to prevent fishermen from using dai fishing methods as the seasonal fish migration period begins. However, the Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT), an umbrella group of national and international organizations, said the ...
Tonle Sap illegal fishing increased, group says
Tonle Sap fishermen and fisheries experts said yesterday that illegal fishing on the lake had increased substantially since Prime Minister Hun Sen cancelled commercial fishing lots in March and urged authorities to crack down on violators. The prime minister suspended commercial lots across the country last ...
Net widens on fishing trap ban
Less than a week after banning commercial fishing in Tonle Sap Lake, Prime Minister Hun Sen issued a sub-decree on Monday extending the ban to four provinces along the Mekong River. According to the sub-decree, signed March 5 and released publicly yesterday, commercial fishing will be ...
Hun Sen annuls results of bids for fishing lots
After discovering that government officials had fixed a bidding process for companies interested in operating fishing lots on the Mekong River, Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday annulled the results of the bidding and rescheduled it for next year. Speaking at a plenary session at the ...
Closure of illegal fishing lots boosts catch
An official with the Fisheries Administration predicted yesterday that the annual fish catch would increase this year by about 20 percent over last year, saying that recent efforts to reduce illegal fishing practices around the Tonle Sap lake had contributed to the jump ...