CPP Lawmaker Says Election Monitor Could Face Legal Action

CPP lawmaker Chheang Vun said Wednesday that the National Assembly will take legal action against the Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (Comfrel) for causing “chaos” in society by reporting the day before the national election that the indelible voter ink could be easily washed off. “On [July] 26, the campaign ended and the 27th was a day of calm, but on the 27th, Comfrel committed an act that is not acceptable according to the election law. They made chaos using black ink,” Mr. Vun told reporters at the National Assembly following a ceremony during which Vietnamese Ambassador Ngo Anh Dzung donated 1,000 tons of rice to flood victims in Cambodia. … Koul Panha, executive director of Comfrel, said Wednesday that his NGO had no obligation to answer to the National Assembly, adding that the ruling party seemed to be trying to bully its way toward election credibility. …

Mech Dara and Colin Meyn