Interior ministry blames country’s increased crime on CNRP

The total number of serious and minor crimes in Cambodia increased by 1 percent, or 27 cases, in 2013 compared to the previous year, while Phnom Penh’s crime rate rose by 62 percent, a report released by the Interior Ministry on Tuesday says—laying the blame for the increase on the opposition CNRP. There were 790 recorded felonies, which include murder, rape and aggravated theft, in 2013, a decrease of 48 cases from 2012. Misdemeanors, which include fraud, theft and sexual abuse numbered 1,926 in 2013, an increase of 75 cases, or 3.8 percent, on 2012. In Phnom Penh there were 775 crimes reported last year, up 62.4 percent from 477 in 2012. …

Khy Sovuthy