Losses Point to Differences Between Public, Private CPP Support

At Chak Angre Krom Primary School in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district on Sunday, 82-year-old Kat Om slowly made his way out of one of the classrooms, his forefinger darkened with ink. Mr. Om is a seasoned voter, having thrown his support behind the ruling CPP—which claims to have a staggering 5.7 million members—at every election since 1993. That was until this weekend. “I have now changed my mind because I need some things to change,” he said, declining to name the party to which his support had swung. “That’s what I think.” Mr. Om was one of a substantial number of people who have long publicly supported the ruling party, only to have voted for another party when ticking their ballot paper in private, leading the CPP’s stake of 90 seats in the National Assembly to fall to an estimated 68. …

The Cambodia Daily