Military Police Receive Training for Violent Demonstrations

More than one thousand military police officers on Saturday participated in simulated exercises designed to prepare them should demonstrations over the contested results of last month’s national election break out, officials said Sunday. The officers, clad in bulletproof vests, were trained in crowd control and riot response tactics, playing out possible scenarios of how to react to mass protests, including the use of shields and electric batons. “We trained them in our strategy to prevent mass demonstrations,” military police spokesman Kheng Tito said Sunday of the exercises that took place at Phnom Penh’s Olympic Stadium. … CNRP spokesman Yim Sovann reiterated Sunday that a mass protest would only be called if negotiations over an independent investigation into election irregularities broke down. “There is no date for a demonstration, it’s the last choice and for the time being we still have room for a peaceful solution,” Mr. Sovann said, adding that any demonstrations by the party would be peaceful. However, Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said that it was the government’s duty to ensure that the military was trained to react appropriately to protests. …

Denise Hruby and Saing Soenthrith