Sam Rainsy Wants Ruling and Opposition Parties Declared Joint Winners

Cambodia’s opposition leader Sam Rainsy called Friday for election officials to declare his party and Prime Minister Hun Sen’s party joint victors in recent polls saying the move would be a first step toward resolving a deadlock over the disputed election. With the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) named co-winners, there could be a “balance of power,” he said. He did not say whether the CNRP was willing to join a coalition government with the CPP, nor was he specific on what CNRP wanted in return if the two parties were declared joint winners of the July 28 polls, which the opposition claims were marred by fraud and other irregularities. … Sam Rainsy said that the CNRP, which claims it won the polls, was prepared to make a concession that both parties won the elections to pave the way for them to “share equal responsibilities.” “We are making a concession and we are requesting the CPP also make a concession,” he told reporters in Phnom Penh. In an immediate reaction, the CPP said it may be prepared to accept that the two parties were joint winners in name at least but pointed out that it would still have to play a major role in parliament and in the government according to the seats it earned. The CNRP is welcome to join parliament as long as the CPP leads it, senior CPP lawmaker Chheang Von said. …

Radio Free Asia News Staff