Sok An, US Ambassador Discuss Formation of National Assembly

Deputy Prime Minister Sok An met with the top U.S. diplomat in Cambodia on Friday to discuss the formation of the country’s National Assembly following the disputed July 28 election. Both the ruling CPP and opposition CNRP claim to have won the ballot, and the opposition has called for an investigation, with international involvement, into allegations of large-scale irregularities at polling stations. The U.S. is yet to publicly recognize any result and the U.S. State Department has said there must be a credible investigation into allegations of electoral irregularities. “Both sides have discussed at length about the process to move forward to the opening of the first Session of the Fifth Legislature of National Assembly of the formation of the Royal Government of Cambodia,” says a statement issued by the Council of Ministers’ Press and Quick Reaction Unit following the meeting between Mr. An and U.S. Ambassador William Todd. “The two sides have also exchanged their views on how to broaden the good bilateral relations between the two countries and peoples in light of this General Election outcome which is the will of the general population of Cambodia,” the statement adds. Earlier in July, U.S. Congress discussed the possibility of cutting U.S. aid to Cambodia if the elections were not deemed free and fair. …

Simon Lewis