UN Expert Appeals For Restraint Over Cambodian Crisis

A United Nations independent human rights expert urged restraint by all sides today after military police opened fire on striking garment workers in Phnom Penh, reportedly killing at least four people, as high social and political tensions in Cambodia boiled over into deadly clashes. In statement issued by the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR), Surya P. Subedi, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, reiterated his appeal for calm after the incident, which is the third time since the disputed July 2013 general election that the authorities have shot into a crowd and caused fatalities. … Mr. Subedi also expressed concern that some demonstrators were increasingly resorting to violence and had been throwing stones and damaging property He called on them, “regardless of the reason for their protest, to exercise maximum restraint.” The Special Rapporteur again called for meaningful negotiations over the demands by garment workers, who began protesting several weeks ago for an increase in the minimum wage. …

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