PPMM #23: Atlas of Cambodia 2013, Hazard Mapping, GQIS 2.2

Phnom Penh MapMeetup23 Hello folks: We hope the new year is treating you well and that 2014 is filled with exciting projects, opportunities for learning, and peace. Due to last month’s holiday festivities, we cancelled a meet-up. We started 2014 with our 23rd …and are looking forward to new exciting topics. Many of you have asked about the Atlas of Cambodia 2013, which is a collaborative project between Open Development Cambodia and Save Cambodia’s Wildlife. Seila Nhiep, the master cartographer for the new edition, will present to you the Atlas 2013 catalog on the ODC website. Our friend Paul Conrad from People in Need will speak about hazard mapping, a project he has recently finalized. Last but not least, Mathieu Pellerin will share with you new features of the up-and-coming QGIS 2.2. See you on Tuesday. PPMM Team PS: If you have suggestions for February’s meetup, please share with the group.