Introducing ODC Director Thy Try

ODC Director Thy Try

ODC Director Thy Try

We are happy to introduce Thy Try, Open Development Cambodia’s new director as of today. Try has been involved with ODC as a member of the advisory board since 2011. He previously coordinated a project of Development and Partnership in Action (DPA). In this role, Try worked with indigenous communities, community based organisation and NGOs to build their capacity and implement joint monitoring and advocacy, related to the social and environmental aspects of the mining, oil and gas sector in Cambodia. He has experience working with companies and government ministries within the extractive industry sector. He also has experience working with the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) as Human Right Investigator as well as experience working with Indochina Research Ltd, a private company working on social and commercial research.

Try’s leadership and experience will be critical to ODC’s development, as it progresses toward being registered as a local NGO. Until registration, ODC remains under the auspices of EWMI, which continues to provide significant technical assistance and funding support.

Contact tact Thy Try.